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Everything posted by ragwert

  1. Someone gave you a neg for this comment Dip. I'm with you I liked it too
  2. As stated before this is a speculative invoice,nothing more.The most they would get if it went to court which it never will is the cost of parking for the length of time you were parked.This is the reason they never do take anyone that far.
  3. Yes sorry its Joules about to open,
  4. I bet this Highways consultant is not like me one of the motorists that have to put up with these lights.I can also honestly say that I have never seen pedestrians adults or children and quite often parents with children wait for the green man . The Ledbury Road/Hampton Dean junction needs a roundabout but whats the betting they install traffic lights.
  5. I have heard a local company has taken both the kiosks on Newmarket Street. Paperchase and H&M open by end of July and River Island open beginning of September. There is also another restaurant opening
  6. Going Sunday just before we go and see how to train your dragon 2 at Odeon :-)
  7. So did they approve the removal of those bloody lights in Ledbury Road as part of the planning app? I'm sure Jim Kenyon put a comment in with the planning app.
  8. All English!! I bed to differ
  9. Always wanted to give that Michael Gove a slap,and now I can. http://games.usvsth3m.com/slap-michael-gove/
  10. Store is being given a revamp too Couple of self service tills and pay at pump would be great.
  11. You don't have to be homeless to have a drink problem
  12. Seems we have 12 million for the City link road and 27 million for South Wye that includes the A49 to A465 link road. Both will reduce traffic going through The City and also bring about much needed homes and jobs. The Hereford to Gloucester canal is also to be reinstated. Lets hope that the bus station will at some point be put next to the train station.
  13. So I'm looking at the TV and along with Shropshire we have been been given £75 million funding for new link road/s etc. Is this both the Edgar Street-Commercial Road and Ross Road-Abergavenny Road projects and will this be all the money to build them?
  14. Can someone point me to the Ship inn development topic.I'm sure we had one.Ta
  15. I heard Tesco in town had more booze stolen than sold :-)
  16. Wye valley demolition seem to be busy in Hereford.They are also demolishing all the unit buildings down by rail station to make way for the link road
  17. Sadly this is not the case.A lot of people know Chris and Elaine,both drug users since they were teenagers and now nearly 50. They have been given a 2 bed flat and benefits and spend all day and night high as a kite. Not the kind of help they should be given but they have probably over the years been given plenty of help which has failed.
  18. Just a thought.Are we going to have this grass cutting fiasco again next year?
  19. That guy is actually a street performer.His name is Matthew Silver.
  20. They know exactly where you park.Your car reg is even put on the ticket so no swapping tickets
  21. Found a video of him just the other day
  22. Could be that the fish ain't biting and he has time to spare.
  23. And balfour beatty will probably swallow up 8 million Ker.....ching
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