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Figures released yesterday said there had been a record number of complaints against police last year! There be even more if they give them all a taser each!!…the policeman went all taser crazy!!!
Fraudulent banks, utility companies and corrupt courts
Cambo replied to megilleland's topic in Open Forum
This is fascinating stuff. I gather from what your saying mr cheesewright you feels as if Guy Taylor's case,in short is based on nothing but a wing & pray? If so he's got no hope of winning this in the long run?…But if by some miraculous good fortune in that he is telling the truth, that the bank is responsible for some underhand dealings? That he goes on to prove his case & win? It could send shock waves through the whole legal system & be the biggest upset since Bradford beat Chelsea in the FA cup!! It will be interesting to see how this one pans out,could be years before we get a final verdict but one thing we can be more certain on,is someone is going to be picking up a rather large legal bill @ the end of it all?! -
Hallelujah!!! bobby's back long live the king who's back to take his rightful place back on the throne of s.h.i.t.e…Hallelujah!!! the king is back!!!! Why you do it all again bobby.…"LONG LIVE KING BOBBY47" may he reign long & in the word of s.h.i.t.e & rain down on the heathen scoundrels, the word of s.h.i.t.e so they be utterly covered in it"!!!.."HALLELUJAH brother" !!!! Amen
Bobby47 I demand you,get back on that bulls banter & you stay on there, even if they throw you off again,you get back on there & you stay on there! giving them the good old bobby47 line & verse. Even if you have to change your name to give them the word…"Oh come all ye faithful" etc. Don't ever stop, not ever, not even when they are dragging you from out of Edgar street, toward the bonfire of the vanities.(which incidentally will be in the Merton meadow car park or what is left of it!)?to burn you & all the "other"ereford eretics @ the stake!!! No not even then bobby, do you stop,you just keep on preaching the good old bobby47 until your nice & toastie!!!…I mean don't they know who you are???…"YOUR THE GREAT BOBBY47"…god bless you!!!
Unfortunately when it comes to there team, football fans are not prepared to take any criticism & it can be mob rule …if your not with them then you must be against them…they only believe in freedom of speech when you share there views? But never mind bobby just set up another account with a different user name,then you can really start having some fun with them & p.i.s.s them off @ the same time!
Fraudulent banks, utility companies and corrupt courts
Cambo replied to megilleland's topic in Open Forum
Thank you mr cheesewright you are a gentleman I'm sure that some lessons can be learnt from all of this both from the bank & people like mr Crawford who find themselves in a similar predicament?…whether they will be or not,is another thing. -
Fraudulent banks, utility companies and corrupt courts
Cambo replied to megilleland's topic in Open Forum
Mr cheeswright if your not a lawyer you should be…do you know the mr Crawford in question?…I only ask because you seem well informed on his case & if you do know each other? it's a shame he did not speak to you first,as then he may not, have found hisself in this very fine mess?! Although I stick by wot I say about the law it's not as balanced as it could be & it's can be very costly…cases should not take as long as they do to reach a judgment…can drag on for years or until the cash runs out?…it can be a case of he who is richest wins? -
I did not see the news dippy but I did read a article about it,on the bbc news app…I'll tell you,this there is no way that anyone including the government. is going to make me have one…because as sure as eggs is eggs they will try doing this!sometime in the future & use a line like its for your own security well they can get f.u.c.k.ed I ain't doing it!!!!
Fraudulent banks, utility companies and corrupt courts
Cambo replied to megilleland's topic in Open Forum
Mr cheesewright would you be a lawyer perchance? My view of the law in some instances like this are morally floored. He may well have buried his head in the sand but a lot of people do in situations like this as real lawyers are expense.so getting embroiled in lots of legal wrangling can be extremely expensive with no certainty of winning! so it can be a bit of a gamble? even if you feel you are in the right the law may not agree as the law is not always just & moral? In today's world it tends to back the big corporations because they are the ones who can afford to do all the lobbying for new legislation in there favour?! So there for I feel the scales of justice are not always fairly balanced!! -
No chance greenknight nobody is going out tomorrow night as all the pubs are closing down its nothing but a ghost town!!!……although I might pop down there a bit later on & tag it myself? So I'm betting on tonight!
I think the EU has to shoulder a lot of the blame,for how Greece has found itself in this mess today. First off they should never have join the single currency,they cook the books to join & the other members knew but turned a blind eye. Also Greece was one of the countries who used to get a lot of money through the EU until the EU decided to expand eastwards. That's when there problems started as they,had there money which they used to receive from the EU seriously reduced along with the likes of Italy,Spain,Portugal & Ireland the trend was all these countries have had economic problems since!! It's like individual people if you have a job & you can afford nice holidays etc but then one day you lose your job it can be difficult to alter the way in which you spend your money,as you may countinue spending as much in the same way as before you lost your job? it won't alter overnight it takes time to adjust how you cope with the situation!! Also it should not surprise anyone if Greece decide not to pay the money back as they do have a history of doing so!
Yes high town is dying it is a long & painful death too,& we are all it's witness's. But as we are only the poor inhabitants of this city we are powerless in finding a remedy to cure its ills,as those in power are blind to our existence & have no ears to hear us with! so it will continue to spiral into decay before dying a death most horrid! But it doesn't have to be this way…time for a radical rethink on wot we want for high town & how we see its future…I'd like to see it become a vibrant social hub with shops bars & restaurants etc make it a fun place to be so as to attract people into the area not just in the daytime but nighttime also! It's time the people of Hereford stood up & be counted,so as to stop the council from just riding rough shot over us all the time!! There's no reason why both high town & the OLM can't be successful?!
Another one bits the dust! How many more will follow this trend? Maybe mr Hathaway & other businesses who have been badly affected by this shambolic affair should look into taking legal action? against the council & the owners of the burnt out properties, to force them to get it sorted? The council should also be doing more to breath new life into the historic centre of the city instead of just watching it decay & rot away!!!
Relaxation Of Hot Food License In Hereford...
Cambo replied to Colin James's topic in Hereford Voice Projects
Stupidfrustraition I really cannot understand why your so against places that sell hot food having a choices whether or not,they wish to stay open, later or not? Some of them will do ok & some won't we get that but that should be up to those business to decide & the people on a night out to choice which place they get there food from which will ultimately help those business make there choice to stay open or not…as Colin says it's about having the option to do so that counts!!- 71 replies
Yes I concur greenknight There are a number of comments on Hereford times FB page about this! I've message one person on there who's had dealings with them to see if there willing to come on the voice & share what they know with us?hopefully they will as it would appear they have been looking into the activities of this organisation for sometime?
FREEDOM CHURCH REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2013 ACHIEVEMENT AND PERFORMANCE The fast and radical expansion of the church has necessitated a complimentary strengthening of the church's infrastructure. Freedom Cardiff became the first of the new campuses to put Coaches into place, thereby underpinning the small group structure there. Directors have now been employed in many key departments of the church's life. These include Directors for Finance, Youth, Children, Creative, Volunteers and Systems. This has involved a major financial commitment, but has very effectively underpinned the church working in seven countries and in four languages. NewSpring Church In 2010 the Academy students were instrumental in building a link with a church in South Carolina, USA, called NewSpring Church. Over the last year this relationship has grown in quality and commitment. On two occasions NewSpring has given a substantial gift to Freedom Church in order to promote the work that Freedom is doing in reaching other nations. In February 2013, they announced that they would be offering sufficient financial support to continue to strengthen the staffing infrastructure of Freedom over the coming months and years. The Freedom Church Trustees are incredibly grateful for and humbled by this support. Future plans It is envisaged that 2014 will be a year of growth upon the strong foundations and structures that have been built in 2013. There are, however, no new campus plants planned at this time. Initial negotiations are being held that would see the purchase being made of a further building that will enable a significant expansion in Freedom Church's activities, and a step-change in the size of the Freedom Academy. These and other as yet unseen developments hold great promise for the coming year. ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD : Mr C R Cooke - Trustee 13 January 2014
Yes Bretherton is like a recurring nightmare that won't go away for us…but it's sounds like he was the cash messiah for this church??!!
It is very interesting dippy! I see 2013 2 trustees resigned & 2 new ones appointed? FREEDOM CHURCH REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2013 ACHIEVEMENT AND PERFORMANCE Campus expansion Over the preceding 18 months, Freedom Church had launched new campuses in Cardiff, Kampala, Bristol and Brugge. Cardiff, Kampala and Brugge have all stabilised and built stronger foundations over the last year. They now all have local leadership structures and are entirely led by locally raised leaders. In fact in February 2013, the original church planting Campus Pastors from the UK handed on the role to a local Ugandan couple. This is very encouraging, and has brought those campuses to a place where they are poised for greater growth. During this period of consolidation and infrastructure development, we have continued to see growth in attendance at all venues. From overall attendance in March 2011 of 235 per Sunday, it rose to 400 in 2012, and now 500+ in 2013. The signs are very encouraging that this expansion will continue. New Campus In January 2013 Freedom Church launched an additional international Campus, in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Siem Reap is the second city of Cambodia, and has the largest international airport because of a huge tourist industry, (two million visitors per year). This is Freedom's first full Campus in Asia. The location was birthed out of a long-standing relationship with the city / nation. Extensions The Bristol campus struggled and the decision was ultimately taken to close it. A lot of learning came from this venture, including understanding the value of having a small group 'in situ' prior to a campus launch. From this came the idea of Freedom Extensions. An Extension is a small group meeting in a specific location, that accesses Freedom resources via web platforms and a video links. Their intention is to grow to become a full campus expression of church in their locality. An Extension is very flexible and could meet in a home, an office or a hired room. In the last year, pilot Extensions have been launched in Swansea; Odessa, Ukraine; Singapore; and Suva, Fiji. Between Campuses and Extensions, there are now Freedom Church locations meeting in seven countries, on four continents. This is an extraordinary development. Media Last year the ability to put subtitles on preaches for non-English speaking venues was developed. With the launch of Freedom Siem Reap, a new facility had to be created of 'dropping' voice-overs onto preaches. Written materials are now being translated into Khmer, (for Cambodia). Worship and Production teams Vibrant, relevant worship is at the heart of any Freedom Church location. Such was the quality of songs being written, and musicianship developed, that a major recording was done in September 2012. 'Everything Changes' is a live recording that utilises Freedom Church singers and musicians and entirely 'home written' material. This recording has resourced all of the Freedom locations, but is also being used in a number of other settings. It has had very strong critical acclaim in the Christian music press. Equipment A consequence of the Campus and Extension expansion programme was the need to purchase further technical, sound and lighting equipment. A move to 'live editing' of the preaches was made possible by the purchase of a 'live editing' suite. For the Everything Changes recording, new 'in-ear' technology was purchased and is now used every week in our Hereford Campus. This has enabled a new level of excellence to be reached for our central band and points to a new direction for each of our Campuses. Freedom Academy The main avenue for raising and training young leaders has become the Freedom Academy. In 2010, nine young people applied to this. In 2011 this rose to 13, and in 2012 it rose again to 16. This year, that figure climbed again to 23 young people. Many of the graduates of the last three years are now helping to launch campuses and extensions, and carry responsibilities in leading teams within those campuses.
Solomon property Development Financial Summary 2013-03-31 2014-03-31 CASH AT BANK £8,606 £11,913 CURRENT ASSETS £234,004 £664,097 CURRENT LIABILITIES £71,363 £325,078 SEE FULL ACCOUNTS FILING Company network Not yet available for this company. Click to find out more Corporate Grouping None known. Add one now? See all corporate groupings
FREEDOM CHURCH HEREFORD REACHING OUT INTO THE COMMUNITIES IN HEREFORDSHIRE BY REGULAR, CHALLENGING AND INSPIRING CHURCH SERVICES, COMMUNITY OUTREACHES TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE, INSPIRE, EMPOWER AND EQUIP BELIEVERS TO BE EFFECTIVE IN THEIR COMMUNITIES. BEING A CHURCH FOR THE 21TH CENTURY, RELATING TO PEOPLE IN ALL AGE / SOCIAL GROUPS. OUTREACHES INCLUDE AFRICA AID WHICH RAISES FUNDS FOR CHILDREN / FOOD IN UGANDA. Charity Number1008459Date Registered1992-02-17Contact NameMRS SUZANNE WENDY CARTER Telephone01432 266800Address21 UPPER FIELD CLOSE, HEREFORD, HR2 7SWWebsitehttp://www.freedomchurch.ccEmailinfo@freedomchurch.ccSocial NetworkingFacebookTrusteesMR JEREMY LAMONBY, MR CHRIS COOKE LEADERSHIP, MARK DIJKENSOther NamesAFRICA RENEWAL MINISTRIES, HEART FOR AFRICA, NEW LIFE COMMUNITY CHURCHCharity Commission ClassificationsOTHER CHARITABLE PURPOSES, OTHER CHARITABLE ACTIVITIES, THE GENERAL PUBLIC/MANKIND, CHILDREN/YOUNG PEOPLE, EDUCATION/TRAINING, RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIESIcnpo ClassificationsReligious congregations and associationsGoverning DocumentDECLARATION OF TRUST DATED 30/12/1991 AS AMENDED ON 16/02/2011; Basic accounts Accounts date Income Spending More info 31 Mar 2009 £139,638 £164,057 full accounts 31 Mar 2008 £196,388 £182,667 full accounts 31 Mar 2007 £165,285 £122,220 31 Mar 2006 £93,590 £33,315 full accounts 31 Mar 2005 £103,135 £27,239 see more Related links FREEDOM CHURCH HEREFORD on Charity Commission website Search Google for FREEDOM CHURCH HEREFORD Last updated: 17 January 2015 - See more at: http://opencharities.org/charities/1008459#sthash.SxE59llZ.dpuf
They set up the freedom church in 2005 registered there development company 30th of march 2006. Before that they were running a church in a small market town…Leominster maybe? While running a business not sure if that's the same business as the one they have today or a different one? Like dippy it concerns me when religions use a pay to pray??!!
Gary & heather snowzell started this church. they live in kingsland also owns a company called soloman property development, last year they pulled a planning application that they had applied for in Leominster. also this church of there's is a reg charity it would appear from there website that they are looking to conquer the world setting up new churches by disguising them as schools, in Africa & Asia they are also linked with a church in the USA called the new spring church in South Carolina.
I'm no expert on this but I believe that those involved in the murders could not of acted alone as they were armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles which surely can't be that easy to obtain unless there's a network of supplying arms to those wishing to carry out such attacks? so someone must of supplied these also the manner in which they carried out this vile attack would suggest an element of training & planning?
I wonder who our cllr's have there pensions with? I guess only time will tell if this gets sorted or just left to decay? As the longer nothing goes on the more likelihood that it will still be in the same old sorry state,that it is in today, as it will be in four years time??? But if the owners are really going to finally sort it out? then hopefully we should see signs of them doing so sooner rather than later? But I'm not holding my breath!
Some very strong comments about this on HT Facebook page so much so that they pulled it!…they then put up a apologie for doing so. but that has not stopped the strong comments from still being posted on this subject as it's continued onto HT's apologise's post!
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