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Aylestone Voice

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Everything posted by Aylestone Voice

  1. You both need to move house or get a new computer!!!!!! https://www.herefordshire.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control/development-control/planning-application https://www.herefordshire.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control/development-control/planning-applications/details?id=163635&search=snead
  2. Working fine over here
  3. Having looked at the details it seems a sensible decision to me. Contrary to policy. I see that the family currently live next door where there is a family house and a large self contained annexe which provides, it seems to me, the necessary space for the daughter. Why then do they need a new free standing house? Perhaps they want to sell the existing house?
  4. So long as my information is correct the only Councillor who voted agianst refusal was Councillor Shaw who represents Bromyard Bringsty Ward. Odd you may think? However he is also a Cabinet Support Member for corporate strategy and finance - which may explain it But if I have his voting wrong then I apologise
  5. Planning Permission refused - only one Councillor voted against refusal Well done to all who got involved (including the Planning Officer) The decision did soften the blow of having to wait almost all day for the debate
  6. No it is not. Retail will remain on the ground floor
  7. I think it is a good idea to use the otherwise vacant upper floors for flats in the city centre. In this case a retail unit will be kept albeit with a reduced space. Perhaps useful for a start up business? Already in Eign Gate there are a number of upper floors which are flats
  8. Perhaps I am being a bit reactionary (then I am getting old) To me one way of solving the problems with speeding, using the phone, drink driving etc. is the penalties How about if you are found guilty of an offence then your car is crushed?
  9. Report now online - recommendation by Planning Officer is for refusal
  10. You do not have to own a property to submit a planning application. It is quite normal for people to agree to buy land etc. subject to getting planning permission. So if what they want to build is refused they don't buy the site.
  11. Sorry. Council property and cannot be delegated to officers Now likely to be at Planning Committee on 7 December
  12. The numbers attending have been increasing over the last few years. There are also more attending on Armistice Day itself.
  13. Probably part of the ongoing water main replacement by Welsh Water
  14. New shoe shop opening in former Vodafone shop in High Town New juice bar in St Owens Street
  15. The former Vodafone shop is to be a shoe shop
  16. Do those who are interested in this know that there will be another public consultation tomorrow? 3 November 2016 Brierley Court Turner Street - 3pm to 6.30pm
  17. Not really relevant to the topic but partly to Ubique's comment
  18. Are those containers to be relocated to Cantilupe Street?
  19. So how chaotic is it?
  20. And why will that bring chaos?
  21. Some interesting things to consider The bus lane in Belmont Road does not involve the loss of any front gardens.
  22. The bridge has been kept I believe because the rail line provides access to Bulmers, the power station and possibly Cargill. ​If only they could be encouraged to open it up again Or - the cycleway could be extended north to Burcott Road
  23. The access to the pub site is only legally onto Newtown road and it is dangerous. The access to the front of the Lads Club is private - owned by the Council - the former pub had a licence to use it
  24. I shall wander down to see their plans later.
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