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Jim Kenyon

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Everything posted by Jim Kenyon

  1. I have watched this thread with interest and have now decided to comment : It does not matter where people think individuals or groups come from but where they are going "it's our county" I = independent O= organised C= committed I don't care who or what has gone on in the past the group I am with are trying to reinstall faith with the voters,work hard in the community's we live in and smash a large dose of common sense when the majority think and know it has gone astray. There are good and bad in all the political groups we need to sort the wheat from the chaff and put together a team fit to organise and run our county there are even tougher choices to be made in the future working together we can make sure we do the right ones. There have been a lot of lies written about my group we have kept a dignified silence and the voters spoke for us now it the time for the independents to realise WE OUR NOT the problem we need to put differences apart and work closely together to sort "our county out"
  2. Now hopefully this is out the way we can have some grown up talks with the independents there are some excellent councillors amongst them and we need to set differences apart and start working closer together!!
  3. Jon is a great addition to our team we will continue to do our best for the people we represent!!
  4. Great win for it's our county's Jon Norris 429 Indy's 261 cons 229
  5. Will be declaring any minute
  6. Just had a txt it's not declared but my source says I think we got it "not confirmed"
  7. Just had a message it's to close to call and the orcop polling station box is missing they have sent out a search party!! "The drama of it"
  8. The count is going on as I write should find out soon!!
  9. This was the email that was sent so herefordshire council are doing there bit Dear Andy / Paul Further to my discussion with Paul over the phone, I would like to highlight that there is significant concern locally that the temporary traffic lights which are currently in place as part of the works at the roundabout are causing excessive delays to traffic travelling westbound along Newmarket street towards the roundabout and southbound along Edgar Street towards the roundabout. It has been suggested that this would be considerably improved by the removal of the temporary signals pending the introduction of the permanent signals which I understand it likely to be completed by next Thursday. Please can you urgently consider whether you are able to remove the temporary signals to help improve the traffic flow. If this is not possible, please can you explain why you consider these temporary signals to still be necessary. I would also be grateful for confirmation of the planned reinstatement of the historic cider press. I would be grateful if you could respond to myself, Cllr Price (cabinet member) and Cllr Kenyon (local member within the City) tomorrow. Regards Richard Ball Assistant Director Place Based Commissioning Places and Communities Directorate Herefordshire Council
  10. Hi folks I agree with Colin and I got fed up with those pointless lights and the huge traffic que's so I organised this meeting with the council officer incharge of highways and the cabinet member CLLR Phillip price I also contact a friend at Amey who still look after the A49 I was told by him that those temporary lights were put on so that the buses could get out off tesco's "wtf" the perminant lights will be in place by Thursday next week I argued we have nothing to lose as the traffic can't get any worse westbound on the 49 and Newmarket street so they have agreed to ask the highways agency to give this a trial and see if the good folk of Hereford can use a roundabout as they were designed for after all the rest of the uk can so fingers crossed some common sense may prevail. Also at that meeting they agreed to include city ward councillors when they plan to shut Newmarket street in January and listen to our thoughts and ideas.
  11. Hi guys it was a planning for real meeting so all ideas were listened to written down and considered we will be forming a small working group to explore possibility's moving forward we have a plan but we need to keep out cards close to our chests for a little while this project is going to happen Hereford needs something like this so please input positive thoughts and ideas.
  12. Sinking ship springs to mind!!!
  13. As I understand the council election in Ross are for the parish council not the county so it won't change the polical make up of the county.
  14. Hi Glenda are you at the child safeguarding at brockington tomorrow morning if so we can have a chat over a cup of tea,
  15. Hi El Lukio thanks for your comments I'm sure you have seen a few of the placards that have started to go up in the area and indeed It would help the cause if you had one in your garden. pm me ur address and I will ensure she pops by for a chat and we can tell you about some of the other things we have already planned to bring the Tupsley community together you can work her out for yourself then post your finding on here. I don't think it would be possible to get all the candidates on here why not invite them all for a chat then post your findings.
  16. Hi Glenda as you know I have a lot of respect for you and have backed you when no one else would it seems a real shame that this panel could not have been set up I don't no either candidate for the pontrilas ward and would have liked to have supported the best candidate as you are aware I worked very hard for the independent at the Ross by-election and would do the same if the panel choose the Indy as the best person if we cannot do this now what chance have we got in the 2015 elections we certainly don't want to be fighting each other there are bigger fish to fry.
  17. Hi Glenda just to clear up one point IOC had talks with the leaders of the independents and we wanted to form a panel from both sides to interview both the IOC and the Indy candidates and then put the best person forward which would be the sensible thing to do in this vital seat and we could all support the best candidate I am hoping this will still be the case can you speak to the Indy's and I will again speak with IOC so we can sort out the daft situation of splitting the vote and letting the torys back in.
  18. I am currently one of the ward councillors for both the city and the county where I do not think it is right for me to comment on Jason Kay I would like to mention the IOC candidate Cath North you should have received her 1st leaflet and she is working her way around the ward knocking doors and speaking to people her 2nd leaflet will start to appear later this week, in brief Cath lives in tupsley in Wellington place and started the Wellies action group 3years ago which got the funding to build the play area on the quarry then last year she joined central Tupsley community group as the funding co-ordinator and worked tirelessly to secure over £50,000 of funding for the renovation for all the the paths and the quarry she is a honest hard working mum that has been inspired to stand at this by-election so she can do even more and support me in the work I do within the ward this week we were finalist in the pride of Herefordshire awards two weeks ago we won a Britain in bloom level 4 award for our work on the quarry and the sssi area there are only 5 levels" that's the job next year earlier this year we won Hereford city councils community award we have organised "picnic in the park" which 4000 people attended on the 5 th of nov we are organising a free bonfire night for the residents of tupsley these are not promises or spin these are facts and shows Caths commitment to tupsley over a number of years and I would welcome any support you guys can offer her I believe she would knock spots off not just the other two candidates in this election but 80% of the current councillors serving this county
  19. That's the plan one alternative to the Tories
  20. Thanks for your comments two wheels as cllr Glenda will tell you in opposition we have very little say on what goes on in the administration I am a herefordian that stood as a councillor because I was and still am pissed off with most of the bad choices that the Tories makes I do engage with my ward of Tupsley and they know me as a no nonsense guy I am listening on this forum and engaging as much as I can I would like to see more ordinary people try to do the job that myself and Glenda does as I can assure you the council would be in a far better state so to finish I would just like to be honest and transparent and say 70% of the councillors you have built your opinions on are as you think but don't brush us all with the same strokes
  21. Don't hide behind a screen and judge me you dont know me if you want councillors to engage tell us who you are otherwise people will not responed to anything you say in the future
  22. This thread is bang on and you worked out for your selfs how the administration lacks talent they stopped one CLLR going to that meeting because he can't take criticism and would have been even more embarrassing for the Tories we must get rid of them at all costs and the independents and it's our county need to work together to achieve this there must be a clear choice for the electrate at the next election same old Tories administration or a lndy's and IOC administration that would put the best person in the best job to insure this county is run correctly and I hope Glenda would support me in this aim.
  23. Yes I am a Cllr I don't know what it was it was a wrap of some kind he was a very silly young man and he paid the price.
  24. Hi bobby on the Rone / Atkinson thread look at who get's what and who claims expenses etc I for one didn't stand because of any pay in fact I didn't know you were paid the ethos behind it was ok but it was never going to happen I get the very basic salary and I work very hard for it I offered myself up to be chairman of the health scrutiny committee and not take the extra money to do that job which is around £12,000 per year twice as much as my allowance I did that quietly behind close doors but the new Tory leader choose the former leader of the council of full salary to do the job my concern was we have are backs against the wall financially and we were going to lose the scrutiny officer the two cllrs that put this up had just been shuffled out of a position which they were in receipt of extra allowance , I felt I was and am good value for money check my record if everyone involved would have done it including senior management I would have voted for it but as I said how much was posturing I'm not sure.
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