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Everything posted by Cambo

  1. I don't have too much sympathy for Johnson he was a high profile footballer who took advantage of being in such a privileged position …I'm sure he could of had a pick of a whole host of different girls? but instead he chose a girl who was still in school why? Lucky he got got caught when he did otherwise who knows how many other under age girls could of become victims? Thou there is a stark comparison in his sentence & that of the teaching assistant Berriman who got off without a prison sentence (was the judge male?)
  2. Albert Pike foretold 3 world wars…are the illuminati using Islam to destroy the west in order to bring about the NWO?
  3. So the apple is not falling to far from the tree this time with Birmingham being chosen as FC's new location I wonder which part?……given what perry noble said about the attacks in Brussels yesterday perhaps it could be the Sparkbrook area? https://perrynoble.com/blog/terrorism-islam-and-the-gospel
  4. Surprise not, FC planning on opening a new church very soon…so who will be the lucky country & city to recieve the dishonour of hosting FC's new venue?…well here's something I can tell you it's going to be somewhere a little closure to home…so some poor residents of an unfortunate,unsuspecting city get to host them here in the UK…so pay your money & take your pick…if I was a gambling man I'd probably put me money on the Big Smoke?
  5. Will the illuminati look for a cestial sign in the heavens similar to the one Hitler witnessed in 1938 at Berchtesgaden
  6. Transhumance when being human is not enough http://youtu.be/dLLW84JlFcE
  7. Twiddle Dee & Twiddle Dumb the pair of 'em!…But being as they are both bereft of any empathy & part of the collective I guess they will contuine to vote against the have nots in society time & time again!!
  8. Ragwert are you listening to a police scanner by any chance? Lol
  9. Microchipping dogs is one thing but microchipping humans? thanks but no thanks! U.S. military closer to cyborgs as reality http://www.cnn.com/2016/03/07/politics/pentagon-developing-brain-implants-cyborgs/index.html
  10. Illuminati trying to destroy God…evolution v creation
  11. If you like mysteries this guys worth checking out
  12. Yes Roger i agree it's not a good press release at all…I don't now how they expect the public to help with so little information & a couple of dodgy photos…that is if he is not already in custody?
  13. I think it's good that herefordshire is taking in families & child refugees but I'm not going to congratulate HC as they wouldn't be doing it unless they where getting extra money from central gov. I think you might be surprised Roger on the number of Muslims now living in the county although admittedly nowhere never as many as in many other parts of the UK…but I'm sure that number will increase in the near future?
  14. All seems a bit odd the police are not giving much away no mention of height age or whether he is local or not pic don't seem the best either?!…they do say he may have have been in contact with the victims earlier which is a bit puzzling?
  15. Interesting article from NATO Migrant crisis: Russia and Syria 'weaponising' migration http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-35706238
  16. http://thenakedjesus.com/2016/02/the-parable-of-the-greedy-ceo/
  17. Does Donald Trump know something that happened on 9/11 we don't?
  18. Cambo


    It may not be that simple?…I dare say Isis would be no push overs…in fact a coalition military force consisting of troops from the US put on the ground to fight them is exactly what they are praying for as they are in the belief that they will win?! Beside if we defeat Isis what's the chances of another organisation just like them filling the void they leave behind? This article gives a insight into Isis's philosophy/beliefs & how by creating a world full of chaos is a part of this for them to be able to achieve their ultimate goal… http://www.nationalreview.com/article/423852/radical-islam-iran-isis-apocalytpic-messiah-mahdi
  19. Cambo


    This is truly shocking although not a new phenomenon reminiscent of the Hitler youth & other child army's a lost childhood to die as a suicide bomber. How ISIS recruits children, then kills them http://www.cnn.com/2016/02/19/middleeast/isis-child-soldiers/index.html
  20. Cambo


    Tony Johnson is obviously a liar but then it's not the first time that he has been caught out lying…after all it's only peoples lives & livelihoods he's playing with so why should he care?
  21. Indeed they are neighbours maybe they are in a tug of war for souls too? But seriously after reading the HT report that megilleland posted it raised a few questions for me…was it nessary to prosecuted mr preece given his recent mental health diagnosis ? Could these pastors have handle the situation better & why would they not allow mr preece to talk to his girlfriend about a family issue? Because inevertible this probably lead to his actions? Did he have second thoughts on the baptism?
  22. That's a very good point I guess it's a perk of the job?…but I suspect it will not last the more local authorities budget gets cut by central government the more they will have to find revenue to bridge the gap of their shortfall so it will be conned out of us minions to help fill the void in their financies with stealth taxes with council workers at the bottom getting fewer perks like free parking?!
  23. https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=jJBJ8Lumfls
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