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Steve Major

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Steve Major last won the day on April 1

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  1. Gee whizz, what's going on in Hereford recently!
  2. Good news for the old market, be really good to see this place full again.
  3. This is a good question.
  4. Of course it will be approved. This is a farce Submit a controversial planning application Wait for all the objections and complaints Withdrawn original planning application Submit new planning application with a few tweaks All previous objections are no longer valid and need re-submitting Move in Asylum Seekers Less people complain and some people prefer the first option over the second Original objections now watered down as people think they have already objected (not realising that there is a new application, which amounts to the same) Keep delaying the decision, keep changing determination dates Approved
  5. Since the original planning application was withdrawn and new application submitted the Three Counties Hotel is accommodating over 100 Asylum Seekers while their applications are processed, which proved to be very controversial, so now a lot of people prefer a Lidl rather than a hotel full of asylum seekers. All part of the plan 🤫
  6. This is a joke! More wasted money, Maylords was always the better location.
  7. Personally in this day and age I think it is a must! Citizen safety first.
  8. Wishing everyone Merry Christmas
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