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Jim Kenyon

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Everything posted by Jim Kenyon

  1. Does anyone know what time the food outlets on the "shed" development will be closing because that could have a bearing on the rest of the city!
  2. I had a chat with someone at HH they mentioned that this road is mid 5year plan for demolition so a couple of years yet.
  3. I'm a little disappointed with the planning committee they voted 9-4 to refuse against the officers recommendation we could have concentrated on gaining the maximum 106 monies to improve the roads get rid of those lights on Ledbury road and the speed humps that plague the area instead the council will waste money on a battle they won't win.only 4 people objected to this development all from Hampton bishop on drainage grounds which will not make up any part of the appeal the councillors should have listen to the three Tupsley ward councillor and the people of Tupsley that all wanted this. THEY ARE MENT TO REPRESENT THE PEOPLE SO NEXT LISTEN TO THEM!!!
  4. Hi guys sorry for the late response on this I have been very busy,I spoke to Helen Combes head of adult social care last week and she has assured me a new building will be found, the building they currently occupy was earmark for a business to relocate to from the proposed link road that company now wishes to move that was why they were asked to relocate I will be keeping an eye on this one.
  5. Just had my say in the planning debate majoring on the traffic light removal on Ledbury road and safe routes to school lets see where this goes.
  6. Hi Cambo to be honest no not a lot of it but I have lived and do work right by it and have done for the last 14 years I have given an honest and open account on what I think there will be many people that won't agree with my thoughts but what are the alternatives I think a public meeting would be a good idea because I would hope a lot of local people would come along and give there views because to be fair they are the ones that really matter.
  7. I wonder if anybody has asked what the folks that live in the central area want, I own a pub across the road since i bought it 14 years ago I have seen three housing developments go ahead nearby, the fire station with scaffolding on it for many years because of health and safety and the fear of bits of it falling off, the building is old and now not fit for purpose as it is very expensive to run a new building would offer budget saving going forward, the fight for keeping the pump is different all together and nothing to do with this thread.The fire service have stated that they need to be close to where they are now,there support normally comes from Fownhope and if we do lose a pump that support will become even more crucial. When I first heard about this I did and do think what a good idea,the new fire station can be built with no distruption to fire cover the council needs to use that assit or sell it if a developer got hold of it it would be levelled and as many houses as possible crammed into it ,swopping seems the best option to me as for the old site if you sold it for housing you can do that once if it was turned into a car park there would be an annual income going forward also the location is perfect for anybody coming from Ledbury,Tupsley,Fownhope etc as it is on the edge of town you can normally easily get to it without queuing people would park and then walk into the historic core of the city center along st Owens st hopefully using the shops along the way and on their return exit the city easily,having spoken to many people living in central avenue,turner st area they would welcome the fire station move and the car park but would not be keen on yet more housing finally I am not closed to anything but what would the council do with an old empty building which costs money and has no further use as offices,where would the fire station go and yes we do need edge of city parking and that seems an ideal place. I have no sway on this decision as with all of them it is the cabinet that has the final say before we start hugging this building let's work out what can be practically done with it going forward.
  8. Spent the morning in Tupsley with a the Belfour Beatty road and path "pot hole" inspector we identified 5x cat one pot holes AND they were fixed today we also marked up 15 x cat twos which they have 28 days to fix they are trying hard but there is a new way of thinking required most of the repairs are quick fixes not perminant I shared some of his frustrations and I have some ideas which make sence and in the long run would work better now the difficult job getting the council administration to listen.
  9. I sit on the health scrutiny committee and I have been doing this since I started as a councillor three years ago it was my recommendation that they appoint someone to this role they certainly don't take this serious enough protecting the most vulnerable is the most important thing this council does most of the rest of it In my opinion are games and bullshit so chris goodluck in your role and I will aid you where i can start with day care provision and adult placement because they are in turmoil.
  10. I had a good read of the new Belfour Beatty contract 280 pages today interesting stuff unfortunately the councils contracts manager was busy with floods and claims but we rearranged to meet next week I have forwarded some of my questions so hopefully I will get the answers I'm after then. Once I have those answers and as long as they are not commercially sensitive I will share them with you on this site. In the mean time if anyone has any contacts in other authorities I am looking for price comparisons so pm me.
  11. I have had to turn down a couple of bands recently at my pub "the victory" seems mad all these bands want is the chance for their peers to see them in a venue playing I would very much like the council stance to change to at least let 16/17 year olds the opportunity to play in licensed establishments.
  12. I am meeting next Monday with the Belfour Beatty contract managers to take a long hard look at the contract something CLLR Harry Bramer should have done and explained it to all councillors I have many things that I am concerned with the conditions of road repairs being one if any of you have specific question please email me them and I will endeavour to get the answers.jkenyon@herefordshire.gov.uk
  13. There is a choice tomorrow please use your vote!!!
  14. Jon you are not confused I too was under the impression that this was 20 million of new money we have hoodwinked by the Tory administration Belfour Beatty won the contract on the back of this why? Question for Harry Bramer
  15. There good guys they run Quickskip I'm pleased they are breathing life back into it !
  16. Biomech the Levi could be collected at a local level and spent locally and would only be against alcohol sales in off-trade supermarkets and pubs so your £1.50 can of lager would cost you £1.52 a relative small increase against the minimum price by volume.i'm interested to hear your thoughts something will be done in the future and I think this is clear,transparent and workable.
  17. We can all have a good discussion on this subject at the bloggers bash on the 1st February
  18. The word tax is never popular 1% Levi on off sales supermarket turnover would have little impact on the consumer as they would put pressure on the brewers like they do with milk and farmers the money raised could be ring fenced for as I said for the consequences of alcohol with our hospital struggling with excesses of smoking,over eating and drinking I'm sure they would find a good use for extra funds,the Goverment were looking at a minimum price strategy where you would end up paying a lot more and the only people benefiting are the supermarkets through price increases and profits to shareholders the pubs and clubs would have to may more as well but as they take a social responsibility the 1% could be reduced these are my thoughts as a responsible brewer and retailer. I'm all ears if people can come up with a better solution,I can't please people all the time and I don't try to, I do speak what I think is right and remember opinions are like assholes everyone's got one and this one is mine!!!
  19. Biomech it is difficult to put any point across in a squashed in slot on a radio station the social responsibility Levi or tax would be aimed at supermarket turnover they sell achohol cheap and have done for years too long the city has had to deal with drunk people that pre-loaded before coming out then some folks even bring there own into pub and clubs ,pubs and clubs have strict licensing laws and we not only serve but monitor consumption and ensure safety of our customers, where do young people and children get there alcohol from not pubs. This scheme could raise hundreds of thousands of pounds which could be ring fenced and used to help pay for the consequence's of alcohol ie a@e admissions,extra policing,alcohol and drug awareness schemes to name a few. Ten years ago the on-trade "pub" accounted for 75% of sales and the off trade 25% this has now reversed to over 80% is now being sold by the off trade "supermarkets" and off licences this need to be redressed because at the moment as soon as the alcohol has been scanned at the supermarket they wash there hands of it. Finally I don't expect you to agree with what I have said but I would like to try and explain further at the bloggers bash at my pub on the 1st February please don't pre-load and do leave any drinks at home as I will ensure u have a nice safe evening in the company of responsible drinking folk!!!
  20. Thanks "meg"I've been doing some research myself as well as having some outline plans draw up if you google city of York cycling they are halfway through what I am trying to achieve so again proof of a sound idea that we will make happen another step closer!!
  21. I was at that meeting too and thought some very good points were raised however I'm not holding my breath on any of them being implemented it was a bit of a lip service exercise by the developers.
  22. I positively encourage moaning and voting so next opportunity at the polls make sure you vote so you can have an honest moan and sometimes just sometimes a positive moan gets a result as oppose to a negative one which just sucks the lives blood out of good ideas and thoughts.
  23. Hi Colin and John I have got you a gig at Hereford city council planning committee meeting in January you will be contacted officially this week you will be able to present for 15 minutes then take 5 minutes of questions so the ball Is in your court.
  24. All folks would be welcome partners included even the "Hinton hitman" he could where his mask if he liked I will sort details after Xmas
  25. Glenda I would be happy to provide any refreshment you would like it would be great to have you there!!!
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