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Clarkster my rant was not aimed at those who work in the council but rather at those who are elected councillors especially the Tories who never come on HV to answer there critics or to explain themselves take Harry bramer yesterday I found myself behind him in traffic on Ross rd he nows who i am & could see I was directly behind in traffic,in his haste to avoid me (not that he is on my radar at present) he went straight through a red light at asda roundabout he did not get far because the next set too was on red so I found myself behind him again so he starts lane hopping to get away why I don't know? I then find myself sat next to him on Victoria st he would not even make eye contact but kept looking straight head so this is what we're dealing with elect people who are spineless! So apologise if you thought I was having a go at the staff it was not aimed at them.
To show how arrogant the council are & how they hold the people of this county with utter contempt they cancelled there meeting with the HCS tonight because they did not want to talk about the core strategy??!!…I'm sure chris will be able to confirm or dismiss this rumour?
Don't you think you councillors have a duty to correct people if they say something which has no truth behind it, to refute such rumourmongering when it occurs? no wonder there is a lot of mistrust of herefordshire council from the public they do not communicate with the public apart from you chris & poss a couple of others but to be fair it's a poor show that elected councillors can not engage with members of the wider public it shows a kind of arrogance & lack of respect for the wider community!!!
This is what I'm saying…touché Pope Francis http://ringoffireradio.com/2015/09/pope-francis-smacks-down-churches-if-you-dont-accept-refugees-then-pay-taxes-like-all-busines/
I would have to disagree I do not see it being more prevalent to drugs alcoholism or gambling addiction? I would not put it in the top ten of addictions personally…I'd also say death rates are much higher for those 3 than porn in my opinion .…although I will agree that it could lead to marital break ups in some cases but I would say that that is rare?…suicides even rarer I'd of thought?…unless your classing accidental death too? That happens where a kinky game has gone wrong with someone who is into asphyxia like Michael hutchence the from inxs singer or some form of BDSM that can & does happen I guess? But I'd of thought the effects you are talking about along with STD's would be more relevant to those working within the sex industries rather then that of most porn user? I agree with you about the kids being able to get hold of it online much to easy for them to do so. Something needs to be done about that,parents also need to be more vigilant…but sexualisation is everywhere not just in porn! In some maybe it does become mundane but in most I'd think not ? At the end of the day you can become addicted to almost anything it becomes a kind of routine so some addictions are much more dangerous than other forms of dependencies but any addiction can be a unpleasant one to have,it comes down to the individual there addiction & how they deal with it from day to day so if there's a book for those unfortunate to become addicted to porn then they may find comfort in karins book?…only sales will tell?
Never heard of Rachel Gardner before this, but I do noticed she studied at London school of theology so she moves in the same circles & more than likely they are friends? Perry Noble is a friend of hers & he too has written a forward but I would not trust him as far as I could throw him! As far as porn addiction goes i do not think it is nowhere as near or as bad as drug addiction,alcoholism or gambling in my book that really can wreck peoples lives!! That is not to say porn does not affect some people I'm sure it does? But has karin Cooke written this book because she now feels guilt that she ever looked at porn?since she became a born again Christian? or is it simply to turn a coin?…maybe it's the social worker in her?…it also makes me wonder what sort of porn she was looking at to feel so guilty?…because not all porn is bad in my opinion! If your wondering do I look at & watch porn then the answer is yes I do from time to time but it does not make me feel guilty about it thou! But I will say that minors should not be exposed to any of it & parents should be more mindful to what there kids get up too online,especially as there are online predators looking to groom unsuspecting kids!
Personally I wouldn't give them any money at all…but that's not to say I would not read it, I just wouldn't pay too…but it's your choice so please do go for the cheapest option possible…I will look forward to your review bungospoon?!
Ed balls got the name where's wally by his constituents because he was never there & we all know want happened to him in the last election…so take note Jessie! Also he should stick to politics & writing books as I don't think he'll make it as a comedian?!
I have to say that dippy's output on HV was on a industrial level something to be admired contributing to some fabulous threads in particular for me was saving the old boys home which I might add we had a tremendous result in achieving the unthinkable & actually saving it against all the odds then recently the freedom church thread but there were also many other wonderful ones too. So I'm not going to condemn them for there actions they had there reasons rightly or wrongly & I for one would welcome them back tomorrow as I would anyone we all make mistakes & I'm sure in this case that it was not malicious that is if they are guilty which I hope they are not? As Colin has said they have been suspend no one is guilty until proven guilty!!!
I think austerity is starting to hit hard & people are feeling it…not if your rich thou?! These cutbacks in all areas I just don't think its sustainable to keep cutting back in the way the Tories are with local authorities struggle to make ends meet I think people are particular the younger generation being draw to Corbyn because he's not like your run of the mill politician he seems to have good morals while caring for his fellow humans? I also think you can be a pacifist & appreciate the sacrifices people have made in the past?!
I think the green & red buttons should go it's not on the mobile version so I rarely use them but when I do I sometimes press the wrong one like last night I want to give greenknight a a green one but pressed the red one instead?! But I only really use the main site to upload pics or videos as that feature is not available on the mobile version? I also think we all like everyone to agree with our own opinions but none of us like it when people do not agree with our opinion…but we should all respect each other's viewpoint without trying to point score although at times this is going to happen & things are going to get heated but when it does i think we should all be able to acknowledge this so when we do overstepped the mark we should be able to make our apologise & move on?!
Roger I'm shocked you don't sleep in your bed every night…makes me wonder who else's bed you've been sleeping in?! ;O) Lol
Roger I'm sure you sleep soundly in your bed every night?…I don't think it will take as long as the chilcot inquiry as I'm sure Colin will not be suppressing the release of his findings?
https://www.herefordshire.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control/development-control/search-and-comment-on-planning-applications/details?id=152487&search=152487 https://www.herefordshire.gov.uk/documents?id=53e82cca-5216-11e5-be57-0050569f00ad
I'm delighted that Corbyn won mainly because it would of P.I.S.S.E.D off all those blairites & the war criminal himself!…although I don't agree with all his policy's but I think the guy should be given a chance now the labour membership have voted for him & I'm sure he will give as good as he gets at PMQ's?
Looks like a good read Denise - thanks for alerting us to this. I'm sure your find it riveting bungospoon & your be contributing to the FC coffers too by buying it!…that is if you don't mind wasting £4.99 for the kindle version or if you prefer wasting £7.99 for the paperback version then you can get it on amazon!…Enjoy
Evander Holyfield & his tithing story http://pimppreacher.com/post/69012069835/23-million-reasons-why-evander-holyfield-should
Oh no what has he been up to now?! So is that redundant or suspended?…whichever I'm sure he will be paid off handsomely?!
Signs to look for if your pastor is cheating on his wife http://pimppreacher.com/post/84939725990/whoremongers-whores-amongst-us
I have to say I'm a little disappointed…I thought Karin's first book would have been called 2XL,how it all went wrong,lollipops & STD's!!!
Well GK if FC members are reading this thread maybe they should read this before being tricked into parting with anymore of there cash? http://pimppreacher.com/post/85465755530/five-lies-that-tricked-you-into-paying-tithes-lie