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JudSawyer last won the day on March 30 2015

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  1. Yes,I know this is Hereford Voice but I thought people in the city might like to know about a new place for a day out in Bromyard, which we tried today. It is called Ralph Court Gardens, which has statues, follies and water features based on themes from around the world e.g. Italianate, African, Japanese, but also has Alice in Wonderland, Toad of Toad Hall, the Green Man, a dragon, and all sorts. It's really good fun. I have to say, the café is not cheap if you want a savoury main course but is really terrific value. If you're on a budget, eat before you go! A cream tea costs £6.95 but we did not try that. They have obviously put a lot of time and money into this so it's worth supporting. www.ralphcourtgardens.co.uk
  2. I assure you, fleece tops, jeans and normal shoes are de rigeur. I did sit down the time we were supposed to dance to Sting.
  3. It is consultancy company Jacobs that puts the cost at £10 million on page 5 of this report. It forecasts 138k-188k passenger journeys per annum between Leominster and Rotherwas, and 147k-197k from Holme Lacy. Obviously that's intended to support the whole Skylon Enterprise Zone and nothing to do with the gym. https://www.herefordshire.gov.uk/media/5546798/Rotherwas_Rail_Report.pdf
  4. I heard from one of the school parents that plans are afoot for a new gym and trampoline facility on Rotherwas industrial estate. It seems Hereford Leisure Centre cannot offer enough space for boys' equipment (dunno why boys need different kit but there you go) or facilities for the disabled. https://www.herefordshire.gov.uk/planningapplicationsearch/details/?id=132530 Probably a good thing? Diversify what's going on in Rotherwas and south of the Wye generally. Maybe another reason to open a railway halt there? Wasn't it only going to cost £10 mln for a railway stop in Rotherwas? Also there was a sign at leisure centre saying there is a bag-packing charity raising thing going on at Tesco Belmont this weekend to help fund this gym, so be prepared if you are shopping there.
  5. If you are looking for a low-impact and inexpensive form of exercise in a social ambience, there is line dancing at Northholme Community Centre on Monday evenings at 7.15pm. £5 a pop, pay on the day. No experience needed. No need to wear cowboy gear. Yes, it's cheesy -- but it's fun. http://linedancingherefordleominster.weebly.com/
  6. I am afraid I am disappointed in it. What happened to the promised shared space across Widemarsh Gate? it was meant to encourage OLM shoppers to visit the historic centre. Now it's just a pedestrian crossing (or two -- one across each carriageway) between Widemarsh St across Newmarket St. Historic centre feels cut-off. No ground-level toilets as far as I can see at OLM though there are some up the escalator at Debenhams. Popped into Debenhams and Waitrose and the lights were really glary -- may be incipient middle-age but it doesn't encourage us fogeys to shop there. Not being negative for the sake of it but don't see how much wealth is going to trickle down to Herefordians.
  7. The plans I saw a couple of years or three ago said a new library on Blueschool Street as well as a fantasy hotel. Yes, my other half got a letter from Chave & Jackson Opticians to say they are shutting down, but I presume the street-level chemist's shop is still going.
  8. I don't see the benefits of a 'shared space': go to any car park and you'll see how badly motorists and pedestrians interact!
  9. The shop that used to be Cookmate on Widemarsh St (near the butcher's and florist) seems to be turning into some kind of recruitment business - some people were putting up notices saying something about apprenticeships. The shop that used to be Phase Eight (near the post office) seems to undergoing some kind of re-fit. The National Trust shop (roughly opposite Costa Coffee) is closing down.
  10. I now get my ink cartridges from Ryman's but I used to go to Paperway -- though they'd cut down their range gradually in the year or so before they closed. I used to get my biscuit cutters (not that I do loads of baking) from Cookway (?) on Widemarsh Street, near the Hibiscus room, but that's shut now. I do prefer to go into shops and look at things before I buy. The problem with internet shopping, as with traditional mail order (remember those huge, thick catalogues?) and indeed Argos, is that you do not really know what you are getting until it arrives. (I suppose ink cartridges you might as well get online anyway). Plus I sometimes just like to get out of the house, of all things. The amount of dog faeces on the way down College Rd, over the railway bridge and onto Widemarsh St is amazing, it's such a hazard. Loads of manure.
  11. I am pleased to say that this lawsuit is now OFF! Relief all round.
  12. I have learned that the head of one of the schools involved is suing one of the parents for libel, in connection with comments made on the Hereford Times website under its article about the school iPad scheme. The suit is being funded by the school. I cannot give any names at this stage for obvious reasons. So funds intended for the benefit of the pupils are being used to attempt to sue the parent of one of those pupils for stating their opinion. I did a short course on libel in my old job and we were told that the key thing to know about libel suits is: 'The only winners in a libel case are the lawyers'. These cases are hard to prove and drag on, but cost both plaintiff and defendant lots of money.
  13. Salt-leaching bricks seem to be common these days as developers apparently seek to cut costs. They certainly don't improve the look of the Great Wall of Hereford. John, I'd just keep the cinema. Not impressed by either Waitrose or Debenhams. Have you ever tried returning a faulty toaster to Debenhams? I didn't even want a refund, just an exchange! Turning the site into a university is a good idea.
  14. Depends where you live, obvs, but I live near the blind college so when I go to Sainsbury's I go down College Rd, down the railway bridge and right past Tudor's, past Pizza Hut, on down Edgar St and then into the new 3rd lane, no problems for me. Before the new third lane opened and the lights were out and it was gridlocked, I did try going down Grandstand Rd etc to Sainsbury's but incredibly, the traffic was even slower that way.
  15. I don't see how this could be a good thing. Traffic lights at roundabouts are designed to create artificial gaps for traffic to flow through. When the lights were out at the bottom of Edgar St a fornight ago, it took me half an hour to drive down Edgar St, which I could have walked in 5 minutes. When you drive up Edgar St, you get stuck at traffic light-less Heart of Oak roundabout. It is simple: When you go around a roundabout, as you all know, you give priority to drivers coming from your right. In some locations, of course, there IS no break in traffic from the right so either you wait there for hours, or you take a risk. Inserting traffic lights allows everyone to get a go.
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