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Steve Major

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Everything posted by Steve Major

  1. Yes Jon I would be keen to have a read though those minutes too.
  2. Not one of your best idea's Jim.
  3. Thank you for the information that's great.
  4. I was reading through this article and wondered if this ever got completed because I do not remember seeing a canal in Hereford, can anyone throw any light on this for me please?
  5. I had the exact same thoughts. It's no big deal and it clearly would of worked but hey ho
  6. With respect and unless i have missed something i do not recall Rebecca saying anyone was a fool for moaning? Can you point me to where she said that ?
  7. I appreciate that of course we need to embrace our heritage but some buildings are almost beyond economical repair and no company in their right minds will sign up to a 5 year + all repair lease, it's alright you all harping on about keeping the character and heritage but these companies do not want the hassle and no small business is ever going to want one of these listed buildings, hence, why we have so many empty shops!!!! Hellooooo
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  9. I totally get this, it's about making your shopping experience attractive to come to Hereford and right now the most attractive part is leaving Hereford. By the time people have managed negotiate the terrible traffic and then manage to find a parking space (because for some reason this administration seems to think that 65-70% of people in Hereford are disabled by the amount of parking bays allocated) a lot of people are fed up and frustrated and all they want to do is get their shopping done as quickly as possible in an attempt to avoid the traffic in order to get back home.
  10. I think the name needs to focus on traffic lights out being the main objective together with shared space somehow. I have a few suggestions; Fluid Hereford Traffic Lights Out (keeping it simple) Give Up The Stop Just my two pence worth. Great campaign and it is fantastic to have Martin Cassini involved, I have been reading up on the various successful campaigns with great interest. Some strong local campaigners named here so keep up the fight people!
  11. The reason the 3rd lane was gridlocked when they first opened the new lane was because they had temp traffic lights in place and on top of this they were totally out of sequence, hence the gridlock, northbound traffic flowed ok because at that time there were no lights in that direction, there is a real simple solution to this lot and hopefully the new lights out group may get a trial traffic lights out because I think it has been proved over and over again that its much better with no lights, this is the case in several cities and other studies.
  12. bobby could be right but in my experience I would stick with it, don't give up because a tremendous amount of local people are behind you with this campaign Mr James, even if you got the lights reduced to part-time it would be a result.
  13. I am with you. Colin has a valid point, turning off the traffic lights I think would work but it has to be worth trying it, I like his idea's of the traffic lights being part time too, they do not need to be on after 7pm any day of the week.
  14. Well done Jon
  15. Well done Jim and I agree with dippyhippy for Colin's constant determination and enthusiasm to get the traffic lights on the ring road including the Asda junction turned off. I cannot believe that this put the temp lights there for the buses coming out of Tesco Well lets hope now that they actually do it.
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