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Everything posted by ragwert

  1. Well it turns out he was born Adrian Elms in Kent & he ain't a muslim,just a convert to Islam
  2. Seems to me they have not filled any holes in for the last 6 weeks. The ones on College bridge are getting bigger by the day.
  3. Think you will find the ones that want to join ISIS have done so already (Around 1,500) Like the other terrorist attackers in the UK before this one he was born in the UK....A British Citizen,so where you going to deport them to?
  4. You just have to look at USA where not only are all the police are armed but the general public are too,never stops the mass murders does it or the on average 34,000 people killed by gun use. If the police are all armed it would lead to criminals being armed too
  5. Why? Do you think if all were armed this would not have happened? No,me neither
  6. The City is full of em
  7. The furniture store in Blackfriars Street is to be demolished this week to make way for 51 apartments for Herefordshire Housing & stand alone retail store.
  8. And the sixth set of lights when the Link Road ones are installed
  9. I'm reserving judgement till its finished and open.
  10. Looks like Hereford Times have caught up http://www.herefordtimes.com/news/15162390.Rescue_teams__remove_interiors_of_property__to_help_poorly_woman/
  11. Been told a very large person lives there and they will have to remove the window to get them out
  12. Anyone know what's going on in Sherborne Close? Seems all the fire brigade,ambulance & police service are there
  13. How many of them 17000 have had to be re filled due to not been filled correctly in the first place?
  14. Planning permission has just been granted for 35 flats/apartments
  15. You can safely bet that whoever designed the new link road does not live in or probably ever heard of Hereford
  16. Seems rather tight. Cannot for the life of me see why they are putting lights here other than to do what every other set of lights do in Hereford FK up the traffic.What's wrong with a roundabout. And I wonder if they can get these new lights working on the ground sensors so vehicles are not waiting on Red when there is no traffic about like the ones in Blackfriars Street,still not working on the ground sensors.
  17. One for signage https://www.herefordshire.gov.uk/info/200142/planning_services/planning_application_search/details?id=170557&search=st%20martins%20street One for planning permission https://www.herefordshire.gov.uk/info/200142/planning_services/planning_application_search/details?id=163071&search-term=st%20martins%20street&search-service=search&search-source=the%20keywords&search-item=%27st%27,%20%27martins%27%20and%20%27street%27
  18. Having just come down Widemarsh St from Newtown road/Widemarsh St/College Road bridge miniroundabout It's looking like it will be one way. You will not be able to go from new road to mini roundabout. I hope I'm wrong
  19. This one is a delivery service.
  20. The planning application to turn the Treacle mine into A Pizza Hut has been approved.
  21. Pretty sure there is more traffic coming in and out of the car park
  22. Probably twice as much as it would of cost to vastly improve movement throughout the City
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