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Aylestone Voice

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Everything posted by Aylestone Voice

  1. Acres of space at Robert Owen School
  2. There will be a shared pedestrian/cycle path on the link road from Aylestone Hill to Edgar Street
  3. Spot on comments. Cyclists have no regard for the Highway Code, the unwritten rules of the road and good manners. After all it is as rare as hen's teeth to see a motorist jump a red light, enter a roundabout with no regard for any cyclist already on it, ignore the "yellow box", park on double yellow lines, park too close to a junction, drive too close to cyclists, force cyclists into the gutter, park across pavements or speeding. Not to mention pedestrians thinking it is quite reasonable to let their children and/or dogs wander across a shared cycleway with out any regard for those cyclists entitled to use it. I say ban all cycling now and lets increase pollution and make a justification for a bypass
  4. You will obviously do what you are going to do and it does need a clean up but perhaps you need to consider that it is an Ancient Monument and you do not own it
  5. These are the candidates (no independent) Jennings Catherine Ruth 11 The Pastures, Lower Bullingham, Hereford, HR2 6EU It's Our County (Herefordshire) Morris Scott John 51 Princess Avenue, Hereford, HR1 1HJ Labour Party Price Jamie Owen Richard 7 Priory View, Belmont, Hereford, HR2 7XH Conservative and Unionist Party Tillett Kevin Paul 20 Villa Street, Hunderton, Hereford, HR2 7AU Liberal Democrats
  6. It is sad that all cyclists seem to get the blame for the actions of a minority. But you are right if there was a bit of enforcement there would less problems
  7. Perhaps all her supporters will get together and remove it so as to save the taxpayers
  8. I spoken to someone who went to Cabinet today. Apparently not a lot happened as they just wanted to approve the extra spend, although it was said that due to the identified long term savings they would have gone ahead at the higher cost anyway. The cock up is being assessed by the internal auditors - This is the South West Audit Partnership (which was recommended as the internal auditors by Peter Robinson when he was here and of course which he helped set up when he was in Bristol) Their report will go to the Audit and Governance Committee in September I think. I'm told that a couple of Councillors raised concerns about the cost and that the additional work should have been obvious and anticipated but this will be better considered when the audit report is available. However as you would expect it was - "well let's make sure we learn the lessons and forget it" Hmmmm! Have we not heard those words before?
  9. There is no doubt that the majority of the employees at the ROF during both World Wars were women. But it is also true that a large number of men also worked there - probably those who were too old for active service. Whilst the contribution and sacrifices of women should be applauded and never forgotten we should also be honouring all those who worked in the munitions at Rotherwas.
  10. Sorry Chris but if time after time the Head of the Paid Service is overseeing a management structure that makes poor appointments then Councillors can do something. You will know what it is. Norman and Robinson are just two examples of a long list of poor appointments, but there is also the gravy train of long standing Officers who move around the Council from senior management position to senior management position in the endless restructures, who seem to be somebody's favourite, but may or not be qualified for the job
  11. It has been open for a while - probably the reason for the lack of publicity is that the work on the link road is still on-going and you have to dodge them at the Station end It is a good short cut though
  12. This is more interesting I think http://councillors.herefordshire.gov.uk/documents/s50048746/Cabinet%20report%20-%20Central%20Hereford%20-%20One%20Public%20Estate.pdf http://councillors.herefordshire.gov.uk/documents/s50048747/Appendix%201%20-%20Hereford%20-%20OPE%20early%20opportunity%20sites.pdf
  13. I do like the way the doubling of the cost of the scheme is referred to in the report as "a number of weaknesses in cost planning for and monitoring of property related capital projects" Bobby you are correct - it will be just swept aside and nobody will have to account for this mess
  14. What a shambles - of course it is only our money. Blueschool House was after all a perfectly useable building for the previous occupants - if slightly shabby. Now it seems it will be a monument to muddled thinking, poor decision making and failure http://councillors.herefordshire.gov.uk/documents/s50048737/Cabinet%20Report%20-%20JCSH%20Budget%20Update.pdf
  15. It cannot be B47 - he would never go that close to the Old Market
  16. I do not know your personal circumstances but as you use green bags you seem to have a garden. Do you not have space for a compost bin? This would not only save you the money you are giving Biffa or the Council but would also save you buying compost.
  17. What is it about dog owners in Bartonsham and Hampton Park? I use Great Western Way very often and despite it being a dog walking area and running through areas often, wrongly, looked down on by those who live north of the river, hardly ever is the dog mess on it - even on the bridges. And yet those owners in this area cannot be arsed to either get their dog off the bridge before it craps or clear up their mess. It is not as if there is nowhere for their dogs to crap nearby. Perhaps they are just arrogant imbeciles?
  18. I don't know why there are complaining or perhaps they should complain to their solicitors. As I understand it these flats were always going to be for social housing so they should have known before they bought
  19. Oh absolutely you are right but this goes back decades. For example South Herefordshire District Council Councillors were notorious at giving planning permission to family and friends and to anyone with a personal begging case. I doubt you will ever change it. When these things are done it does nothing to solve the rural housing crisis
  20. Nice to see the Planning Committee following the advice of their officers and supporting their own planning polices by refusing this application
  21. Well of course as you probably know Highways England are a law unto themselves as far as the A49 are concerned. The Council are trying to do something - build a by-pass. Whether you agree with it or not at least when there are serious or not so serious problems at least some traffic will be able to avoid the city and the reality is that only very few of us will not use our cars
  22. What? Is that some small item about the link road that is positive
  23. The cycle/footpath link between Station Approach and Canal Road is now open for use although at present you have to dodge the work to get to it.
  24. His home address as listed on the Council website is at WR13 6EP. This might be a Worcester post code but which is an address in Colwall which is in Herefordshire
  25. It was Western Power Distribution in Widemarsh Street repairing a LV cable fault - found this out on the Council website I struggle to believe that closure was the problem More likely it was the usual problem of Hereford drivers unable to cope with rain.
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