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Everything posted by Cambo

  1. Here's a little extracted from Ben Johnson's blogg from South Africa Recently the hardest thing for me has been hearing God’s voice. I have spent the most time with Him being out here than I ever have but also have felt like it has been a struggle to hear Him. Then, when you are planting church, pouring into people and giving all you have into building the Kingdom, but not feeling like you’re hearing His voice, it can leave you in a frustrating place. I then felt the need to voice this frustration to God, partially out of an annoyance that had built up. This led me to a park last Tuesday where we had been given half hour to spend with God. I started to voice this frustration, telling God how bored I was of not hearing His voice. This carried on all day, getting frustrated and telling God. Then that evening, as we sat down to dinner with the others we started talking about how we were finding living out here, the highs and lows. This led us to talking about what we were finding harder and I shared about how I didn’t feel like I was hearing God. After a lengthy chat about these struggles and frustrations we decided that it needed to be taken to God. I was on my knees telling God that I wanted to see His face, that I wanted to hear His voice and ‘letting Him know’ that this was a perfect time to do it (the cheek of it). Rosie was praying for me, bible in had. Joshua 1 v 6 has been a verse spoken over me a few times so this was the verse that I asked God to speak again. Rosie rounded off and said that she felt that she had a verse for me in Deuteronomy… ‘God, this isn’t Joshua’ I’m thinking. Then she reads Deuteronomy 31 v 7-8: Then Moses summoned Joshua and said to him in the presence of all Israel, “Be strong and courageous, for you must go with this people into the land that the Lord swore to their ancestors to give the,. and you must divide it among them as their inheritance. The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.†As you can imagine, after what seemed like quite a dry season, this was like a dam breaking over a desert. The tears flowed and Jesus showed His face. http://takingsa.tumblr.com/
  2. Police report rise in abuse related to faith or belief 'Witchcraft' abuse cases on the rise http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-34475424
  3. Cross-party UK EU exit group launches http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-34482936
  4. Given there association with each other, does Freedom church + Herefordshire Tory party = Tory Jesus?
  5. Is Karin Cooke thanking there partners in religious crime from across the pond New Spring Church for giving the FC branch in Cardiff some cash?
  6. Oh you maybe able to get sum of the big cider companies to help to sponsor it?
  7. I think we should have an apple & hop festival to include all things to do with those items as they are historic to the county with live music too of course if you can get the pubs involved then that's would be ace perhaps do something on the castle green with friends of the castle green?
  8. Congratulations on your promotion DILLIGAF I'm sure you will do a very good job
  9. Interesting article by the bbc on drones in it mersyside police got warned by the CAA about using one without A appropriate license. Are drones dangerous or harmless fun? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-34269585
  10. I'm split on this myself I can see the benefits for the police using them particularly as they are facing cuts but how & when they will be used is something that does concern me! Do you need a licence to operate one?…as I see from the link roger posted that the guy was prosecuted for flying over Anfield on a match day!
  11. West Mercia police are looking to use drones to help with policing…is this a good idea or are we now moving even more into the world of a big brother society?
  12. http://pimppreacher.com/post/130377618050/preachers-and-politicians-pushing-the-501c3 Still no response off FC about the flyergate incident which happened back in our electon even thou they said they were having an investigation?!…I think that some relevant authority or other should be looking into the association between Herefordshire Conservative party & freedom church before during & after the election?
  13. http://pimppreacher.com/post/130375509935/exposing-the-tithing-error-yet-again-rebuttal-of
  14. Jo kings new job at home for good…interesting to see that one of the trustees is a Rachel Gardner the same Rachael Gardner who wrote a forward for karin cooke's book dangerous honesty so did jo king get made redundant from HC or did she get headhunted?
  15. It might be the law but was it done lawfully? As I understand it from the video it was for unpaid parking tickets so was a court order for recovery made by the local authority who issued the tickets or the bailiffs? if one was applied for at all? in this case it's a company called Jacobs involved based in Birkenhead & by the look of the White Mercedes business must be booming? Not surprising he can afford a car like that as they charge £75 for every outstanding ticket with a minimum £235 for further action so at what point would it go to a county court for recovery or do they just sidestep that bit? It might be the law but I don't think private debt collectors should be getting police assistance to help them do there job…that is my opinion but if they are going to get involve then they should check all the facts to make sure everything is above board not just take the bailiffs word for it because there's nothing to say they may have forged the paperwork?
  16. I understand where your coming from GK Guy Taylor is a pain in the rear but should bailiffs be calling in the police to help them do there work?…the guy had not been threatened with physical violence he was unable to gain entry is it right that he uses the police in a civil matter?…Personally I don't think the police should be intervening in that way but only to make sure there is not a public disturbance they should not be taking sides especially if they are unsure of the law & there's a dispute over the documents being presented by the bailiffs!
  17. FC Swansea recently celebrated there 1st year…Gary Snowzell posted this on twitter & Instagram Although I think he's trying to spin it,as a bit of a success? I'm not so sure it has been as successful as he'd of prayed for?…hardly storming Swansea?
  18. No I think it's still owned by the McGuire family Colin,so they are only leasing as far as I'm aware although they have put up there conningsby street building for sale…I noticed a lot of trade men's vans outside must be removing all there fittings & fixtures? Also they have been asking for volunteers to help out…all while pasta G is in the USA meeting up with his inspirational leader perry noble probable looking to get more cash???
  19. Jo king has a new appointment working for a charity in London called home for good catering in adoption & fostering a church based charity they have a voice in 15,000 churches makes me wonder if she was headhunted through her connections with FC? Joanna King Regional Development Manager - London: Home for Good London, Greater London, United KingdomGovernment Administration Current Home For Good Foundation (for Adoption) Previous Herefordshire Council, Essex County Council Education University of Birmingham 125 connectionsSend Joanna InMailMore options https://uk.linkedin.com/pub/joanna-king/79/790/75a Background Summary I have been a qualified social worker since July 2001. After a year in the voluntary sector as a project manager working with pregnant teenage mothers I was employed by Essex County Council. I remained within the council until October 2011 when I relocated to Herefordshire Council and was employed as the fostering team manager and progressed to Head of service for looked after children within two and half years. During my career I have worked closely with partners in education, health, youth offending, cabinet members, CAMHS services, advocacy, the judiciary and commissioning. My primary focus has been the importance of the team around the child approach and the need for everyone to be involved in improving life opportunities for vulnerable children.
  20. Outrage at Mayor's Parking Wars Ross Gazette Putting to one side the comical comments of the Mayor I would point out that the enforcement appeared to be happening in the evening in that half empty Gaol Street car park. They were sorting out a problem that didn't exist. There were no issues with traffic flow or congestion. It was purely an exercise in revenue enforcement. If the Council have got spare people to wander about in the evening I would sooner they don some high viz clothing and get given a broom and a barrow so as to sweep up some rubbish.[/quote Yes well I think we will see a lot more residential parking schemes coming into force because as the council look to plug the holes in there budget with more cutbacks from central government to come they will have to look at other ways of getting money & parking is a good earner. That female traffic warden gave out on average 30 tickets a day according to the other traffic warden working with her! basically it's a no brainier for the council easy money, so if you don't already have a residents parking scheme in your area don't be surprised if one is set up where you live in the not to distant future! Personally I'm against the resident parking scheme in Bartersham area they have it I think between the hours of 8am-6pm Monday to Saturday but there's always plenty of parking between those hours but not in the evening so in my opinion that's when it should be in operation & not in daytime or better still not at all!
  21. If I've copied this correctly then it should show a video of Guy Taylor's latest runnin with bailiffs & police! https://www.facebook.com/100004727355308/videos/520329131467994/
  22. Why you thinking of getting a copy bungospoon? You might be able to get it on iTunes? Although Christian rock is not my cup of tea, I expect they have a bit of a cult following it!! I wonder if there be doing a song for Christmas…no doubt if they do it will all be for charity that's FC charity of course?
  23. This email has been sent to me so I'm going to share it with all you beautiful people on the voice! Hope it's of some use? & don't worry it is in the public domain. I write to give you, that were originally consulted on this application, to provide an update on the progress of the above application and how this will be progressing to committee. We have provisionally booked a Planning Committee specifically to deal with this application for Monday 23rd November 2015. The meeting will be in the afternoon (2pm) and will follow a site visit by members of the planning committee in the morning. The applicants agents are preparing some amended plans / supporting documentation and updated information that will need to be subject of a re-consultation. It is my intention that this consultation period will start on the 8th October (letters to those that have submitted representation to date / site notices and newspaper adverts) until 5th November (28 days). The reason for my email is so that you have advanced warning and are able to schedule special meetings or time so to ensure that I have any additional comments by the 5th November. It is also to give you advanced warning of the committee date if a Parish or Cllr wishes to attend. Details in respect of Public Speaking have yet to be finalised and we will write again nearer the time in the normal way. Please feel free to share this provisional dates with members of the public, and I will advise those that I speak to / correspond with regularly as well. Please note that this date is all based on the information being submitted in time to allow a full 28 day consultation period, so it is provisional at present. From the feedback received to date, I am fairly confident that this can be achieved. I trust that this is of assistance to you all at this time. Any queries please email or give me a call, Kind regards Kelly
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