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Aylestone Voice

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Everything posted by Aylestone Voice

  1. Just how many years is it going to take for the transport hub to be provided at the railway station? Once that is in place the existing bus station (with the cinema) can be redeveloped to provide housing. Surely it is not that difficult?
  2. Why is so much through traffic still allowed to use Newmarket/Blueschool Streets when the plan was for it to use the Link Road, This would then allow work to those streets so as to provide an easier pedestrian connection between the OLM and the city centre and a more pleasant environment?
  3. What is "the ongoing development of the river as a tourist attraction"? Are we ever going to see the transport hub at the railway station? Electric buses are a great idea but they are of little difference to diesel for the passenger if they just sit in a queue of traffic
  4. It would be interesting to see the results of the public consultation and how those responses influenced the final decision. As I commented in my own response I would not expect any notice at to be taken at all of what the public think
  5. Well as I understand it the route is a public bridleway and the Council have the responsibility to keep it open for use. The only message that this prolonged closure sends out like in so many other areas is that the Council cannot be bothered. After all it is not really a major route for residents and tourists is it?
  6. OK I may be a bit biased! Not delivered Transport Hub at the Station - how difficult is it? Not fixed the road to Fownhope Not fixed the path by the Old Bridge Still paying for scaffolding at Fryers Court - how many years now Thousands paid out to consultants Still no realistic prospect of the cycle lane in St Owens Street Wasted money on cycle lanes in Commercial Road Roads very poor - e.g. Folly Lane and and Eign Road Effectively ripped up the Core Strategy Still not building more houses by the Link Road Blueschool Street/Newmarket Street still open to all vehicles - link road was meant to divert north=south traffic from them Delivered Please help with this!! Am happy to be corrected on the above
  7. Frankly this to me shows how pathetic the HA is. For the time they took to block it up and put up the signs the same gang could have pumped the water out. They knew it was flooded so why did they not turn up with a pump? Mind you notwithstanding it is the HA responsibility the Council/BBLP could have stepped in.
  8. Hooked! Having said that I guess anybody who has mobility issues, a delivery or a heavy parcel would face the same issues they have now in High Town, Commercial Street and Eign Gate (Oh Yes - totally bonkers thank you!!!!!)
  9. Oh! you are so right. Cyclists are demon lawbreakers. Presumably it is only the (useless/pointless) cycle lane that allows cyclists to now travel along Commercial Road and that before it was marked up there was no danger to cyclists from drivers opening their car doors. IIRC the Highway Code requires drivers to check before they open their car doors onto the carriageway. Yes there are cyclists who ignore the rules But what about the car drivers who - park on double yellow lines, run red traffic lights, ignore no entry signs, exceed the speed limit and race around car parks. What is needed in Commercial Road is a dedicated cycle lane with the car parking totally removed
  10. What an embarrassment. The gormless Council say we need extra wide pavements for social distancing. Firstly how many people do you see feeling they need to use this extra space? Secondly why if the space is need do you half block it up with planters? Thirdly a row of planters with just random shrubs that BBLP have lying about - I will put their survival rate at 20% What an utter shambles
  11. And going towards Aylestone it just stops outside The Commercial. Now that might be handy for young Bobby47! However both lanes seeing how they are laid out and go nowhere are hardly likely to encourage people to get on their bikes. I consider myself to be an experienced cyclist but tonight at 6.30 I felt no safer using the cycle lane than I have for years using that route. i.e. it is flipping dangerous!
  12. That danger is no different to how it has always been. All this so called cycle lane does is attempt to reserve a space for cyclists where they would have been cycling anyway. So as a cyclist you are still at risk from the parked cars and have to hope that the vehicles passing you keep outside the lane - which in giving cyclists a 1 metre gap when passing they should be doing anyway It is no change from before
  13. To be honest TWG why would you expect anything else?? As to them being"temporary measures" that is the classic Council excuse. To get around public complaints they will be able to say if it is all removed that they have listened and changed their mind. Why do they not have a conversation with cyclists as to what could be provided - we want better facilities but also do not want motorists and others to blame us in any way. We all have to try to co-exist. And no we do not need any expensive consultants appointed to produce a plan which maybe in 5 years will be implemented.
  14. Being a time served cyclist I am very much in favour of better cycling provision. I am also used to coping with traffic. One of the Council's changes is to introduce a cycle lane on Blueschool Street and Newmarket Street - this in principle is good as it is dodgy for cyclists along there. But what happens for cyclists at the Tesco roundabout - Unless I have missed something - bugger all as far as I can see. So you have to take your chance and it is really quite dangerous. Why have a cycle lane on Bridge Street when the Old Bridge is closed to vehicles And as TWG pointed out elsewhere what about St Owens Street? This is just poorly thought out
  15. Agreed. But if they are claiming the money back under the Bellwin Scheme then presumably they ramp it up to how much they think they can get away with. That said it still comes out of our pockets. And nobody is ever held to account for lack of maintenance which perhaps contributed to the issue in the first place
  16. https://www.shropshirestar.com/news/business/2020/04/24/watchdog-to-examine-councils-spending-on-commercial-property/ https://www.expressandstar.com/news/property/2020/02/13/concern-over-council-debt-after-risky-shopping-centre-purchases/ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2020/02/29/cash-starved-councils-face-big-bills-buying-shopping-centres/
  17. So they are to buy back something they sold a few years ago What does this actually mean "Council officers say the purchase would give them the opportunity to develop the site in line with their plans to grow the county’s economy". Did they not read the article in the Times/Sunday Times a few weeks ago which reported that Council's up and down the country who had bought shopping centres had seen their investment plummet But then I guess the Cabinet knows what is best for us
  18. Project will include: a cafe/sandwich bar; a community larder; affordable clothing outlet; meeting and counselling rooms with all profits going to ETHOS - reg. no. 1177809. Will they be selling cigarettes?
  19. Probably got better things to do than answer silly questions Covid19 - Public Footpaths - Common sense In any event such a question should properly be addressed to the Council who are the responsible authority
  20. I was only slightly concerned about Covid19 but now as it seems that the Council is involved I am starting to panic!!! Looking at their website it seems they are just parroting the advice of the government Perhaps Karen can enlighten us as to what the Council are actually doing?
  21. It was one of a number of replacement trees in the area. The one outside the Freedom Church survives to date. The one outside KFC in Stonebow Road has also been vandalised When trees were planted during the refurb of Commercial Street solid steel tree guards were included. Why those dumbos at the Council thought that these did not need similar protection is probably beyond the wit of all of us
  22. I do wonder if the Planning Committee really understood the scale of this monstrous building?
  23. Fuel Duty will raise £28billion in 2019/2020. When we are all required to use electric vehicles where will the taxman get his money
  24. It is working fine over here
  25. Talking of easy wins. The development of the transport hub is now really just a joke. It has been talked about since the decision to build the link road. Just how long does it take to design a place where buses, taxis and cycles can interchange? You could almost design it on the back of the proverbial *** packet. Of course we are promised a public consultation on it but I cannot see any actual construction for a couple of years. It's just more money spent (loads for consultants) but no progress. And in the background is that once its built the bus station will be available for development. It just shows the ineptitude at the heart of the Council - a lack of leadership and direction
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