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Steve Major

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Everything posted by Steve Major

  1. Were the tires still inflated or did the driver just loose control?
  2. All for a good cause well done peeps
  3. From the HC website: Agreement to pursue the right to compulsorily purchase the fire damaged building at 16-18 High Town in Hereford was made at a meeting of the council’s cabinet today, Thursday 11 February. The move will mean that, in the event that no significant progress has been made to redevelop the site, the council can take action to purchase the building and ensure its regeneration. The building is currently in the hands of its former owner’s receiver who went into liquidation last year. If the receiver fails to sell the building over the coming months to a party with plans to restore the building, the council may then pursue the option to buy. The fire, which happened in October 2010, left the building extensively damaged and it was reported as being one of the most severe fires known to have occurred in modern day Herefordshire.
  4. I think aged 45 is a little low but maybe at the age of 60 you have to sit some sort of reaction test then ever 5 years.
  5. It is always good to see new members joining the forum and the more the better. There is huge activity on the HV FaceBook page but becoming a member of the forums here is more personal and the members can become more involved in discussions instead of someone just posting quick replies.
  6. I have no problem with this increase either because the money is going to LOCAL services and I think most would agree that these services are much needed.
  7. What is the problem with just offering deliveries after midnight? Sp was this refused based upon 1 or 2 resident objections?
  8. February and March will be interesting months in Hereford.
  9. It's unbelievable how easily folk are 'offended' these days, they offended themselves on behalf of others. Definition of a refugee, someone in fear of their life. Definition of a migrant, someone looking for a better life. So I tend to agree with Dave on this one Mr Cameron rounded on the Labour leader in the Commons, saying: "Look at the record of the last week. They (Labour) met with the unions and they gave them flying pickets. They met with the Argentinians, they gave them the Falkland Islands. They met with a bunch of migrants in Calais, they said they could all come to Britain. The only people they never stand up for is the British people and hard-working taxpayers."
  10. The green bins also appear to be full of items such as polythene which they cannot recycle.
  11. Roger is correct it would be cheaper to use the stations NCP car park. Some of these prices increases are far to high
  12. Apologies for the delay in my response dippy. I do not mind at all, I am not entirely sure how can conclude a rather aggressive manner merely from text, maybe you have the ability to use extrasensory perception (ESP) to identify information hidden from the normal senses? Joking aside, I am not aggressive at all and I apologise if my responses come across to you in that manner.
  13. So if we "in your own words" know very little about these people, what qualifies you to be their spokesperson and defender on the web? Surely someone as wise and intelligent as you can enlighten us of low intelligence with some facts instead of name calling, not what you think is happening that fits your agenda, why not just stick to the facts and actual events of which only a small minority have been picked up by western media. For example, can you answer why the vast majority of refugees are males aged 18-35?
  14. The same reason a disabled person parks in a disabled bay and has a blue badge! Quite happy to do that though aren't they! It is to help identify them. Help is being offered to these people and complaints about a poxy wristband, unreal, the world has gone mad it really has!
  15. I cannot believe that a system devised to help (wristbands) identify migrants in order to provide food has been slammed! For once I agree with Katie Hopkins. Lefties are outraged migrants have to wear a red band to get food and handouts. Most of us have to go to work to get food. Suck it up. ________________________________________________ There is no dignity in taking from others. There should only be gratitude.
  16. Sweden have taken its fair share of migrants, yet the orphans choose to runaway from their foster homes and then cause havoc, in particular at the Stockholm train station. Read this lot and before anyone says oh yes DailyMail crap I can provide other sources.
  17. Now Mrs Merkel is losing confidence with her people she wants to re-distribute her guests throughout the EU. This is an interesting article
  18. I am sharing that same sad face as Clarkester. How sad is it when the local council provide the bins to recycle and some people just cannot be bothered! It really is not difficult to do your bit, we simply rinse items beforehand, it takes no time or real effort. I opened a tin of chopped tomatoes last night and rinsed the empty tin within seconds. It is because of people with this "can't be bothered" attitude that will force everyone in the end to have to sort all of their waste like the have to do in the bigger cities. They have separate bins for glass, paper, metal etc in Hereford it is all made simple.
  19. We went for our Monday morning breakfast this morning hoping it was open but we have to wait another week, so we went to the bus station cafe for a good old fry up instead and very nice it was.
  20. Yes my mistake lol Schengen Zone
  21. It will only get worse in Germany and throughout the whole of the Sichuan Zone now, wait and see.
  22. This is going off topic a little. I see that Sky News are now reporting this issue in Germany Bless Angela Merkel..
  23. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3384423/German-police-hunt-group-1-000-men-Arab-North-African-origin-sexually-assaulted-numerous-women-threw-fireworks-crowds-Cologne-train-station-New-Year-s-Eve.html
  24. You let them in Angela http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/01/04/revealed-1000-migrants-brawl-rape-sexually-assault-steal-one-german-train-station-new-years-eve/
  25. I remember the topic that bobby47 started called the Shame Of The European Union...It should be renamed to the European Union SHAME! Angela Merkel - this is blood on your hands. One of the Paris terrorists passed through Greece in October as a Syrian refugee! So where are all the looney left wing tree huggers now?
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