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Aylestone Voice

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Everything posted by Aylestone Voice

  1. Sold to Herefordshire Housing for £2 million subject to planning permission. Redevelopment for housing
  2. Unless it is a private road owned by Keepmoat - in which case they can do what they want
  3. P162283/CD4 One day I will work out how to link
  4. The vegetation is also encroaching across the cycleway at Rotherwas. But you are correct TWG why do we have to complain about stuff like this.
  5. Let us hope that a campaign can be developed (as it was for the Bath Street site) to preserve the buildings on this site which were the barracks for the Hereford Militia and date from 1856. Whilst we are commemorating the centenary of WW1 in which many of the Herefordshire Regiment made the ultimate sacrifice it would surely be letting down their memory if an important part of Hereford's military history were to be consigned to the demolition diggers.
  6. Actually the stretch in your photograph TWG looks much better than most of the roads that I cycle on. Perhaps we should form a group to campaign to pressure the Council to address this failure by BBLP?
  7. Whoever expected anything else England have never failed to disappoint
  8. But two-way for people on driving lawnmowers no doubt!
  9. So that is it is it? If the vote is out the people have spoken - if the vote is remain then it is rigged? Even now I can picture hoards of people in council offices up and down the country filling in piles of ballot papers ticking remain which will be surreptiously slipped in at the count. Actually your assessment does not coincide with the vote on this thread - perhaps you only delivered the vote out leaflets?
  10. Colin Sorry - but Ragwert is really to blame for going off topic
  11. This junction will change when the link road is finished. It will be left turn only from Aylestone Hill into Barrs Court Road and left turn only from Barrs Court Road into Aylestone Hill. So there will be no right turns either into or out of Barrs Court Road
  12. The problem is that once they have sorted out the casualties which is a priority the police take over with their accident investigations. What they should do is just clear the road and let the traffic move - have a fast response breakdown truck or similar Worry about measurements and/or photos later All that said - if you were on a bike you were not delayed!!!
  13. It depends whether you want to base the list on the Herefordshire Council Wards or the City Council Parish Wards. The Racecourse Ward only relates to the City I would go by the County Council list as they are to my mind more relevant. After all the City Council has little powers as effectively a Parish Council. The County Council ward boundaries are clear on the Parish and Ward Maps webpage on the Herefordshire Council Website. Sorry can't do the link
  14. Is there any prospect that this thread will get back to its title?
  15. As I understand it - The Committee has 17 members - 9 Conservative, 1 Green, 2 Ind, 1 LD and 4 IOC. So with 12 voting for it and 4 four against it would be good to know who voted which way. Assuming the Green voted against that appears to show that 1 IOC either abstained or voted for it?
  16. Well below the top two or three levels of management yes a lot of work does get done. By generally hard working and committed staff who want the best outcomes for Herefordshire. Not enough if any at all of the Councillors have the nous to challenge what they are told by Neil and his cronies. By all means lets have a go at the time wasters/career builders/money counters at the top but most staff are working hard in an environment that challenges, inhibits and puts a cost on everything they do.
  17. Well Denise I read it on the Council's website today. Try "What's newly published" You will be disappointed but not surprised.
  18. The Planning Officer's report is now public
  19. And I was led to understand that he only ever mowed the grass!! Come on Glenda! All that said BBLP should be doing the job we pay them to do
  20. Whilst it is good to see a small amount of progress what leads you to suggest that this would be "Uni Accommodation in High Town"?
  21. It was all down to Phil Edwards I guess. If he had been at Wembley rather than sat on his lawn mower then no doubt Hereford FC would have triumphed.
  22. During 2017 the commemoration of World War 1 will focus on the effects on families in Herefordshire. There is an introductory event tomorrow - 7 May 2015 at HARC in Rotherwas.
  23. One of the benefits of leaving would be that we could scrap all of the restrictive legislation forced on us. For example all the environmental protection stuff for wildlife and habitats could go in the bin and then there would be less restrictions on development. Also getting rid of all the "rights" for workers would help the economy.
  24. It is 35 flats with 26 parking spaces plus cycle parking
  25. Good news Some may or may not like the appearance (I do) but it is a shame that they have not been able to replace that dreadful brown timber facing and door to the flat
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