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Steve Major

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Everything posted by Steve Major

  1. A terror investigation has been launched in Paris after a man with a blade tried to force his way into the Eiffel Tower. A judicial official said a man holding a knife shouted "Allahu akbar" - the Arabic phrase for "God is great" - and tried to access a secure zone during Saturday night's incident. The suspect told police he wanted to attack a solider and had been in contact with an Islamic State jihadist, the AFP news agency reported. He quickly surrendered when he was surrounded by security forces. The tower was briefly evacuated but there were no injuries. The knifeman was wearing a Paris Saint-Germain shirt and at the time of the alert the tower was lit up with the team's colours. A security source said the suspect had been in a psychiatric hospital for several months and was granted temporary permission to leave care from 4-6 August. Eiffel Tower reopened to tourists as usual on Sunday morning. Paris remains on alert following a series of attacks since 2015. http://news.sky.com/story/terror-probe-after-blade-incident-at-eiffel-tower-10976807
  2. If she carries on pitching tents in such dangerous places she won't be on this planet for much longer, problem solved.
  3. Yes I noticed that, the link you posted was to a knife attack, the other attack was totally seperate. So this is yet another attack
  4. Says it all... You won't get the usual replies to this one I'm sure.
  5. Oh and you know all the facts do you? Maybe she was drunk or off her head we she decided to camp at this wonderful scenic camp site, so yes upon reflection and taking all this into account and her behaviour, I agree your probably right, she must be pretty nuts I guess, all self inflicted though in my view and please don't start telling me she was unlucky in life and blah blah blah, another VICTIM eh? - Well we all have choices, she just appears to have made the wrong ones and still continues to refuse any help.
  6. I don't know where you are going with this, but who said she was suffering from any mental illness? You are assuming far too much by the seem of it, you also do not know what the local authorities weighed up, if anything at all...to add to this you do not know if they consulted with anyone? This is all guess work on your behalf so far. The woman is no longer on the roundabout so this topic has now more or less been exhausted.
  7. This MEP is absolutely correct. http://www.youtu.be/T7fs-91kDH4
  8. Oh behave dippy this is just a few people venting their frustrations, ( I am sure we are all guilty of saying things on the spur of the moment) I do however agree that the slapping comment was unnecessary. I was told be more than one person that she was removed and there was a police van there either Friday/Saturday then BB arrived to clear up quite a lot of mess left behind, I would not put money on that, I am just going by what I had heard.
  9. Yes I agree, we were only looking outside some of the houses along Belmont Road over the weekend while driving past and had the same thoughts. I have noticed an old lady often sweeping up the leaves and rubbish outside her gate on many occasions, nice to see.
  10. Hands off approach? They removed her and yes I agree it clearly worked.
  11. Compassion, I have compassion but not for people who's situation is self inflicted. I am not going to get into a full blown discussion but I do get frustrated when I read such comments. Yes I am all for helping people who through no fault of their own need help and support but I have very little time for those who have caused most of it themselves. Clarkester's logic is excellent. Anyway, good news that she has now gone.
  12. I am fed up of hearing people blaming the government for everything. The council have the money, I know that my community charges have gone up and they managed to find the money to extend and upgrade the planning office in Blueschool Street but can't find the money to kill weeds, yeah right. What do you mean it is no good moaning about it, go and remove them ourselves? You will be telling us next that we have to arrest the local burglars ourselves.
  13. About time, lets hope she finds somewhere safer to set up camp rather than somewhere like a roundabout, I have never seen anything like it tbh
  14. It might of been your local neighbourly pervert trying to catch a glimpse of you on your bed lol
  15. I think this is a poor excuse Denise, the authorities need to remove her from this location before some sort of incident happens.
  16. Oh come on, he is hardly inciting violence so lets not exaggerate, makes me laugh, quick to condemn people for making of the cuff remarks made out of frustration, yet says nothing about the person causing as distraction on Herefords busiest junction, which is as accident just waiting to happen, most people accept that. Unreal, you couldn't make it up
  17. A good strong wind and storm and they will be down Colin. You highlighted this once before and since then I can't help but look every time I go past
  18. This is not good for them or anyone else, council need to move her and before anyone starts, there are plenty of other places in and around Hereford they could camp other than on the business roundabout in the city. They are a distraction and this is dangerous for both them and motorists.
  19. Again having a pop at well off people. I am not well off by any standard but it does become a bit tiresome blaming those who happen to be successful, many have worked damn hard too. I have compassion that said, a friend of ours who lives in Liverpool, there home was damaged from fire and they had to find their own temporary accommodation, the council were not really interested, because it was a private house they told them to speak with their insurers, they were not insured, guess what, nobody other than their family helped them, this was about 5 years ago. So like always in the UK if you work hard an try to better yourself by buying your own home etc your penalised, yet if you don't work everything appears to be provided free of charge. My friend lives in a semi detached Cornish house in Swindon, she had the house left to her when her mother passed away, new people have moved in next door within the last 2 years, they have had all the new alterations, roof tiles, windows, and kitchen and because my friend owns her house they totally left hers, so if your driving around and wonder why one half of a semi looks new and the other is untouched you now know why. I agree with the above comments, if this were you or me, no help would be coming our way I am sure. The PM has pledged £5 million and has said she will try to re-house these people within 3 weeks which I think is very good, they have refused to let the immigration dept get involved trying to identify people, is that because many of those could of been her illegally? Bono and Geldof now theres a question, where are these two?
  20. What a bloody joke!!! Your telling me that someone in authority send 2 coppers out to your home, for what? A complete waste of tax payers money, have you complained yet Colin?
  21. Police throughout other Europeans countries carry guns and if they are not happy carrying guns maybe they are in the wrong job. Personally, I do not feel safe here anymore and I dread to think how people caught up in these attacks feel when an unarmed copper turns up to protect them, time to wake up people! It is now time to train and arm all police officers in the UK.
  22. Try telling that to the victims and their families.
  23. Conservative for me and Corbyn is their biggest asset, so lets hope he stays Labour leader for the next few years even though I think he is a vile man.
  24. I purchased a box of chocolates for my mum for Mothers Day this year but I believe that is the first time I was in this shop for possibly a few years. Most products are now available in supermarkets, so they are partly responsible for their own demise.
  25. Well that is a matter of opinion...but i do agree with him on immigration
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