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Everything posted by Cambo
I agree with Corbyn on this we should absolutely not extend bombing into Syria!…bad idea Cameron is using the attacks on Paris to create the fear factor which is having the desired effect on MP's & the populous so he can push through his own agenda to extend bombing into Syria on Isis targets, this will not work there has never been a bombing campaign in history which has succeeded on its own without ground troops! We are already bombing in Iraq but Isis are still there they've not gone away!…we need to support the Kurdish peshmerga more!…There the only one's we can trust,all the rebel groups in Syria are Islamist we cannot trust them,Turkey neither as Erdogan is Islamist hisself & is supporting Isis! The Jesse abstained in the last vote on Syria he's not likely to do that again this time round,but rather vote in favour…as he wouldn't what to lose his job as the media,sports & cultural secretary!
Harry bramer what a surprise he does like to flout the rules does old Harry naughty old geezer!
It's a matter of opinion but I'm in agreement with chris on this brights the place up…the colour might not be the right shade of blue as ragwert has pointed out but that can be fixed with a tin of paint or too! I also like chris idea of painting the whole area with different colours too although I don't see it happening?
Are we at the door of WWIII? http://m.jpost.com/Opinion/Has-World-War-III-begun-435238#article=6017OEFBRDAwMjNGNDI5MTY4QTI4OEQ4QTk2MzdFMDZCRjY=
Playing Russian roulette? http://m.jpost.com/Middle-East/Turkeys-brinkmanship-move-with-Russia-435268#article=6024Qjg3ODVFNTQwMTZGMjY1OTdEQjUyRTZFOTE1MDI3RjQ=
http://m.therightscoop.com/president-erdogan-of-turkey-just-gave-a-speech-about-invading-jerusalem/ Erdogan would like to see the rebirth of the Ottoman Empire he also does not support the Kurdish peshmerga as he does not want them to have there own country…he's also been buying oil from Isis so you have to ask who's side is he on?
Along with all the other radical hate preachers especially Amjad Choudary the trouble is they are British citizens no doubt? & the hypocrites will say there human rights are being abuse although they want sharia law which does not afford people those same rights!
Personally I do not mind the colour I think it's ok brightens the place up & makes it stand out!…but I also understand where people are coming from it's the shock factor but it may grow on you? & besides don't shoot it down before you've tried it!…but whether it will succeed or not only time will tell?
As New York City ramped up security in the wake of last Friday’s deadly assault by ISIS in Paris, former Mossad chief Shabtai Shavit said that deploying armed guards at cafes, theaters and shops, as is done in Israel, would be advisable for the US and European countries. http://unitedwithisrael.org/in-wake-of-paris-attacks-ex-mossad-chief-says-time-for-america-europe-to-adopt-israeli-security-model/ I don't think this would be viable here in the Uk due to our strict gun laws & I'm not too sure if I would be keen on it anyway!
Whether you agree with Israel or not this is how they deal with lone wolf attacks or any kind of attack for that matter…is this the sort of thing which we may now see happening in the future in the UK? WARNING very graphic scenes
WARNING security footage from Paris restaurant attack https://www.facebook.com/I-Love-Freedom-1632535206997541/
It looks like our new paramilitary unit was out inforce last night at Wembly http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3322976/Chilling-new-face-police-Britain.html
This article appeared on my news feed on FB! It is a local business with strong links to FC & I think that people should be made aware of this in case they are unwittingly giving financial support to FC unknowingly because some of that money maybe finding its way into the FC coffers in gift aid or tithing? At lest by knowing this you will be able to make a decision to whether you want to support them or not?…i'm not saying there a bad business but personally I will not be supporting them as I do not want any of my money finding its way into the hands of FC! http://www.theguardian.com/small-business-network/2015/nov/09/home-business-competition-entry-rayeesas-indian-kitchen-ltd These are some photos taking from spices launch back in July I'd just like to add there not the only business with connections to FC there are quite a few others!
Fair enough Roger I'll leave it to you to let's is know as soon as you know thanks
In my opinion I don't think we should go putting boots down on the ground in Iraq/Syria as that's exactly what Isis would want us to do or extending air strikes into Syria as there's already plenty of other countries doing that already. I know there not talking about boots on the ground yet but give it time & they will?! Interesting blog http://waitbutwhy.com/2014/09/muhammad-isis-iraqs-full-story.html
They have a lot of money some came from banks they robbed some of it comes from oil which seems ironic as they sell to the Assad regime & other rebel groups…possibly money coming from Saudi's?
Haha well maybe she should change her name as it would be more fitting Not sure why Chennai but it has one of the largest Christian population of the major Indian city's 7.6%
FC are in the process of setting up a church in Chennai in India they have sent a number of people out there including Jordan Snowzell,Ffion Cooke Luke Hancorn as well as a number of others Here's what I can only describe as a begging video which makes me ask the question what support do FC give to these people they send out to do missionary work because it does not look like its financial? https://m.youtube.com/watch?sns=em&v=K-E0FfLCc2E
https://www.facebook.com/StandWithUs/videos/10153310869132689/ WARNING Graphic scenes in this video clip of people escaping from Bataclan concert hall
Yes I did…but did you notice the ? At the end? Because I was asking a question not stating a fact as I don't know if you would or would not find damage or blood on the passport after the owner of said passport is said to have blown themselves up?!
Exactly we don't know yet as it's unconfirmed…so we shouldn't go jumping to conclusions until we are in lieu of all the facts!