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Hinton Hitman

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Everything posted by Hinton Hitman

  1. Dogging is the act of having sex in a place that the public can watch.
  2. Hinton Hitman


    Some years ago there were some posts about dogging in the local area, well it is alive and well in Hinton, stark naked , interior lights on and weed to follow, and all on his drive way.
  3. Update, Welsh Water are only on site tonight, as stated. However I am informed that the signs that have been put up are Council Signs, not Welsh Water, so it appears that there is to be re surfacing work going on from the 1st to the 9th of June over night.
  4. Whose right, Megilland? or The Welsh Water engineer in charge? Ring and ask for Mr Gareth Morris, as I did this morning call 0800 085 3968 and quote reference number 94515322.
  5. Hot off the press from Welsh Water, the repairs will take place from 2000hrs tonight until aprox 0600 hrs Saturday Morning, no mention of a the 1st till the 9th June and the y assure me that that info is wrong. coupled with the amber weather warning for this afternoon and evening should be interesting, nothing on the tele might wander down for a look.
  6. Can't wait till Welsh Water close the Ross Road adjacent to the Hinton Community Centre to clear a blocked sewer.
  7. Tried to log onto the Council website to report a pot hole, again, getting some very strange error messages from the website and warnings from my web security, tried the link through Voice and the same happened, running my security scans just incase. Just to let you know.
  8. The Traffic Officers were down Hollybush walk today. pity they werm't here last Wednesday.
  9. Any idea what is happening at Hinton Community Center?, 5 Police vehicles in attendance.
  10. Any one interested Fred's funeral is at the Crem 11:15hrs tomorrow (Tuesday).
  11. Well done Phil.
  12. if you look up lightning cars on the tinternet you will find plans tp build a child's powered sports car using a 50 litre plastic bin and old electric drill and other bits, I'm thinking a black wheelie bin would make a great kids bin lorry.
  13. any update?
  14. having cut the grass I'm not sure I could q for the loo and in any case I think the council might bar those who want to pee in disquise
  15. Suggest you read this first, I should point out that the pinkie reply was sent then week after the main article was printed, I just scanned them together. Even in those days I had to hide my identity for fear of reprisals.
  16. Just to say that the problems with grass cutting are not new, perhaps the council should ask Mr Hubbard to carry on cutting due to the cuts. The same content was sent to the times but they decline to print it.
  17. I agree with dippyhippy and the other supporters, I like the journal, they would publish letters that the Times editorial staff were not allowed to.
  18. cant help thinking that this topic should be linked to Dogging and the conversation about nettles.
  19. I took a taxi the other day, the driver said that Hinton crescent rated with the worst in Hereford, suppose he would know as he drives all over the city, he did agree that there were far bigger holes on country roads.
  20. Thanks for the votes guys, bit disappointed thought a few red ones would have surfaced by now.
  21. commenting on the red and green button saga, is it not time that only people who use their real names and photos should be allowed to log on, I do agree that voting should be kept secret to stop the odd punch up should you happen to bump in to a red button voter, can you imagine the next get together at Jims pub? a couple of pints and the boys in blue will be offering over night bed and breakfast followed by the friendly people from the licencing office paying a visit.. I of course am immediately recognisable by the glasses and am well known in certain dark areas of the city. As for the new development, you must understand that lots of very well meaning people who know better that the rest of us have worked tirelessly to ensure that we have the best of everything in Hereford, We have all the best supermarkets and charity shops in the area, if you could just forget the lack of cheep parking, state of the roads, the ex military living on the streets and in the woods, ( I think he may have just come out) the loss of facilities such as the free paddling pool, the schools swimming pool, high town, the state of the roads etc etc, then you will see that it has all been done with our best interests at heart. many of them cross the floor of the council chamber and have to drink for medicinal purposes just to cope with the pressure that they suffer just to ensure that we do as they want. Ps vote away, red or green, and if you'd like to leave your name, I am happy to return the compliment.
  22. I have just completed the survey, why do they need to know my nationality and colour? how dose that affect the way I park, do the Welsh and the English park different?, are we going to ban the Scots if they vote for independence? no parking for them. PS dippyhippy, I had a shower today.
  23. Wagamama, the McDonald's of the sushi world :Cha ching:, still its good to see that CVP is expanding her bland diet of chicken, beef and salmon.( Bloggers Bash 10/12/2013).
  24. So Biomech, are you going to the Bloggers Bash @ Jims pub? or will you be outside with the anti social squad, sorry I mean the licencing squad with a breathalyser?, bear in mind that the friendly boys in blue from the squad drink in a pub very close to the fire station, very very close, Oh and by the way, French Connection UK are suing for breach of their trade mark rights.
  25. On a serious note, we can all blog on the site as much as we like but we need action, would not a petition be an idea? I seem to remember reading somewhere that if you get a certain number of signatures the Council have to reply, the number 800 is in the back of my mind but I have no idea why, some one out there will have the answer, I would have thought we could raise more than 1000 between us.I would be willing to collect signatures if other bloggers think that we could achieve something, of course I would have to come as someone else. I suspect that our councillor members might get into a spot of bother with the Brockington Mafia if they took part but I'm sure one or two of them could advise. PS I see that CVP has minus 8 points on one of her posts, wish my street cred was that good.,
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