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Everything posted by Cambo

  1. Fair one TWG how about a network of those ski lift things instead then? you could easily get around or over any obstacles with those things, after all they go up & down mountains!…& on the up side you would not need to build a bridge to cross the river imagine the views you'd have, no upsetting wildlife, pedestrians or cyclists!!!…I know it might sound like a mad idea but we are the city of mad ideas & those are the ones that tend to get tried first!!! So my fingers are crossed for this one!
  2. I know its brilliant It's like information @ the touch of a megilleland!
  3. I still don't know why more thought has not been put into using the old Great Western Way? As lot of the infrastructure is in place it's crying out to be put to good use! I don't know it ifs been mentioned before but a monorail would work well I think although I'm no expert but if it was possible to do it could go from top of Redhill right the way up to the college estate?
  4. Glenda do know what those covenants are?…maybe this is a case for mighty megilleland ?
  5. Scams are supposed to be illegal unless of course you happen to be the government or the local authority then it appears to be ok & legal to do so?!
  6. Greed can certainly cause blindness
  7. Thanks Glenda yea I guess your right shame thou as gdj' s idea is a good one it's a pity they don't keep the building separate for that & divided the land up into parcels then sold those as individual building plots!
  8. Let's be honest none of us are surprised @ this cabinet decision making with this or anything else they have decide on. They've never listen to any other opinion but there own & push through with every bad idea that has comes there way come what may. The reason this is being rushed through now is because they know there numbers is up come May they will be gone so time is not on there side. As Hereford times states kind regards to the mighty megilleland for posting it up it will more than likely end up in court or a judicial inquire & by the time that happens it could well be after the May elections when this lot are history??!! So why doesn't the bumbling idiot cllr price do us all a favour & pack his bags now & do one??
  9. That's a really good idea GDJ it's a shame the council don't like listening to brilliant ideas from people who are not in there sphere they only see the £££'s & what they can get out of it for there own self indulgence!!!
  10. been sat there for 2 weeks and all torn by cats . Already have a rat problem and this is just adding to it. Why don't the cats kill the rats instead of tearing the bags open?…or are they tearing the bags open to get @ the rats???!!!
  11. Why that's another fine mess you've got us into HC!!!
  12. Is it not listed too AV?
  13. Peace & harmony reign again on Hereford voice love all you posters :O) k butt don't worry about it let's get back to posting some good debates!
  14. Interesting they say they will make significant savings on moving buildings how will they do that after spending nearly £3 million on the shire hall? council maths at work again is it???!!!
  15. No I'm sure the cost of constructing this road will go up to around £50 million? & also as it's been suggested not a lot of traffic will use it? But I think the purpose will be to eventually link it back up to the A49 by crossing the river & cutting across through brienton?
  16. Yes we do seem to live in a throw away society. Considering the government are always banging on about recycling & the environment, it does seem a bit hypercritical of them to have this policy on this…of bin it instead of…do know wot I'm sure someone could make good use of that?!
  17. Ha ha you sure you don't want to be a candidate for ukip gridknocker? After all you might be able to claim back your expensive from your trip with Paris Hilton in the Caribbean?
  18. No John they have finally removed them!
  19. Well mr Johnson & mr bramer can be my guests if they want to continue on with this futile quest? as I will continue to fight there arrogant ways & egotistical manner to the total disregard for public opinion on this matter!!! there is no shame in admitting your wrong but to continue on blindly when you know your wrong is shear folly & one of foolishness!!!
  20. Yippee well done everyone!!!! I say let's just revel in the glory of victory for know, as it's just such a sweet feeling!!! & tomorrow Denise we can pick over the carcass of why?! :O))
  21. I have just had bbc H&W on phone saying HWFRS are now not going to build fire station on bath street just trying to get it confirmed if this is true then congratulation everyone on a hard fought VICTORY!!!!
  22. Just off topic there was a robbery today outside Morrisons in Ross two men robbed a brief case from security guards the get away car was found later abounded it had been stolen from merseyside! Just reading through mr Cardin FOI I clicked on a link for Liverpool echo came across this story dated 30th July Masked thugs steal cashbox containing £40,000 in broad daylight outside supermarket 24 October 2014 11:40 AM Rebecca Koncienzcy Two men made off in getaway car waiting round the corner after confronting security guard Can you identify these men? Masked thugs stole a box of cash of £40,000 outside a busy supermarket in broad daylight. It is believed two men in balaclavas approached a security guard carrying a cash box outside Morrisons on Park Road, Ormskirk . They told the security guard to drop the box and made off with the container, thought to have approximately £40,000 inside at around 2pm on Wednesday, July 30. Lancashire Police has now released images of two men they want to speak to in connection with a cash in transit robbery. Can you identify these men? It is believed the men, thought to be from Liverpool with connection to Blackpool, made off in a Black BMW convertible which was waiting for them on Aughton Street. The black box was later found smashed on Black Moss Lane. Could the two be connected???
  23. Yes I'm surprise Jessie not wanting to get involve considering there is election & that he knows there's is a lot of objection to this so will email Bill Wiggin & see wot his response is?
  24. Would Bill Wiggin get involved considering that this is Jessie's patch though Denise?....but then again wot harm could it do to try Bill I guess it's worth a shot?!
  25. Also if that is the case why did he not say earlier rather than leave it for over one month before letting me know that was the case????? I originally sent him a email on the 7th of September
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