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El Lukio

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Everything posted by El Lukio

  1. If they can't replace a simple sign in a sensible manner, what hope have we got?
  2. I can't see why we have to fork out for green bags at £6 a roll...if you put the green waste in a non-Council green bag they won't take it. What is the difference between a green and a black bag? They both go to landfill and the bin men come round anyway so why do I have to pay for green bags? It's ridiculous.
  3. Of course. It will be interesting to see how this unfolds.
  4. How did you find that out Glenda? Rats off a sinking ship springs to mind...
  5. Gah! Why did you have to tell me that?! I'd travel miles for a kebab! Never have the words 'kebab' and 'van' married together so perfectly!
  6. Surely this all comes down to the inability of the police and the licensing department to effectively manage the city centre. Instead of being all grown up about things they throw a blanket ban which is obstructive to all. No where else in the country have I experienced this ludicrous situation. I am in support of any campaign that aims to bring change to this. Although I don't go out on the steam much after 01:30hrs, I sometimes work late and grabbing a kebab or fish and chips on the way home after I finish shouldn't be impossible. Things like this keep Hereford firmly in the dark ages...
  7. You're right Bobby, he did look to employ a Butler: http://www.herefordtimes.com/news/9953886.Hotel_steps_back_in_time_with_its_hunt_for_a_butler/ I wonder if he was successful? I afraid it deepens my disdain for him - a perfect example of how the ruling elite are seriously out of touch with the man on the street. A butler? Pfffft....
  8. This year, for us, on the green across the road it seems that it only gets cut when we ring to complain about the state of it. This has happened quite a few times now. So is this how it's going to work? Every time we want them to do something we have to call and ask them to do it? Let's see if there's an improvement with Balfour doing it now...although I fear it won't get done again until next year...
  9. I see Hereford Heckler have carried out a character assassination of Mr Kay: http://herefordheckler.co.uk/jason-who/ They're pretty Lefty and anti-establishment from what I can gather and I think the article has to be taken tongue-in-cheek, although some of the points they raise could be valid...
  10. Hi Jim, I'm not sure I've seen Cath's first leaflet but if she was instrumental in all the work that has happened at the Quarry including the play area and the Party in the Park then she's got my vote. The Quarry has never been at the high standard it is now - I use it every day to walk the dog and my kids use the play area. This has made a monumental difference to the area and I will ensure all my friends and neighbours in this ward are aware if what Cath has done to enable the improvements. Hell, I'll even put a placard/poster on my front lawn if it helps! When it comes to the wire, people should vote firstly on the strengths of what the candidates have done for their ward as it's local and relevant to them, and secondly what the candidate can do for the County in the bigger picture. I have not seen anything to indicate what Mr Jay or Mr Fraser for the Lib Dems has done for us locally in our ward. I await Cath's second leaflet with anticipation. On a slightly different note, it would be interesting to get all candidates running for both Tupsley and Pontrilas on here for a 'candidates debate' (quoting Simon and Garfunkel there!) akin to the televised question time we saw with David Cameron, Nick Clegg and Gordon Brown prior to the last General Election. They could answer questions, concerns and go into more detail about how they would make a difference if elected. Just an idea of course...
  11. Thanks Bill, look forward to getting stuck in. Good links megilleland...will be interesting to see who is running for the Pontrilas Ward when they release names. With it being a rural, farmer-type community I'd be surprised if the Tories lost the seat.
  12. Hey megilleland...I'll post the other side of the leaflet shortly. It does make mention of him being a Conservative but it's clever and sneaky how he's slipped 'Independent' in there.
  13. Hello King Bobby! It's good to be back and thanks for the humbling introduction! I see your power of prose and rhetoric is still flowing well and as always a pleasure to read! Sadly, I was out collecting the kids from school when one of his minions pushed it through the door and engaged the wife in friendly conversation as to who she voted for. Bless her, she replied 'not Tory!' and when he enquired why, she replied: 'cos my husband tells me not to!'. I'd have liked to have a chat with him tho. Here's hoping the real Jason Kay comes round before the election so we can shoot-the-breeze about his commitments.
  14. No, I'd not seen/heard of him before either. I would say he's a political puppet. If IOC can retain the seat and the Tories lose Pontrilas we'd be closer to a hung Council and maybe then we'd see movements towards a more democratic administration. And thanks for the welcome Rebecca. I used to post a lot on the Hereford Times website but it's gone downhill fast over there. Glad to see posters like Bobby, Biomech etc. are here too. I look forward to joining in the debates :)
  15. I had this put through my door yesterday in readiness for local elections in my ward (Tupsley) and I'm truly amazed at the twaddle being pedalled by Jason Kay who is the Conservative candidate. With the track record of what the Council has done over the past 12-18 months the spin on this leaflet is just pure lies an untruths. I know nothing about Mr Kay only that he owns/runs Aylestone Court Hotel. He will become just another Tory 'yes' man and the commitments he states on the leaflet will mean nothing. We can judge them by their track record which isn't good. Anyway, would be good to get others views on this. Oh, and in true Herefordshire Council fashion, it was put through my door 3 days after the surgery he held where we could have gone to listen to his oration :)
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