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Everything posted by Cambo

  1. Morning both Have either of you heard of steel saints?
  2. Yea they got the keys on Saturday I believe?…I wonder what will happen to the dance floor in there & the other fixing fittings stuff will they sell it off?
  3. I think that charity was a little suspect on how it was run they got £3 million last week from the government & now have shut up shop?! I think if you look at St michael hospice then they for me are how a charity should be run not too big & successful at what they do & local.
  4. I understand what your saying Av,but they are being paid to do a job,therefore they should do it,to the best of there ability. Even if there hearts are not in it. As with No1 Ledbury rd we can be sure the decision has already being made That's what local authorities do make the desicisons then go through the motions of pretending they are listening to those being affected by there woeful desicison because that is what this is & will probable ended up costing more than it would be by keeping No1 open while being replace by a sub stardard alternative forster care service? Talking of alternatives could No1 stay open if it was taken on as a charity & a asset change of the building to said charity?…just a thought
  5. Thanks ubique will do. I guess the council don't realise that some of us do have to go to work in the day time & may not be able to get there till later?!
  6. I've just popped into high town now & it would appear that the council consultation team have packed up & gone home??
  7. I second that dippy anything liar Blair is for I'm against…I just wish he'd wind his neck in then go crawl under the nearest stone & stay there!!!
  8. & it will be a long hard fought fight these parents are up for that & determined , I've seen that at first hand they are well informed too which will make them a handful for those authorities wanting to close down No1… But at the end of the day they may well lose there fight but I think we should get behind them & show some support on Wednesday & give them every chance of causing a upset?
  9. While it's still open ubique there's still hope & time to fight to save it from closing & here's a chance to make our voice heard?! Do nothing it closes…it's better to try than do nothing!! http://newsroom.herefordshire.gov.uk/2015/july/council-launches-priorities-and-budget-consultation.aspx
  10. This was posted over on FB by the save No1 Ledbury rd,page
  11. Here's a link to HC website with updates about No1 Ledbury rd http://newsroom.herefordshire.gov.uk/1-ledbury-road.aspx
  12. I'm not saying that this is the case here with FC?…but in some counties all it takes is a bribe or two to the local law enforcement & they will leave you alone?…so it would not surprise me if indeed that is what FC are doing so as the Cambodian police turn a blind eye to there activities???
  13. Last Thursday freedom church sent 8 people lead by Joshua Aaron Cooke out to Siem Reap in Cambodia to there church there you'd think that FC being a registered charity that that is what they would be doing???......helping the sick the weak & the poor? But it would appear that what they are really out there for is a recruitment drive on the locals?? https://instagram.com/p/5173eNwz09/
  14. I see bubbles have set up shop at the front of the building hand washing cars…
  15. Tom Crawford made another appearance in court this time charged with assaulting a policeman http://www.nottinghampost.com/Tom-Crawford-appears-court-police-officer-assault/story-27520744-detail/story.html
  16. Or are FC setting up another so called non profit making company to do with children which she will be set up to run??
  17. Interesting roger I wonder where Jo king is off to?could it be Cardiff,Swansea or some other place FC have there sticky little fingers in?
  18. Has anybody else heard this?…if so is there any truth in it? While talk to a friend who's children go to Mordiford school,they told me that a member of FC, who's children also go to Mordiford. That they had given bags or parcels of sweets to there children to give out to other kids in the school?…in with the sweets was a card inviting them to come along to Sunday school at freedom church?!
  19. This has just been post on FB
  20. Hi dippy not sure who the the one guy & 3 women where representing either the council/NHS wye valley or both? Although I think the guys name was Paul tall chap short balding hair,with a sort of goatee beard! There was also another guy there who could well of been a cllr? But due to me some of the parents & children being late in I missed that bit sorry! There's a meeting next week but the parents are not allowed to attend?
  21. I went along to a meeting between parents & officials about the closure of No1 Ledbury road in the shirehall today purely as moral support. I've got to say it was a good turnout considering it was at short notice the parents there were super as were the kids.
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