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Everything posted by ragwert

  1. Another load of complete crap from our good friend Grid knocker. In fact national average is 17.3%.They reported Hereford has one of the lowest percentage of empty shops in the UK at around 9%.
  2. G rowberry is not a shop anymore.It was bought in an auction earlier this year and plans are to convert into flats. The empty Phase eight store and the two empty shops next to it have been sold to a development company. The empty unit that was subway and the unit next to it have been knocked into one and will open as a furniture store early next year. There are around 260 shop units in the City with around 20 empty
  3. Very run down part of Hereford and I think there are probably half of the 33 tenants who were there in 2009.
  4. HRD Estates The penny drops I know the owner/s very well
  5. The stream next to christian life centre is not part of the old canal.That's the brook that runs through Hereford. The canal used to go along Burcott Rd under the bridge and finished at what is now Jewsons yard right at the bottom. The canal is also an intergral part of the ESG Megiland. There was a valid reason for why it was turned down.Apart from the majority of businesses on the ind est signing a petition against it the developers also forgot to include a piece of land that cavanaghs are on in the development plan. There was talk of the developers being very heavy handed in their approach to people who had units on the site. Who are Hereford residential developments?I'm sure they had something to do with Greyfriars Restaurant. They asked last year for an extension to the time to redevelop Holmer Ins Est
  6. I have found some info on widths of roads and these are minimum standards for highway construction. 5.5 mtrs for residential 7.3 mtrs for industrial Min width of car park spaces is 2.4 mtrs Have also found that the max height of a road hump is 75mm.Does that mean all those up Stanberrow Rd etc are illegal?
  7. This video also shows that the use of stone blocks as was supposed to have been used in Newmarket Street is perfectly OK. They will now be using coloured tarmac
  8. Well I have heard it all now,Traffic congestion in Ross Rd due to Christmas shoppers http://www.herefordtimes.com/li/traffic.detail.6977195/?ref=ltp
  9. That crater was filled in April this year.It just goes to show how much money is wasted on temp 2 min jobs
  10. I think you need to think a bit more about what people do to get from A to B.Instinct tells us to try and get from A to B in the quickest/shortest possible way.Why go up and down lifts to access a bridge that only takes people from one part of the town to the other when most people would come from Widemarsh Street as they do now.
  11. Noticed Blackfriar Street exit onto Edgar Street has been widened to two lanes
  12. I think this picture has been taken right across from the cider press judging by the church spire.The curve is further down around the corner.
  13. This picture shows they have built the building around Newmarket roundabout at least 2 mtrs in from line of old buildings http://www.imagebam.com/image/df9cea296471834
  14. Seriously...From 2nd level of debenhams to 2nd level of........Tesco !!! or 2nd level of Debenhams to 2nd level of Maylords. Lol Another reason a bridge would be pointless and a waste of money is people will still get off the bus at Tesco and cross Newmarket St to development and vice versa.Also people walking from town towards Tesco would not go into Tesco go up a lift and then walk across a bridge then get out of the lift to get into another lift to get to ground floor. Same goes for Debenhams to Maylords
  15. Well my daughter became an accident statistic of Herefords traffic congestion when she was knocked over by an impatient car driver stuck in the congestion taking a short cut through the College car park tonight.Very lucky to get away with ligament damage to the knee and a few bruises. Car driver decided to not stop but was soon found by the police.
  16. Not with that £27,000 anti suicide fence you won't
  17. Me.I'll wait until it's finished which clearly its not until I go around picking holes
  18. You would of thought by some comments it was miles away
  19. If you thought Herefords potholes are bad, have a look at pothole britain-drivers beware on ch5+1 now
  20. Newmarket Street plans http://newsroom.herefordshire.gov.uk/2013/december/works-to-commence-in-new-year-to-transform-widemarsh-gate-and-newmarket-street.aspx
  21. You would have to have steps for a footbridge with that sort of span also most people would still walk from Widemarsh St to the new shopping mall
  22. They have filled them all Bio and quite some time ago too
  23. Harry said...Various Councillors went along for the ride but there was never any positive follow-up from the Council. Why not? The answer is purely financial Purely because was a stupid idea and would of been a complete waste of money. I say it again what about people with walking disability ?
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