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Everything posted by chrisbull

  1. Very sad to see you go Glenda and thanks for all the help you have given the Newton Farm community. I feel like it is the re-run of a sick old B movie now that Edwards is in place, like many who use this forum i cannot stand people who lie and are deliberately set out to deceive, and he falls into that group. How pathetic to rival another independant in the same ward, unless the motive is one that will lead to another back hander in the pocket ,Hey Phil you love doing deals with developers what public land will be offered free to developers this time.
  2. The people of Newton Farm have made a big mistake and they will learn in the coming years it is wrong very wrong
  3. Saw Cllr Edwards mowing the grass by Waterfield road yesterday on a sit on mower.Why was he not at the polling station?.Cllr Glenda Powell was there all day.And he was out taking all his signs down at 10 pm last night.No more toilet jokes
  4. The clown posters have been taken down i think someone didn't like it.
  5. It's cheaper fuel so the traffic is going to be horrendous,also the lights coming out of Asda only let a couple of cars out at a time.Imagine what the queues would be like they would need to change the road layout.
  6. Funny thing happened last week a friend of my wifes was helping Cllr Glenda Powell put up some signs to ask people to vote for her.With in half an hour of putting one up it was taken down and Cllr Phil Edwards was in the area putting leaflets through doors.Not saying it was him but very strange.Also they put one up in Brampton road and within ten minutes he was there putting a leaflet through there door and looking at her sign.
  7. I saw him yesterday cutting someones hedge where he has one of his signs he was up a step ladder,so has he already taken a leaf from the book like WirralPC says.
  8. What Phil Edwards does not seem to comprehend is that local people are not working class stupid individuals which his election manifest i.e leaflet put through doors implies. Running down certain websites stating he will attend every meeting. This website is for people to air there views on what is happening in there community. The work in running this website is an amazing task and i applaud Colin for doing that ,regards taking legal action against Colin you will have to take legal action against everyone on this site.The type of person i have respect for are someone standing for election and using this site to interact with the community , if you want to be in a position of civil authority then you have to take the good with the bad. You run down other political opponents behind there backs and then say no i did not say that. People are wondering Phil how can we trust you when the Vortex land which had a value of £26,000 was given to Hereford housing for nothing is there some dodgy dealings going on that we should know about, that is what i will be looking at when i come to vote. i will be voting for someone i can trust and you do not fit the bill.
  9. I agree with Bobby all the way my vote will be going to Glenda someone you can rely upon not like Phil Edwards alias Billy Liar whose only intentions are another quick earner from developers .
  10. We should have another get together like we did before at the Victory a great night it was too and make a donation at the same time. Jim is a great host and honest guy and posts his views on here on a regular basis. How about it Jim
  11. The banking system we have today is the same as the federal reserve in America the money is in private hands .There are shareholders in the bank of England and we are not allowed to know who they are ,as laws past through parliment prevent us knowing.President Lincoln introduced the greenbacks he was assassinated JFK also started to introduce interest free money and he also got taken out. As Megilliand stated the Irish gave the wrong vote that is because the Republic of Ireland is sitting on top of oil reserves bigger than the north sea. I hope i do not have to write a ten page post to spell it out but he who holds the gold makes the rules.
  12. Roger is right and it is a road to nowhere 570 parking spaces are to be lost on merton meadow .Are we not supposed to be encouraging people to use the city center for shopping .the football club is going to be up and running next season where are they going to park .This is now a community club funded by supporters myself included ,Regards smoking something worse than that is drink it is the biggest cost to the NHS and Police force ask the shopkeers when they turn up for work on a saturday morning and the doorway is covered in urine and crap every weekend A.& E crammed packed with drink related incidents police overwhelmed with problems weekend after weekend all because of drink if you are going to ban smoking ban drinking also as it is far worse.
  13. Treasure Island the charity shop has 3 shops in town bookshop,clothes and household goods they are all closing in February.They don't have enough customers and since the new development it has got worse. They are developing the area they are in and Roman Glass are moving as well.It is going to be residential with some shops.The clothes shop opposite Body care is closing and the suit shop next to it as well
  14. The only problem i see is that as has happened before the developers will dangle a sweetener to the council Phil Edwards knows all about that and no matter what you say it will make no difference we all know it is unsuitable as retail supermaket shop premises a toby inn is a great idea serving local ale .
  15. Not if you are a disabled person
  16. We asked for assisted collection as we are both disabled,they said they wouldn't do it from the front as they have to walk up a path leading up to the front garden.And we have a road at the back the problem is we have a camper in the drive and you can't get the bins up the side of it.It is too narrow so they gave us clear recycling bags to put the recycling in.But they took the green bin away.I asked what they would do with it and they said it would go to someone else how stupid.She said we can put as many bags as we like out so why can't you put as many black bags out as we like.Also so much for helping Disabled people.They walk down the path at the front of the houses in Muir close, also someone put black bags out over there this week when it was recycling week so they have been left they will be left there now for 2 weeks.soon all the rubbish will be every where as there are a lot of cats in that area.
  17. Good luck Jim we know we can trust you, and from your point of standing a very difficult position. we know that Tony Johnson is an arrogant self opinionated ######## All the best Jim.
  18. The site has been earmarked for development for a number of years the former chairman of Hereford United Peter Hill had worked on a deal with developers the Richardsons if you don't know developed one of the largest shopping centers in the country to serve the Black country called Merry Hill Peter Hill owned land or still does at Bullinghope and that is where he wanted to re-locate the football club with the movement of the cattle market it was looking a very interesting development Hence why Peter Hill sold the leases which as we all know he had no right to do so did the council know about it yes they did so now we have to ask some pertinent questions all in all it goes back many years please do not think that i am an old winger about the council i am not all i want is transparent proceedings in matters which mean a lot to the people of this city not gun ho tactics like it or lump it which is all that has happened for so many years as a long suffering Hereford United supporter i want what is best for the club it might be ideal to move from Edgar Street but i do not want underhanded deals done that do not benefit the club or people of this city today the council have taken the ground back but the owners have paid what they owe as i said before the council is 3 months to late this now moves the goalposts yet again no pun intended it is a farce and the council take a lot of the blame here they have never listened to the supporters trust who would do a first class job they also have some good businessman and advisors from other trusts just waiting in the wings for the opportunity to turn the club around plus over a 1000 supporters waiting to walk through the gates myself included does 2 plus 2 equal 4 ask Tony Johnson.
  19. You are quite right Biomech the council has been planning the movement from edgar street for some years and how to get around it has been the problem they faced with the debt that the council has at present it has the opportunity to push there plan through now cast your mind back when the leases on the racecourse were not renewed and the company that had the leases were prepared to make a large investment on the racecourse bring it up date before that it was proposed to move the football ground to the racecourse the stumbling block being the tories now ask yourself one simple question who gains and who loses and why.
  20. The action by the council should have been taken months ago broken promises by the owners of the club day after day local people not being paid p45s not issued to former employees local business not being paid for some reason the council delayed taking any action might be a connection with the meeting Tony Johnson denied took place ??? we could have had a club attended by over 1200 fans had the council stepped in when the club was demoted which is what should have happened the H.U.S.C.T. would have been running the club the way it should be run just calculate how much this farce has cost this city in terms of money every home game brings in large amounts of money for business in the city car parking fees for the council the council getting the rent for the ground £1000s of pounds lost all because of corrupt deals being done behind closed doors that they will not admit to.
  21. I promise you i will when December the 1st is up i will add some very interesting information i am deliberately keeping it under wraps as Mr Chappell has a close friend who i will not name but i will after the date of the next high court hearing and it will be interesting to see his response.
  22. Mr Chappell when you replied to my posting you said lets get something straight yes you are right. why Did Tony Johnson lie about the meeting he had to discuss the development and leases with 2 known crooks the former chairman of Swindon Town who has since been convicted and Tommy Agomber who we all know has failed the F.A fit and proper owners test Tony Johnson should resign if not made to resign so do not insult me and true Hereford people by making lame duck excuses the days are gone when you and the rest of the council think of the public as ignorant cattle quite a lot of us have banded together to dig up all the corrupt business that has gone on and continues some backsides will be tweaking soon and that is a promise because the people of Hereford have been pushed to far remember there is only so much we can take is the council sitting comfortably ??????? watch this space.
  23. As Chris Chappell knows full well it was proposed the football club move to the racecourse and the tories opposed it and that was when i first made my statement regarding the football club on this site when the club folds and it will at the next high court hearing it then opens the door for the developers to converge and that is what will happen and it will be the developers who will pay for the covenant because of the financial dire straights the council is in at present it will have no choice but to bow down to development pressure .
  24. Tony Johnson was asked today on radio what was going to happen to Hereford United in the future and he said he did not care who owned the leases and that the barrister at mondays court hearing in London had tried to get the club closed down and when questioned on development at the ground he made it clear both ends will be developed hence no future for Hereford United remember me over 18 months ago making a statement the council want to move the ground well i was right the council has wanted to develop that area for over 20 years remember the chairman Peter Hill he tried hard when he sold the leases to developers now you will soon see some big back handers going on do not kid yourself Hereford council has been doing it for years people like Tony johnson make me sick they spin one story telling you they support the club and then turn things around when it suits them this is now the end of football at edgar street when on December 1st the next appearance at the high court will seal the fate of a football club that has put Hereford on the map and the council could not give a damn private companies are running this county not people for the county i suggest we all vote UKIP at least we will get a response to the pertinent questions regarding expenses and private company costs acting for the council.
  25. Another example of the corrupt Hereford council executives the leases for Hereford united have been released and guess what the plans for the football ground are different to the plans that were issued with the land registry a large amount of the ground is missing no starlite rooms the area were the old supporters club is missing the land registry map was the plan issued with the current leases is some deal being done with a London based company aboard a yacht in cannes because the current owners are London based and when asked about the future of the club what the plans were they have refused to comment they were told that the supporters boycott would be lifted if they could assure 100% the future of the football club that was 3 months ago and still no reply this proves to me that the council and current owners are on the verge of a deal and as i stated on belmont voice over a year ago about the football club moving to the racecourse and before you mention covenants they can get around that problem nothing is beyond the law .
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