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Everything posted by chrisbull

  1. A local councillior saw them putting the rat poison around the lake last week so it is there.
  2. chrisbull


    Weeds and long grass in the area is getting worse if the grass does not get cut soon in ludlow close then it will be a baler job
  3. I have now been informed they were putting rat poison around the lake last week could this be the cause, maybe Phil Edwards could reply to this post as he is in charge of the country park.It needs sorting as soon as possible what if a child eats some of it or if it is the pools they touch the water they could become very ill.
  4. http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/dog-welfare-in-belmont.html This a a petition for people to sign, dogs have died be carefull.
  5. Hereford People, this is the Second Report of Dogs dying in as many Days 5 dogs have died now in a short time, Please be Careful of the top fields Belmont and around the Belmont Pools! Please Share!A few years ago one of my dogs went in Belmont Pools and ended up with a rash I found out after that there is sewage leaking into the pools is this still happening 4 years on and if so why has it not been fixed.
  6. And were are all the flowers this year all the flower beds in the city are overgrown or bare. If they can't afford bedding plants just throw some wild flower seeds down they will come up every year and hardly cost anything.I know in Bristol they have wild flowers growing in the flower beds and it looks welcoming.Not like this city.
  7. Did go for about half an hour it was okay but not enough for the kids 1 bouncy castle and a few tractors.
  8. Everyone will try and park at Merton Meadow car park and the prices will go up there.It's day light robbery.
  9. Well done Smartieno.1 sterling work it just shows how the corrupt government and councils work hand in hand they create a problem wait for the reaction and offer a pack of lies as the solution and spend even more taxpayers money in doing so. The welfare team located in the Franklin Barnes building are at present overwhelmed with work and the council wants to reduce the manpower to save money and buy the way i have noticed that the new shopping complex on the old market has the same parking system as the hospital the longer you are there the more it costs that is what it looks like from a visual point of view it caught my eye when i was walking down to watch my beloved Hereford United on monday that is another story of corruption keyte has sold the club down the river.
  10. Just noticed Mr Chips is open the Easter weekend till 4 am.So why are they allowed to open till that time.
  11. Did not read Megillilend comments till i added the above post you have put it perfectly well done.
  12. The reality is we have all paid for this and continue to pay for it therefore we own it and as far as i am concerned it cannot be legal to give away land for nothing funding from central government drastically reduced and we give away an asset for nothing i would be happy if the development was done by local builders who then source their materials from a local source keeping the money within the county and not outside developers .
  13. There must have been a few days with a poor signal
  14. As the vortex was given away to developers does this mean another car park put in the wrong place that is what happened at Newton farm waterfield road part of an arrangement that was done by the developers do you see a pattern emerging ?
  15. Had a leaflet today put through the door from Adrian Bridges how can he be a candidate for the election when he works full time he would have no time to help the residents ?.A lot of the local Councillors don't work so they have time to help.At least one of the councillors who lives down by the Oval Cllr Powell gets things done for all of the residents who live in her area because she has time to do it and when she says she is going to do something she will not stop till it's done.Also it says he is fighting to save local libraries why was it he only proposed £2,000 when he knew they needed £5,000.And it says he has supported the local community groups in the Hereford times this week it says Hunderton and Belmont community Centre is closing on the 28 February.It also says Childrens play areas have to be improved it's okay if you live up Belmont like him you have lots of play areas were are the ones in Newton Farm none.
  16. The shop Fit is moving along by Primark they are hoping to catch more trade when the new development opens.
  17. without putting a name to a senior member of the city council i can say it was proposed that the football club move to the racecourse and the spanner in the works was the tories please note the conversation i had with the senior official was 3 months before the council refused to renew the lease on the racecourse to the existing leaseholders and do not forget the leaseholders wanted to spend a lot of money on the racecourse facilities so why did they not give them an extended lease .
  18. As a long suffering supporter of 38 years i can tell you that D.keyte rushed to get the leases back and spent over half a million that g.tuner left because he thought he was going to do a deal with developers at the blackfriars end and as we now know because of the recession the council had to pay more for the development of the market did you know it was proposed that the football club could move to the racecourse that is a fact i can prove.
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