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Everything posted by dippyhippy

  1. Is it beyond the realms of possibility, that HC can take a long, hard look at what has happened in Newport and Bridgend, and learn something from their mistakes??? Amanda, your idea of a trip to see how things could/should be done, is excellent. Would you extend the invitation to perhaps one or two of the cabinet?? Perhaps if they could share the vision, they may be more inclined to remove their blinkers.....! (Perhaps Bobby may like the sound of this excursion?? He could use it as an opportunity to purchase his tobacco......! Now that would be an interesting mix of travelling companions!)
  2. Unfortunately, HT have not seen fit to remove the headline and image from their on line site. The police have been granted a second time extension, which will expire at 10.00pm tomorrow night.
  3. Evening Adrian. This council do not give two hoots about Our Counties heritage. Look at the campaign to save The Working Boys Home.... they wanted it flattened, and I'm still not convinced that it is entirely safe now. Much as it pains me to see beautiful buildings passed into private hands, rather this than let them fall into an even greater state of disrepair. Personally, I'd love someone to come along and buy both The Boys Home and indeed The River Island site, and actually DO something with these buildings, rather than leave them so woefully neglected. In the case of The Boys Home, I'm sure that a cooperative of local crafts people could turn it into a vibrant and welcoming space, perhaps with a café run by students from the nearby Barrs Court Hub. In the evenings, local bands could use it for practise, or the odd performance. It could have a real city centre community vibe. There is so much potential for this place. The longer it's empty, the bigger the threat of losing it. (Good to read that you were at last nights meeting, by the way!)
  4. Yes, I read this a few days ago. It didn't appear until the news was out about the successful bid. I was surprised that there hadn't been more publicity about this groups interest in The Butter Market.... they appear to have put forward an excellent case. However, it does appear that Mr Sockets vision for the future of The Butter Market has the traders seal of approval. These are the folks who it will matter to most, so for me at least, I would have to support that.
  5. I know the fact that The Butter Market is now in private ownership seems to go against the grain..... but something had to be done. Lack of investment and care over the past goodness knows how many years, have done this glorious building no favours. It needs some TLC if it is to survive and thrive. Hopefully, it will now get that. It certainly is deserving, and to allow it to deteriorate any more could not be an option.
  6. Hallelujah! My Saviour Bobby, with his words of truth! So good to read you! Please, will you report back when you witness any miraculous visions/hallucinations???
  7. I don't comment on HT very often these days. I have however, left a post to register my thoughts that this really does need to be removed. A real low point for local journalism.
  8. I completely agree Amanda. Those that have steered this forward must be congratulated. This is no small task to have taken on. (My observations about modes of transport, was more about us audience members, then those organising or on the panel...... folks motives for not wanting this road will most definitely be questioned, at some point along the line!) What you need, is practical help, positive suggestions and possibly financial contributions. I'm happy to do whatever when I can.
  9. On the "preaching to the converted" point, could I just add a few thoughts??? I don't know, but I'm guessing that for some of the folks that attended the meeting, this might be their first foray into some sort of campaign.....I don't think it's ever a bad idea to grab every opportunity to give people information on alternative proposals. I certainly found John Stewart very informative. I'd also like to make a point which crossed my mind as I walked home. (Key word here being "walked!") If this is a campaign which is too have any sort of environmental argument, against this road being built, and promoting sustainable and greener alternatives..... folks do need to practise what they preach! Quite a few of those attending last night seemed to know each other.... was there any car sharing/cycling/walking going on to GET to the meeting??? The irony of a meeting promoting the preservation of our beautiful county, and declaring that we don't need this road...... then all jumping in their separate vehicles to go home, is not lost on me! It can't be a case of do as I say, not as I do! And it most definitely can't be a case of Not In My Back Yard. There are strong and compelling reasons not to have this road built. But everybody needs to be singing from the same hymn sheet, and clear communication is vital. (An option to "sign in" at the meeting, and leave contact details was an opportunity missed, but can be easily rectified in time for the next one!)
  10. A very interesting meeting, and quite well attended, which is encouraging. I listened intently. One thing struck me, more than anything else. We have report after report. (Many of which are littered with inaccuracies.)We have consultation after consultation.(Many of which are meaningless box ticking exercises.) We have expert after expert, advisor after advisor, and a few consultants thrown in for good measure. (We are constantly told we have no money..... this little lot must have cost a small fortune.) Lovely. But it really isn't rocket science. It really shouldn't be too difficult a concept to grasp, that we should start easing Hereford's traffic issues, with small, sustainable, relatively cheap changes first. Evaluate the impact these have, before even considering permanently scarring the face of our beautiful county. The road will not solve any problems. It will not aid the so called Enterprise Zone. It is not the answer to Hereford's prayers. It quite simply is an idea which has been mis - sold to many. Those who really want to stop this, now need to work together, under one umbrella. Lots of groups, forums, Facebook pages etc. only serve to confuse. Folks need a clear sign post to a one stop shop, for information about a campaign. Amanda Martin and the other speakers did a great job of sharing information,and their vision, for how things could be.(John Stewart's common sense approach did indeed lower my blood pressure!.) This now needs to be presented to,and heard by, a much wider audience. As Tony Johnson also attended, perhaps he could make a start, by sharing with members of the cabinet........
  11. Just read the Edwards' representation. What on earth can you say to that?? I just do not understand the thought process behind that.... and whoever wrote it, doesn't appear to understand the issue at all. My blood pressure was on the rise. I then read John Harringtons. I feel better now.
  12. How very rude! Deleting your enquiry! I wonder how their "investigation" has progressed.......
  13. HT has updated this. The police say that at this time, there is no motive and no suspect. His family and friends must be struggling to comprehend this senseless and brutal attack. My heart goes out to them. (Victor, I don't think speculating about possible related issues is particularly helpful, or appropriate, given the tragic circumstances. Post 12.)
  14. Good grief. That's four, very chunky payments going out to The 2gether Foundation Trust. I do hope they are earning that money.......... Who are Browne Jacobson LLP??? That's a new one on me. And STILL Hereford Futures???? And a VERY hefty bar bill..... just who has been wined and dined at our expense???
  15. Or sank to new depths, in the joke department...... wait, no.... it was a pun, a play on words. Let's not "elevate" it's status to a joke......!
  16. So........ We have "Lift Off" then! Apologies. I couldn't help myself.
  17. Hi Colin.... could you merge this thread with Denise's??? I think this thread may attract quite a few comments, and it gets a tad confusing when two threads cover the same story!
  18. Err. Ragwert. Sounds as if you've fallen foul of exactly the same scam as poor old Clarkester. He posted this warning last week on the forum!
  19. Encouraging to read he has the backing of The Butter Market Traders. Hopefully this means that they are all singing from the same hymn sheet, and at long last The Butter Market will receive the TLC it needs and deserves.
  20. Tragic events. My thoughts are with family and friends. Thirty is no age to die.
  21. I wouldn't be surprised if it took 2 - 3 years to get to court/hearing. The wheels of justice can turn very slowly.
  22. I've just googled this, and it says on the search page "The Independent 5 hours ago" Also, the photo which is included in the report of witnesses at the medical board hearing, looks very recent. The date given for the outcome of that hearing when he was struck off, is June 19th....a couple of days ago. The comments section underneath, also seems to concur that this is a "breaking news" story.
  23. Bloody hell. This is shocking.
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