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Jim Kenyon

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Everything posted by Jim Kenyon

  1. Sat at the cabinet meeting now listening to us being stiffed i can't do a thing about it CLLR Powell is giving them some but it won't change the outcome the cabinet member responsible CLLR Harry Bramer is away on holiday only 4 Tories cllrs making the decision "bloody madness"!! Will cost us millions!!!
  2. Great meeting today regarding the closed circuit cycling track "one step closer" a few more to do then I can brief you all on how it's going.
  3. To clear up a couple of questions the former councillor did not attend any meeting for a period of six months which meant she had to stand down a vacancy was then advertised by the city council from that advert ten people that live in the ward have asked for an election so the by-election has now been called the closing date for candidates to come forward to stand is around the 10th of January and the election will take place around 13th feb 2014 as I stated before "it's our county" will carry out a selection process in the next week or so then our candidate will be announced it would be unfair to mention any names at this stage "flam" I hope this explains your query there has to be a vacancy to call a by-election.
  4. I had a briefing on just that a waste plant that would heat thousands of homes and factories in rotherwas modern technology against the proposed shared one with Worcester which is "old mans" thinking which I'm afraid happens all the time with this administration this decision will cost the county untold millions. a PFI just look at the hospital car park saga we have 12 years left with our land fill supply so why the rush,imaging where we will be in five years let alone ten with modern methods of waste management!!
  5. I was informed today that a by-election was called in the Belmont ward for the vacancy on the city council ten signatures have been handed into the town clerk which starts the process it's our county have at the moment two candidates wanting to stand so we will have a selection process the candidate selected will then be put up as our candidate my group did not call this election however we do have good people in many wards that are prepared to stand up and fight for our county.
  6. As I stated earlier I'm glad the Indy's have made the right decision it took me exactly 3 minutes to make my personal independent reply to cllr tiny Johnson and its our county my group weren't far behind now let's get on with holding this administration to account only today they bulldozed through a crap decision at overview and scrutiny to give the cabinet a free run to sign us up to a waste contract which in my opinion the worst option and will cost us millions for years to come we need to stop squabbling and sort them out before its to late.
  7. Date to be confirmed perhaps mid January when the silly season is over if folks are up for it.
  8. I had a thought there are many people that blog on this site and we never meet I'm sure there will be many that like it that way but why not have a get together at my pub the victory in Hereford I am happy to provide a free curry and entertainment and maybe have a short question and answer with some local councillors it would also be an opportunity to grow the site and give Colin some recognition for the great effort he puts into it I certainly find it informative. Victory Pub Ledbury Road Hereford - Saturday February 1st From 7pm.
  9. I'm personally very pleased the Indy's have come to this decision it is the right one and I do look forward to building relationships with them so when the time comes we can do the right thing for Herefordshire and that is putting it first with the best local policies that work and not national ones that the Tories are ruining our county with.
  10. Well done Colin you know my feeling on this issue up and at them!!!
  11. Traffic along Newmarket street is a nightmare the lights on the tesco's roundabout only let about 8 cars out before changing causing chaos I'm thinking the council are doing this on purpose ahead of the road works coming in January it has not been this bad at various times certainly in the last 14 years that I have owned the victory pub traffic is queuing right back into st Owens street more time than not now!! I am also waiting for an invite to be consulted with about the road closure even as a councillor we are kept in the dark.
  12. Contact the hereford tree forum they may already have plans afoot I'm up for the right tree in the right place and would be happy to support any plans on that basis!!
  13. Hi two wheels John the owner is very interested in what we are trying to achieve and attended the initial meeting he is also getting involved moving forward as we need as many sharp business minds as we can get to make this happen.
  14. I am happy to support the removal of these lights or restrict them to predestrain crossing on demand lights.
  15. Your quite right but as a opposition CLLR they don't offer you the same time as they would the cabinet member to be fair the HCC officers have chased things but the highways agency are answerable to themselves hence the slow replies and biomech your better off not knowing what's going on as the more you know the worse it is.
  16. I have just read that herefordshire council have closed the pub and will be carrying out a licence review.
  17. This is madness sent this earlier Hi folks Just driven same route today with no change is there any tweaking going to take place or are you waiting for people to give up on trying to come to Hereford and move freely around it. Cheers CLLR Jim Kenyon I also followed it up with phone calls to find out why there is no answer to my emails.
  18. I fired this email off this afternoon regarding the lights Hi andrew I have just "driven" the roundabout at 1400hrs today where coming from the direct of whitecross and Belmont /Ross road have improved there is still some congestion along Newmarket street which stretches right back to st Owens street and A49 along Edgar street theses lights seem to change very quickly perhaps a little bit of tweaking can be done because I do think there will still be issues during the rush hour period finally the new direction sign near the trees is fine but perhaps a signs showing the three lanes and where they are going to take you may be helpful as there is still a lot of confusion and people are not using the third lane as they should. Regards CLLR Jim Kenyon
  19. I wrote this personal response to "tiny Johnson" just after I received his email this is not my groups response just mine. Too little to late always blaming someone else even in your message how about after your shocking results in the last two by-elections you step down with your cabinet. For the last two and half years we have continually asked to be included and now your own sorry asses are in danger of a vote of no confidence you have decided to do a little bit of gesture politics the public will see this for what it is you can not blame everything on national politics you are getting the local stuff wrong too "out of town out of touch Tories" CLLR Jim Kenyon
  20. This is the email i just recieved this afternoon what do you guys think? Good Afternoon Cllr Kenyon, Thank you for your email below. We are aware that there are problems with the new traffic signals on the A49 at Edgar Street, Hereford. Unfortunately the BT line connected to these signals, which links it to other traffic signals in Hereford, is not working due to a fault. This means the lights are operating on an automated fixed system and are not optimised to operate according the specific traffic flows at any given time. However our contractors are working with BT to repair the line and we are monitoring the situation on a regular basis. Once the line is fixed and the signals have had a short time to optimise the timings to best suit the local traffic conditions, the arrangement will operate alongside an additional lane to increase capacity and help reduce queues on the A49 southbound approach to the junction. We are confident road users can look forward to some real benefits from the scheme but we apologise for any delays or inconvenience this may cause in the interim. We are working hard to try and resolve the situation as quickly as possible. Regards, Kevin Kevin Harvey Service Delivery Manager Highways Agency | The Cube | 199 Wharfside Street | Birmingham | B1 1RN
  21. This adds to the point I've been making that herefordshire council does not need to build a new link road from the railway station to the Pizza Hut for the housing development,developers could do that "I've never been to a house without a road in front of it" we could save that money and spend it on a weight restricted bridge for local traffic only and have it going from the road to no-where on the Rotherwas roundabout across to the Hampton park road in Tupsley I believe that would take at least 20% of the traffic currently using the new bridge away from it and ease traffic congestion far better than that planned road after all it does not matter how many roads you build you still only really have one decent road bridge "Worcester has three" very close together is that to much to ask for thoughts please!!
  22. Email sent this afternoon i had to rewrite it a few times as i was so angry and had to stay courteous I can't wait for the reply. Andrew The new traffic lights are now up and running i have just been through them the roundabout is an absolute nightmare worse than ever this needs to be sorted ASAP it is Monday afternoon I would like to know why it is so bad I am no traffic engineer perhaps you could enlighten me. Regards CLLR Jim Kenyon
  23. I have attended a briefing today with insp. Ivan Powell regarding this incident two arrests were made within 14 minutes of the incident occurring and the police are to be congratulated on there swift action there is no danger to the community and the enquires are ongoing .
  24. I have already contacted the highway agency along with geoff hughes and richard ball herefordshire council officers involved in roads fellow councillors,the leader and cabinet member for transport I have made it clear in no uncertain terms the traffic is unexceptable and far worse than I have ever known the roundabout. The traffic on the roundabout needs to be sorted ASAP and and I have asked for an explanation from the traffic engineers as to why they have got this so WRONG. I will keep you guys informed and post there responses as they come in.
  25. I will take a look next time I'm let out :)
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