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Everything posted by Cambo

  1. Interesting video from a Jewish perspective about the worlds mafia (illuminati)
  2. Welcome tenko999 all I can say is Flipping heck I can see you have a lot of luck the trouble is it's all rotten…& you've been surround by a lot of rotten people over the years apart from your wife kids & a few other good souls!…I hope things pick up for you buddy! What do you think your do next?
  3. The price of oil has been kept low by the Saudis because they wanted to bankrupt the Iranians but Iran has now had something like $300 billion of frozen assist unfrozen by the USA because of the nuclear agreement between the two…which is a bad deal not just for Israel but the Saudis too as Iran will produce a nuclear warhead! So yes it could happen in a couple of years 10 tops in my opinion given the friction between the Saudis & Iranians also Iran has made no secret of its loathing of Israel as they have been financing both Hamas & Hezbollah for years to wage a war of terror on them…although Hezbollah are bogged down in Syria at the moment so have been somewhat restricted in being able to launch any major attacks against Israel although the Israelis have been using airstrikes against some Hezbollah targets in Syria of late.
  4. Ironic too give that a lot of people who have been accused of being illuminati are people in governments…i wonder if any of our very own HC cabal are members?! It has also been claim that the Jesuits are secret illuminati which would include pope Francis as he himself is a Jesuit?! Bizarrely on the day of pope Benedict's resignation a lighting bolt struck the Vatican not once but twice??!! http://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2013/feb/12/lightning-vatican-peter-basilica-video How many of you are familiar with the Malachy prophecy? http://www.bibleprobe.com/last10popes.htm
  5. Thanks TWG for following it up letting us know. I'm sure they have taken all there fittings & fixture with them Colin…as I don't think the new gaff can be totally finish yet either as their cave16 event is being held in Cardiff this year which is a gathering for the FC faithful!
  6. What do you think about the existence of the illuminati,NWO,the use of MK ultra mind control or any other conspiracy theory…where these so called secret Society are moving towards creating a world apocalypse?
  7. Denise If you bury a jihadist terrorist with any part of a pig they won't go to heaven so can't be a martyre which means they don't get their 72 virgins!
  8. http://news.sky.com/story/1617197/exclusive-inside-is-terror-weapons-lab Unfortunately any attacks will more than likely be carried out by home grown jihadist, returning home fom fighting in Syria & Iraq…using fake passports as it is claimed Isis captured passports & a printing machine from a passport office in Syria although you should keep in mind that Isis is made up of lots of different nationalities & once in the EU can be smuggled into the uk just like any ordinary illegal migrant can! In my opinion we should help genuine refugees but they should be families,orphans & taken from refugee camps mainly from the Christian &yadzis community's as they have been severely persecuted especially by Isis!
  9. Counting the cost of Chennai floods http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-35129556
  10. Av the charities commission are about as useful as peeing in the wind & as FC are classed as a religious organisation they kind of automatically qualify as a charity for example would you class Scientology as a charity? The whole charity industrie needs a review & overhaul in my opinion on what constitutes being a charity as it's open to abuse with many using it as taxes avoidance & scams. Take kids company for example they recieved millions but how much did they actually spend on doing charitable causes? & who got rich?! FC are ambitious they see themselves as becoming a mega church just like new spring church in the USA who they have a very strong assoiciation with.…they have a large income do NSC $64 million on there last tax report I believe…it's big business not charity when only 9% of that income is spent on doing charitable causes…there more interested in building there churches than aiding those most in need in socity which as I understand it is a fundamental part of the teachings of Jesus as well as keeping the laws of the divine? It would also seem that they seek to have a influence locally on a politically level too?!…which would be good for their business' But going back to the sign why should it be overlooked just because it's FC? I don't think they should be exempt of the rules…just like the spread eagle with the colour of there frontage although personally I did not mind the colour but neither the less it was wrong & they had to redo it in the correct colour & besides if you let FC get away with flouting the rules on this matter then you cannot enforce others to do likewise really? Or maybe this sort of PA should just be done away with?
  11. I can't argue with that TWG!…but on the very rare occasion where pressure has been applied they have…so how do you go about complaining when there's no PA?
  12. They certainly seem to have a large team in Chennai…that's a fair bit of money needed,in fund raising for each person,to sustain them!
  13. I'm sure if a number of complaints are made then they'd have to look at it? The spread eagle springs to mind you can't have one rule for one & not the other!
  14. I'm sure none will be surprised to hear Jessie voted in favour for fracking as did bill
  15. Cheers clarksters your diamond!
  16. Clarkster that was me I went to give roger a mark up & press the red one by mistake (using iPhone) but as there's no way of changing it so cannot rectify it…you wouldn't be a love & do it for me please?
  17. Good!…they need to be given better equipment thou to fight Isis…but obviously our government won't do that because it will upset Erdogan & turkey but we should just go ahead & do it anyway as I think the Kurds are more than capable of beating Isis if they get the right weapons! Good!…they need to be given better equipment thou to fight Isis…but obviously our government won't do that because it will upset Erdogan but we should just go ahead & do it anyway as I think the Kurds are more than capable of beating Isis if they get the right weapons!
  18. Does anyone know if local authorities use independent social workers?…if so why? As it would appear that Karin Cooke is one?
  19. This is a recent Isis video in it they are goading the US & the UN they want to fight a land war as they believe & wish for is to bring about a apocalyptic prophecy they believe in!…we should not grant them this wish because when the air strikes fail to dislodge or destroy Isis then that will be the next step troops on the ground?! http://m.liveleak.com/view?i=18c_1448405998
  20. This cartoon sums up the situation in Syria & the Middle East!
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