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Steve Major

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Everything posted by Steve Major

  1. Good to see that the BRPC has secured funding for the library for the next 3 years.
  2. Well if were going to start a protest you best read this... So what is the difference here then?
  3. Hey, I do not disagree with you but you have missed the point I was making, which is you are questioning these posts saying that HV is predominantly about Hereford, yet your happy to respond to other 'NON Hereford' topics.
  4. ragwert you are more than content to join in other debates, so were your comments on 'just one that I plucked out' based on these so called cleansed media reports too or was that particular report okay? Regarding the washed up body of a child (a child's life is no more important than any other human life): Details about the Syrian family of the three-year old boy, who drowned as they made their way to Europe from Turkey on a small dingy, began to emerge recently and some things do not add up. According to The Wall Street Journal, Abdullah Kurdi, the little boy’s father, was living in a relatively safe area in a Turkish town for three years while working on construction sites for 50 Turkish lira (roughly $17) a day. However, Kurdi told a Syrian radio station it was not enough to support himself and his family and he relied on his sister Tima Kurdi, who is a 20-year resident of Canada, to assist in paying the rent. It should be noted that Tima told reporters Thursday that the family just came to Turkey last year, even though WSJ points out he came to Turkey three years ago, and his Facebook “shows pictures of the family in Istanbul crossing the Bosporus and feeding pigeons next to the famous Yeni Cami, or new mosque.†Tima told WSJ that their father was still in Syria and advised his son to leave Turkey and go to Europe and have his teeth fixed. Once in Europe, he was instructed to find a way to bring his entire family over from Turkey. Tima wired €1,000 ($1,100) to her brother for the trip one month ago. According to The Ottawa Citizen, Turkey does not register thousands of Syrian Kurdish refugees in the country exit visas, as the UN does not register them as refugees. “I was trying to sponsor them, and I have my friends and my neighbours who helped me with the bank deposits, but we couldn’t get them out, and that is why they went in the boat. I was even paying rent for them in Turkey, but it is horrible the way they treat Syrians there,†Tima told The Ottawa Citizen. Other reports say the family was fleeing Kobane in Syria, an area that ISIS attacked previously, but the WSJ report as well as others say the family wanted to leave Turkey for reasons that were not ISIS or war related. WSJ notes that Abdullah called her just before he was due to leave Turkey, he told his sister he planned on bringing the entire family with him to Europe, claiming his wife could not support their two sons alone. “If we go, we go all of us,†Ms. Kurdi recounted him telling her. She said she spoke to his wife last week, who told her she was scared of the water and couldn’t swim. “I said to her, ‘I cannot push you to go. If you don’t want to go, don’t go,’†she said. “But I guess they all decided they wanted to do it all together.†The family boarded a 15-foot boat intended to take them from the Turkish resort town of Bodrum to the Greek Island of Kos. According to earlier reports, the family’s application for asylum in Canada was rejected by Canada, but Canadian immigration authorities told the BBC they had no record of receiving an application for refugee status from Abdullah. Tima later admitted the asylum application for the family was never submitted. Tragically, the boat capsized Wednesday. Twelve passengers died as a result including Abdullah’s young sons and wife. He was the only member of his family to survive, but the photo of his 3-year old drowned child on a Turkish beach made headlines across the globe. One Australian politician blamed the father for the death of the boy when the Australian Parliament debated the refugee issue. Senator Cory Bernardi told Australia’s Parliament he was not swayed by “these emotive arguments, and in particular to characterise this as some sort of humanitarian missionâ€. While acknowledging that the boy’s death was a tragedy, he said: “That boy and his family had lived in Turkey for three years. The money for that boy’s father to pay the people smugglers was sent from Canada.†He added, “The father sent them on that boat so the father could get dental treatment. They were in no fear, they were in no persecution and they were in no danger in Turkey.†Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2015/09/07/story-begins-to-unravel-about-drowned-syrian-boy/#ixzz4UHlSlwWa
  5. You may be right Bobby anyway Merry Xmas to you and yours
  6. You are correct, so understanding that this social approach toward people of difference, we are all wasting our time trying then? All this just proves that some cultures just do not mix and even when you hold out a hand of friendship that does not work either. We will just keep on with the flag coloured monuments and candles and I still blame Merkel.
  7. Ironically, the East European countries who refused to let in any of these migrants such as Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Poland have not been attacked, strange that...
  8. Hence why Merkel should NOT have had such an open door policy!
  9. There was this one here too back in July. Cough cough I said the very same thing and it will get worse.
  10. Just take a good look at that photograph, it just goes to show how pathetic this really is, it is quite unbelievable. What happened to common sense, all they have done here is caused the motorist more frustrations and unnecessary delays, they should be fined for everyday the roadworks and lights are in place!
  11. Any update on whether or not a bin or two will be provided or do the Parish Council intend to keep sitting on all the money they have?
  12. What is the point of this exercise? Travellers usually park where they like anyway!
  13. Hungary taunt Germany and this article is spot on!!
  14. Yes High Town is becoming a dump, I see rubbish that has been there for months.
  15. Another one.. Syrian Refugee Wielding Machete Kills Woman Footage from the scene shows a man running away before cutting to him lying on the ground, his face bloodied and his hands cuffed. A suspect was detained and a large knife was found nearby Sky News Source
  16. Well done lads for all the years that you have served our country as well as many others
  17. Thank you for reminding me. RIP to all those heroes who died.
  18. There must be a story to go with this lol there is usually no smoke without fire, I bet there is more to come
  19. Very well deserved have a good year as our Mayor of Hereford
  20. Poland like a few other countries have the right attitude in my book. We now have a Muslim Mayor of London in a christian country, we have lost our identity and I see little in the way of integration. There are far too many do-gooders worrying about upsetting or offending other cultures in this country, integrate or leave! Poland and Hungary do not have the problems on the scale that we experience here, I drove through London last week and was shocked when I witnessed muslim extremists walking and shouting with banners in Walthamstow, not one arrest, but walk with a banner shouting and balling at a football match and see how many get arrested then. These countries should not be bullied or threatened with huge fines for not taking muslim migrants.
  21. I like the May fair images very cool
  22. https://www.facebook.com/leaveeuofficial/videos/946139178817657/
  23. Mark his words! Let 3000 in today and another 3000 + will be knocking on the door tomorrow
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