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Steve Major

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Everything posted by Steve Major

  1. I cannot fault you efforts Colin you should become a councillor we need more people like you.
  2. This mural is fabulous, Jim Kenyon you should be very proud of yourself.
  3. How about removing a few of the disabled spaces, there are far too many as it is, especially in Broad Street.
  4. I also prefer to see a business using these empty premises regardless of what they sell. Coffee shops seem to be very popular so why not.
  5. Scum!
  6. I like the idea of forcing members to login but i also understand how search engines index but in principle in is a good idea.
  7. This is a very good decision.
  8. It is long overdue but welcome nevertheless. Well done to Colin for his persistence and joint work with West Mercia Police. 👍
  9. Only went there once, food was very poor and they charged over £3 for a glass of fizzy orange so i am not surprised they are closing so soon.
  10. This pool was closed back over 7 years ago I believe it was in 2008? It could of been before I am not 100%. Why was it closed in the first place was it down to lack of funds or something else?
  11. I agree grenknight, personally the meeting on the surface looks like a good idea. It will be interesting to hear your thoughts after.
  12. Hmmm again, you cannot have an opinion these days Roger I thought you knew that. On another note, have you seen the poll about bringing refugees to Hereford on the HT website? Seems peoples opinions are not limited to just this forum and the same on another local site too I notice.
  13. At least were safe in the knowledge that is is not going to be turned into a church! Well at least not just yet.
  14. Not when we have local people that need housing but yes house is wasted in its current state which is disgusting.
  15. Hmmm, funny that, I was sure someone on here would of pointed you in the right direction.
  16. I am not sure who you are referring to as the member who was slating you? as for me, I merely asked what evidence you had to come with such a statement, which you have not addressed. The police are no wiser simply because there is lack of evidence and witnesses otherwise the culprit would now be locked up. I still fail to see how you came to your conclusion that the culprit has moved here from abroad?
  17. What evidence you have to back up that rather bizarre statement? That's the sort of thing we need to stop! Rumours and personal beliefs, the police need facts!
  18. Hey no need to apologise my friend, I was just pointing it out lol.
  19. I am not entirely sure what this has to do with "Airline Fat Tax" (off topic) this is just some idiot causing trouble over his man bag, which he will now be truly sorry about.
  20. Some good photos Colin. Yes it is a shame to see these old flats being torn down but the end result will be a 100 times better with better more modern facilities for people too. The only thing that I am surprised at is I that I read somewhere that the number of homes being replaced is a lot less? A bit like when the built the county hospital, less beds than were there before and now they are having to build another wing. I cannot understand why they have not build replacement apartments and I would of gone a little further and even added another floor to house more people especially with the housing situation the way it is.
  21. You know what, I work damn hard for my money, I have a disabled son and we all go out together for a nice meal, I don't expect to listen to some stinking foul mouth druggie watching his mate take a pi*% outside a church, anyone else would be arrested. I noticed a used needle on the floor too, maybe it was not from them but i am sure its probably from someone they know. I wonder how you would feel dippy if your child picked it up? Complex lives indeed, we all have choices and and they chose drugs! I am yet to see a successful druggie. They are nothing but parasites and a drain to society and a burden to everyone around them.
  22. Last time I looked it had closed down? I assume you mean the one under the hotel by Sainsbury?
  23. We went out for a meal only last night at the glass tandoori and there were at least 6 people shouting and swearing holding beers can outside the church to the side of the long bar, they looked like druggies, unkept and dirty looking, I recognise the one girl in the group she is a regular in the city centre. I thought that you could not drink in the town? Why is this being ignored?
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