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Everything posted by Cambo

  1. Hello Gentile Giant welcome I have to say I agree with your views on the EU I also don't see any reason why we will not survive outside of it either!
  2. I agree we could do more but we need to be sensible & realistic about the level of help we can provide those most at risk should be prioritised which consist mainly of the minority groups Kurds Christian yazidis these particularly groups are in real danger not just from Isis but other jihadist groups.
  3. No we don't have one so the status quo should remain as it is in my opinion No the politicians justified military action to themselves…the UK is giving humanitarian aid too plus we have been giving refugees sanctuary not just since Iraq but before the war there…Uganda for example President Ide Amin after he expelled all the Asian community there the UK did step in to give them refuge here, so you cannot accuse the UK of not facing up to its humanitarian responsibilities now or then!
  4. Study: CBD Oil “Highly Promising†In Pediatric Epilepsy Treatment - See more at: http://blog.norml.org/2016/01/27/study-cbd-oil-highly-promising-in-pediatric-epilepsy-treatment/#.dpuf http://blog.norml.org/2016/01/27/study-cbd-oil-highly-promising-in-pediatric-epilepsy-treatment/ Promising report on
  5. Osmosis with respect I think if you'd been reading my post you'd of seen I'm in agreement with some of amnesty's ideas however I do not agree with open door policy which we have in Europe. I do think once refugees reach a safe country then there should be a process for them to apply to a country for asylum of there choosing & then for those countries to provide safe passage…I also think counties which create a humanitarian crises especially through conflict should have all international funding halted including the sale of arms with heavy penalties for companies breaking this rule in particular & prison sentence for arms dealers who broker them. Also UN food agencies how much corruption is there in these organisations? Because they receive a lot of money!
  6. Yes I agree this country waste a lot of money on things I couldn't care less about either but we too have high unemployment depredation food banks child poverty lack of integration failing healthy services cutbacks to social care a government who want to privatise everything where only a few of the wealthy will benefit it's not quite the utopia you seem to paint? Those countries you state we have been involved in military action in some of them but not all…they have also received billions in aid unfortunately very little of it goes to where it is supposed to but rather into private bank accounts of corrupt individuals within those governments in fact we live in a very corrupt world. I understand where your coming from but you are not coming up with any logical solution to the problems of this worldwide crises only that of to let them all in? Which I do not think is going to work as it's a rather cavalier approach & will end up creating more problems than it solves further down the line!
  7. If they have family members already in the UK & they have a legal right to be reunited then surly they should be applying for asylum instead of living in a camp with squalid conditions trying to sneak in?…as they are already in France then doesn't France have a duty to look after them while there application is being processed?
  8. No it's not stop the tide entering Europe because of merkle but it has stopped the tide waiting on the other side of the channel to come to the UK…like I've said before I think it makes sense to take them direct from the refugee camps from outside of Europe for two reasons…one it stops the people traffickers two they do not have to risk perilous sea crossings where there's a real chance they could ended up drowning! Instead of waiting in Calais they could settle in France…perhaps there could be a system in the EU where they settle in a safe country to start & then apply to other EU states to which they'd like to go for asylum?
  9. Councils who use bailiffs,debt collectors or whatever you what to call them often have the council tax debt returned to them by these companies if they fail to collect the debt,makes you wonder why they both choose to go down this route if that's the case?
  10. Cannbis oil is helping kids with cancer https://www.weedhorn.com/leukemia-cannabis-oil-1576264609.html?utm_campaign=river&utm_medium=email&utm_source=rebelmouse
  11. Yes if there are enough jobs to go around? as you also have people from all over the EU especially from the eastern part competing for jobs too given as I've said economically the world is not in a great place if there is a big down turn what then? To be honest I'd rather see we help the poorest also those from within the Christian & yazidis communities because they have had a very ruff time of it being targeted by Isis in particular! Yes your right in so much as it was our government who have helped cause the mess in the Middle East but I did not as did so many others,agreed to the bombing in Syria also the crisis was well under way before the government voted to go bombing there & besides this started as a civil war which now has turned into a proxy war with many nations involved! Don't get me wrong I think it's a great quality to have to be compassionate coupled with empathy & I'm not knocking it one bit but there are a lot of people who are not like that so you need to take into accounts there fears you can't just go dismissing or ignoring them even if you don't agree with there sentiments as there concerns are not going to go away just like that & I'd rather not see that there resentment turn into a festering wound that won't heal! We need to have a realistic sensible approach in what we can do to helping these refugees in the best way possible not just for them but us also so I don't think a open door policy is the right way to achieve that because the strain on the public services might be a little bit to much as they are already struggling as it is?
  12. But do they possess the skill shortages we are in need of? Medically you'd say yes but are they not needed in Syria to treat wound from the conflict or helping the sick & wounded in the camps? I'm against the EU personally for a whole host of reasons but that's another thread! German renaissance? Economically is the world let alone the EU out of recession?…Just last week the markets had a big crash with china constantly suspending trading on its share markets. One of the reasons for the rise of the National German Workers Party was the depression in the late 1920's early 30's when the world stock markets crash, happened…the USA recalled its debt from Germany causing hyperinflation resulting in mass unemployment…step forward herr Hitler who breeding,playing on the peoples fears, blaming,demonising & installing distrust on the Jews (also the treaty of Versailles was used by them too because they believed it to be grossly unfair) took advantage of the situation raising his party to power. I'm not saying this is going to happen but if we are not careful it could! Sometimes we need to think with our heads & not our hearts we need to be able to help but we need to be logical because from what you posted earlier about funding for refugees the government don't think the Syria war is going to end anytime soon? possibly in the next 5 years?
  13. To be honest I think this whole refugee crisis is a debacle & has been badly handle by the EU & UN in particularly Germany it's not been though through on how best to deal with it they should of remained in the camps food clothing & medical supplies should have been provide in abundance,agency should of worked to get the most vulnerable out into host nations instead of them making perilous sea journeys the Arab nations should of done more than they have done.....instead what has happened is the refugees have got frustrated & moved on mass into Europe this in itself has created a sense of fear from people living within the EU as they see it as a invasion because of so many young men arriving which is not helpful. WE SHOULD HELP REFUGEES that is not in question but we need to halt the influx now because it will destabilise the region if we are not careful we need to take a more sensible approach because quite simply this could get out of hand & it's exactly the sort of breeding ground for far right groups to manipulate?
  14. Good I'm glad to hear that because I was getting the impression that you were against helping the refugees while giving dippy a hard time for wanting to help those fleeing the war in Syria.
  15. Hello Paul I'd like to ask you a question…in your opinion do you think we should take some refugees or no refugees at all? Because I have heard a rumour & it is only a rumour that HC have agreed to take in 1800 refugees.
  16. Europol: New-style Islamic State group seeks to target Europe http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-35401514
  17. Yes thanks dippy it does so my question is now are these EU countries who have these children in camps within their borders are they going to provide a home with caring families to look after them? If not our government need to step up to the plate & help these kids!
  18. The question I'd ask is if there are 3,000 orphaned child refugees in France why have the French authorities not taken them in? But having said that if the French will not provide & look after these children? then we must take them in it would be wrong of us in the UK not to provide a safe & secure environment for these kids to grow up in! I do however feel we need a more sensible approach to the problem in its self we can't just open up to allow all in as this will lead to problems further down the line? I don't agree with Cameron on much but I think taking the refugees directly from the camps is the must sensible thing to do these should mostly be families women & children particularly from the Christian & yazidis community's as they are most at risk of being killed enslaved by Isis It's also not right for those in Calais to attack lorry drivers & people returning from mainland Europe because that is a criminal act in its self & no matter what the circumstance there is no justification for violence!
  19. Cambo


    Paris attacks: Islamic State group 'releases video of attackers' http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-35397214 "ISIS video claims to feature Paris attackers" http://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/ISIS-Threat/ISIS-video-claims-to-feature-Paris-attackers-442661
  20. I just don't see any good reason to stay in this unholy alliance I think it has run it's course Cameron will give any old BS to try to convince people to vote to stay in just like his scaremongering before the GE it's whether or not people will be fool by his spin a second time? But what people should keep in mind is if the yes vote succeeds we will be trapped because all these special arragment we currently enjoy at the moment will soon start to disappear one by one & we will be powerless to do anything about it!
  21. Not sure yet Denise need to give it some more thought but if it's was this coming week I expect it would be to do with Bill wiggins & his new part time job!
  22. Has anyone heard about the flat earth conspiracy? Here are two short video from either side of the argument
  23. The way it is controlled today is not really controlling it solidus because policing it at present is akin to shovelling money into the firebox of a runaway train! As I can't see how the police are winning this one given the amounts being grown in the UK today so giving little need to smuggle it in…being that is the case where is the control as it's already illegal? While treating those who do develop mental health issues from its consumption that is payed for by the tax payers while the criminal gangs growing & distributed it pocket all the money as it remains illegal where as if it was legal it can be control more efficiently through legislation plus the money collected through taxes can be used to help fund the NHS for treatment not just for that but other things on the NHS too? But if you want to deter people from using it at a young age then there needs to be better education on its uses & effects but that also costs money
  24. I've got my ticket so will be going along to this
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