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  1. M185


    Radio 4's Farming Today - 14th Nov. - have covered the sell-off of Herefordshire farmland by the County Council. The programme has also said it will report back on the outcome of the meeting next month. (Podcast will be available later for those who want to listen in.)
  2. You're right,Denise. I've been using 'The Hive' in Worcester since the Hereford Library closure, and what a brilliant library it is. It's a combined university/public resource which is modern,up-to-date and loved by all ages - Hereford Council could learn a lot from Worcestershire County Council...
  3. I notice that the Hereford Library closure has made this week's edition of Private Eye...
  4. Hmmm... Not sure how I feel about this. I agree with Roger in that,'I've got nothing to say on here that I would need to keep more private than current arrangements allow.' One of the aims of this site is to enable people to have a voice about what is happening in Herefordshire -which at the moment Hereford Voice does so well when there is nowhere else to openly and honestly express one's opinions. I can't help feeling that by creating a 'Members Only' forum you may alienate people and make them less likely to get involved or feel that somehow their opinions are less valued.
  5. I really enjoyed helping out. It was great to be part of a community project such as this. Well done all!
  6. Hi Paul, The IOC missed some party/candidate advertising then as there was one in the front garden, belonging to an IOC candidate, directly opposite a polling station which is well within the allowed 250m. I did wonder if it was 'legal'... just saying.
  7. Don't give up Dazza, IOC won in my area and I suspect this was because people were won over by firework displays, fun days and fun runs! I'm not knocking that at all, it evidently raised profiles amongst people who are not necessarily political beasts and made the candidates memorable to the voting public - hopefully voters will now take time to look into the political issues happening in and around Hereford. Perhaps issues arising in Herefordshire need to be a little more in people's faces since there seems to be a certain amount of apathy when it comes to politics.
  8. M185

    St Paul's School

    Thank you,also - greenknight and Ubique.
  9. M185

    St Paul's School

    Thank you,both.
  10. M185

    St Paul's School

    I forgot to mention that the voting closes on Thursday 11th December 2014 at 6pm. Thanks.
  11. Good evening all. Are there any Hereford Voice members out there willing to support our Herefordshire children by voting for them in this anti- bullying song competition? It's a national competition run by Internet Matters and The Anti-Bullying Alliance. Children at St. Paul's School have written the song and they've made it through to the finals which will be judged by Sophie Ellis-Bextor amongst other people. It is out for public voting as I write, and at the moment the children have a very,very narrow lead. Please click on the following link and 'Like' St.Paul's School - Your votes would be very much appreciated (Don't forget to ask your friends and family to vote too)! http://www.internetmatters.org/educate/schools/antibullying-song-competition.html Many thanks and kind regards.
  12. Thank you both, I'll call it in.
  13. Does anyone know anything about the guy selling £3/£5 raffle tickets on behalf of The Happiness Foundation outside the HSBC in Hereford town centre. Claims to be raising money to provide mobility scooters to people with various disabilities, but details appear to be very hard to track down on the internet. He seems to be there regularly and I hate to think of people being ripped off if he's not a legitimate street trader.
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