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Some might say that the sound of Christian rock has a touch of the devil in it?
It seems that there is no end to FC talents & ambitions as they have moved into the music industry & will be releasing there unchartered album soon…in a record shop near you,also could be available on iTunes?…all proceeds to FC fund?!.....I wonder what's next for this talented bunch?…Xfactor or Britain's got talent?
I've just read a comment left on HT's recent FC news article Which alludes to a rumour about the Conservative party in herefordshire & there connection with FC? Before the last election the local Conservative party where having trouble finding new candidates to stand in the local election only 2 people wanted to represent them?…so a now former con councillor approached his friends down at FC who duly got 10 of there members to stepped forward to stand for the conservative in Herefordshire?!?! The former Tory councillor in question was not standing because he has bigger ambition due to the fact he was standing as a perspective Tory MP elsewhere!
Go on chris have a bit after all you are in a position to do so!
I'm sure most people would be willing to pay 5% more if there was a guarantee it would be spent on frontline services & not senior management salaries but this administration can't be trusted to do the right thing?
No they are not all gullible AV but you can bet that FC will identify the ones who are & then target them? I also think It will be the younger members who will be task with enticing the students into FC fold
I agreeing in so much as if someone needs or has 2 seats then they pay for 2 seats but if someone has 1 seat then they only pay for 1 seat & should not be charged because they are overweight!
I think I just post that if you take up 2 seats you have to pay for them I don't have a problem with that! After all you'd be taking up 2 seats! I am not sure what the limit would be but they would take an average I assume. You must have a idea of what that average would be is it someone who takes up 2 seats or someone who can just get about fit into 1 seat? If the answer is someone who takes up 2 seats? Then they are already paying extra because they have had to have 2 seats & not one?!
Amateur teams don't charter there own flights & there are plenty of those who go on tour! as you say not all professional teams will either! You make the choice of carrying more luggage I'm sure most people don't choose to be overweight? If your that big you will more than likely take up 2 seat for which you will have to pay for those 2 seats! Would you give a discount for someone who is underweight? You say if your weight is in portion to your height & is within a far limit…what would you class that fair limit to be? 1kg,2kg,5kg,10kg etc?
No m.preece I think your flawed with your thinking on this one? What about a basketball team or a rugby team there some big fellas would you class them as overweight? You still can't get away from the fact that your still only allowed the same amount of weight for your luggage as anyone else! & as you say the airline factors in the fuel consumption so they have more than likely factored in that there will be some larger folk on board?!
A fat tax for people flying on airlines are you serious?? So what about someone who might be anorexic can they get a discount?…it's a bit discriminating besides some flights are not always full but your still only allowed the same amount of weight in luggage.
A comment over on HT webpage by littlewhitebull said FC have reregistered as a charity checked it out & they have 1st June this year why would they do that?
That's fair enough AV but they where there long enough,so why didn't they get it sound proofed why didn't HC make them do it if they knew they where causing distress to there neighbours?…it's not like they didn't have the money to do it!
Av I never expected the planning not to go through as there was no reason for it not to get granted but I'm also not familiar with the process of why or why not that it did not go to committee so thanks for clearing that up! On whether this is a good move? then for FC & the owners it is…but only time will tell if it will be for the locals or not? as there had been a number of complaints about noise in conningsby street also one of the response in favour of the PA was from a lady who's son lives by the conningsby places & she was glad because of all the noise & anti social behaviour going on there?!
I agree Glenda it does not make it right but what can be do?
The thing is Glenda they have 3 Tory councillors within the council so this could of been a cut & dry deal done some time ago?
Someone has left a comment on HT website with this making up a part of that comment Presence in Cardiff and Swansea Gwent Police & Dyfed Powys think their a paedophille ring and a cult and vehemently refuse any planning applications their banned from all the university campusses under POVA. Must admit have not heard that about the police in wales thinking FC are a pedophile ring before?…if it is true you'd think they'd be investigating FC about it?
Hello Dan I think what we will see in the future are more Christian organisations taking on more social care responsibilities in the future because of government cutbacks either as charities or not for profit companies? So amongst the good you will get some bad?! But from what you say & also from what I have read about vennture,where they take their inspiration from the Rev john venn,with all the good things he did to help the poor here in Hereford. Then I think & hope they are the real deal when it comes to there Christian values of helping those in need. But you can't blame people for being sceptical when it comes to modern churches with there methods & motives?…so its good when someone can set the record straight having worked along side the street pastors seeing the good that they do & the differance that they make. I'm also aware that vennture are not part of FC although I can see where this might have lead to some confusion on this thread so I apologise to anyone who may have perceived this?
This all sounds good on the surface Vennture’s growth requires a step by step approach to adding and delivering initiatives to its portfolio so growth is managed in a way that allows appropriate time to increase capacity in governance, leadership, funding, and people resources. All new project initiatives are subject to significant scrutiny at each stage of their development before they are progressed through the pipeline. Clean Sheet: Clean Sheet is an example of a project currently in development. Concern exists in Hereford for around 50 or so people (mainly men) caught in lifestyles characterised by addiction, worklessness, antisocial behaviour and homelessness or street living. These people have a disproportionate influence on overall perceptions of public safety in the city. Five of the men have died in the last 6 months (of 2014) and this has highlighted the need for a better and different approach to helping them. From early July, The Police’s Operation Castlemain has begun to reduce public perceptions of antisocial behaviour by displacing the individuals from a number of designated sites. However, while they have been moved on, their personal problems have not. The Police involved have impressed on food providers, drug and alcohol agencies, mental health and housing professionals, Herefordshire’s homeless forum and church leaders the need for ‘Carrots’ alongside the ‘Stick’ to encourage these individuals to make better choices. The police argue that Hereford’s current charitable and support systems maintain destructive lifestyles. Feedback from providers suggests service users are manipulating benevolence to feed their addictions, which in turn fuel their bad behaviour. As the situation deteriorates, the police have been called to several providers. The police see an opportunity to reassess charitable efforts so they help those trapped in destructive lifestyles. Findings Benevolence and dependency create a divide that hinders meaningful influence of the problem’s root causes. Expectations of change among helpers – charitable and professional, are too low or non-existent; the helped and helpers remain in their own very different worlds; most opportunities to care by influence are missed. Our analysis is as follows: It appears a new purpose needs to be introduced to raise expectations among the helpers and helped. Genuine relationships, which are based on ‘give and take’, need to be established. Practical progress requires an outcome framework that governs the actions of each individual helper – charitable and professional; the framework needs to focus helpers on moving each person away from their destructive lifestyle. Every contact, no matter how small, must be made to count. A new purpose driven approach, which might mirror local successes in Integrated Offender Management, could be established within existing provision; it could make existing provision more meaningful and define a direction for a long-term plan. The focus would be on enhancing and improving existing support rather than changing or replacing it or pursuing costly alternatives that could add to the perceived problems. It would mean investing in educating and training the many dedicated to helping the few. Insights: To those 50 people caught in destructive lifestyles, the present system is a pleasant roundabout. Clumped together individual needs and prime opportunities for intervention go unnoticed. Behaviour is influenced by the lowest denominators; human characters are caught in a downward vortex that only leads to more unpleasant confrontations, more suffering and an unpleasant death. Without clear exits it is impossible to see a way out. To those 100’s of people helping them, the present system is an opportunity to fulfil their obligation to the poor – professional and/or charitable. Each does their own thing – big or small, only connecting in passing with those they are helping. Awareness of the individual is rare, relationships are limited and no one appears to own the individual being helped. Helpers are accountable for what they do or give; few appear to be accountable for people related outcomes. Positive influence is absent. Idea: Addressing the real needs of 50 people is doable by 100’s of helpers if a new system is created that is characterised by: 1. Clear ways out relevant to each individual and known by everyone; 2. Simple, well-defined, easily understood paths to an exit point that gives access to the ways out; 3. Everyone uniting in common purpose to help individuals to their individual point of exit; 4. Meaningful, purpose driven relationships between the people helped and the people helping; 5. Strong and capable leadership committed to learning and continuous improvement, 6. Ambitious, well-articulated outcomes.
Interesting to read the history of vennture Vennture is building on the legacy of its founder the Rev. John Venn. Venn moved to Herefordshire in 1833 establishing a number of radical social pioneering projects that in 1856 culminated in the ‘Hereford City Mission’. Hereford City Mission was one of many initiatives that Venn, vicar of St. Peter’s, undertook with his sister Emillia. Others included: Feeding the poor the Venns built a The Corn Mill Opening a soup kitchen and acquiring garden allotments to allow people to grow their own food. Opening a sick person’s dispensary and public baths. Building a model farm, pioneering building houses with gardens and invested a great deal of energy in developing earth toilets to fix sanitation. Building a school and large children’s home. Encouraging the development of Hereford’s public library Employing individuals to visit struggling families in their homes to support them and encourage their well-being. Together the Venn's initiatives transformed the plight of Hereford’s struggling families in 19th century Hereford and their legacy of iconic buildings shapes the city today. The present day Today Hereford City Mission is born again as Herefordshire Vennture – a cross denominational initiative by the county’s churches to address social challenges emerging from an ebbing tide of publically funded health and welfare. While Vennture is a church rooted enterprise, it seeks to benefit and involve those of all faiths and none who want to share in its mission. Our Mission Like John and Emelia Venn we want to show 'the Power of Jesus Love in the public space'. Vennture’s mission is to ‘Love People Better’. Put simply we want to equip people to help people. In all our initiatives we develop in people three things: the awareness to come alongside others; the presence to travel with them through thick and thin and a sense of ownership that allows them to stick with people whatever happens. The charity’s focus is on significant, substantive, sustainable initiatives that make a tangible difference for people facing significant challenges. Further details of John Venn's life and work are set out in Jean O Donnell’s book ‘John Venn & the Friends of The Hereford Poor’.
More measures to control our lives…the best thing is most people are sailing obliviously into the abyss of how to think act & behave while dancing to the tune of big corporation,who wish to enslave us all??!!
I for one hope they have had a very kosher time & enjoyed all that our city has to offer?
Why would this rather newish company give 30% of its profits to the freedom church affiliated freedom heroes??