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Steve Major

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Everything posted by Steve Major

  1. Two men gave their lives during the line of civilian duty rest in peace.
  2. This Government has got a lot to answer, this is an absolute joke! 3 and 4 start hotels offering full board, it is no wonder they arrive in their thousands
  3. I see he has been tagged into some of the comment on the Hereford Voice Facebook article, so it will be interesting to see what his take on this is.
  4. This is a nice story, bless that little lad.
  5. What a sad sad person, starting to think their admin is a lot my weird than maybe I first thought. 😳 There is something seriously up with this amount of copying, it's almost stalking, he has to be so jealous or maybe he just fancies you 😂
  6. The bloke that runs YH is a complete knob. Proper sad case, I knew him from his days in Tesco, not many people liked him there either.
  7. Personally I think there are far too many disabled bays, never seen anything like it. Reduce the amount of those bays for starters because people with blue badges can more or less park anywhere anyway.
  8. Bloke was a real local legend. Sorry to hear this news of his passing. RIP
  9. There is no place for this sort of abuse towards anyone just doing their job. There are some local websites that obviously enjoy winding people up with their headlines all manufactured to encourage bigots and idiots to leave such comments, it gets people engaging and generates clicks and numbers for them, well they should be ashamed of themselves and I think they have a lot to answer for.
  10. Pleased that someone has some common sense.
  11. I hate vapes! Walking behind a couple in Hereford yesterday and some much smoke/vape came from them and straight into my mouth! VILE
  12. An excellent local project hope all the plans get passed, this will be very nice to have along the Castle Green.
  13. This is a brilliant idea. I can't stop watching ha ha (that's the nosey side of me)
  14. Probably not because something to do with the drains being level
  15. Merry Christmas to you all 🎅
  16. Yes there is something brewing, well done Hereford Voice you are certainly on the ball with the local news.
  17. Good luck
  18. Nobody cares anymore it is appalling, litter on the street everywhere as well.
  19. All the towns around us are shrinking too, this application for Ross on Wye - https://www.herefordshire.gov.uk/info/200142/planning_services/planning_application_search/details?id=212454&search-service=recent&search-source=items&search-item=registered in the last 7 days&search-term=registered in the last 7 days
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