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Everything posted by Cambo

  1. Bobby I've only just stopped laugh @ this posts bloody brilliant!!
  2. Good on you mr Paul Cardin your doing a sterling job! so keep on getting under there skin which I'm sure you will!!! & as dippy says your like a dog with a bone, so don't let go of said bone until you have extracted out all of the juicy bits from within…of which I have no doubt you will succeed in doing!!
  3. Thanks Aylestone voice….it's seems odd why most of the place has been empty since chadds closed thought? wonder wot the future holds for it?
  4. Cambo

    Harry Bramer

    I see Harry's having the herefordshire country fair @ his gaff caradoc court sellack on August 3rd!…
  5. I maybe wrong but I thought the chadd family had sold the premises on? & that mark Ellis owns the building now? Can anyone confirm if this is true or not?
  6. & to think there backed by the government but do the government sanction this behaviour? I really hope not & it should be investigated by them ASAP as this form of state robbery is just wrong there supposed to be helping folk not making them homeless!!
  7. Yes I think that's worth a shot Aylestone voice if we can get enough people to do it?
  8. It's hardly crime Central is it & besides if more take aways were open later, then you wouldn't have a big crowd thronging around outside one sandwich shop? Slightly off topic but kind of related I still think they should allow more bars etc to open in high town easier to police plus you don't have a big main road running right through the middle of Herefords entertainment area (if you can call it that?) which is the case @ present!!
  9. Wot a bunch of banker barons!!! I wonder how many other banks have there own sideline in debt collections?
  10. Good on them!! although I'm sure the bailiffs will return & if they do hopefully the people who prevented them from evicting mr Tom Crawford today can turn up in even more numbers & do the same again?
  11. I gave it a go & scored 49% certainly room for me to improve my local knowledge!!
  12. Bambi are you suggesting wot I think you are?! that bobby has a talent which may be view as unique & that's he uses something other than his little pinkies to tap,tap tapping away???……does anyone know if it is possible to catch syphillis from a keyboard??
  13. Sorry for the late response Biomech but I've been hiding from the church pastor!!! ;O))
  14. Are the police doing anything???? As I thought all swans belonged to Her Majesty?…& if you so much as dared lay a little finger upon there swanage, it would be off to the tower for a little interrogation by the beefyeaters while the ravens pecked out your eyes?
  15. I think that law should be taught as a subjected in schools & be compulsory too? as the kids of tomoro year are gonna need to know, as much about the law as is humanly possible, the way things are going! you have laws, within laws, within laws it's getting ridicules?! eg how many of us actually read the small print on anything we sign up to? like phone contracts,loan agreements, insurance agreements etc? & the reason why most of us don't read the small print, is because it's all written in bleeding gobbledeegook!! to most folk we don't understand it so therefore we don't both reading through it, we know we should but we just don't?! That is unless of course your a bloody lawyer then of course you will obviously understand it & therefore if you are a lawyer, your probable not likely to sign away your life to satan unless u've gone through it with a fine tooth comb? unlike the rest of us poor souls who have already signed our lives away to the fiery inferno down below,more than likely unknowingly or with a slight feeling of, did I just sign my life away to satan?…or had your pockets emptied by the banks, or sum other big corporate organisation? who are just out to fleece us for as much cash as is legally possible for them to do so? & all because we didn't read the small print!!!!
  16. The banks wot lovely organisations they are…no moral concision wot so ever yet they helped cause the rescission from bad & dodgy financial dealings got bailed out by the taxpayers & they behave as if there a law unto themselves still??? That's gratification for you!!! But I'd be surprised if they've acted lawfully thou?? & if they have then the law should be changed so they are not able to just go in & chuck people out onto the street as that's just wrong……I can't understand why if the owner of the building owes the bank money then why didn't the bank take over the tenants agreements? @ lest they could of collected the rent from the tenants until something was sorted properly for those tenants???!!!
  17. Drove past the old boys home & noticed the entrance has had a reasonable patch of Tarmac relaid?
  18. That it would! Although on a lighter note I'm surprise tesco have not bought a few of the house running down Ledbury road next to there petrol station so as they can be demolish? then they'd be able to extend there shop & have a nice new shiny car park???
  19. Truly shocking grid knocker our so called political elite are like the pigs in George Orwell's animal farm?!…all animals are equal but some more than others?!
  20. Yea the cotterill arms is being convert back into houses. before it was pub it was three house it was convert into a pub way back when?
  21. Don't worry bobby they can't force there way in they coerce you into letting them in or if a window is left open they can gain entry. Although on there first visit they won't come to remove your goods? one person will come & have a chat see wot goods you have make a note & get you to sign a form be careful of signing as it has in the small print, that if you don't pay they have your permission to gain entry to your property to seize your goods @ a later date!
  22. Oh I wish I worked in mr Neill's world as I've got sum kryptonite I need using up!!!
  23. Bobby it may take a while before the old bill come banging on your door to drag you off to the cells for not paying your council tax! as wot normally happens is that you will receive threatening letters to bang you up but eventually it goes to a debt collecting agency more than likely Birstow & sutor from Redditch they will pester you send bailiffs & threaten to take your goods away & threaten you with court action too! hoping that you will agree to a monthly repayment scheme. The repayment would not be how much you can afford but rather it is set @ a rate that the council will decide & demand that it is repaided @. eg if your council tax is say a £1,000 payed over 10 months which is £100 a month but you've not paid it for say 8 months the council will demand you pay back @ a rate of £500 a month to bring it back on track? Considering that there were well over a thousand people in herefordshire who did not pay council tax last year I haven't heard of any of them going to prison for not paying yet?
  24. “To collect a little over 200 kilogrammes of rubbish, which is a fifth of a tonne, it took two people and a vehicle all morning and then there was the administrative side. It costs hundreds of pounds to clean up what could very easily have been taken to the local tip by the person who dumped it for nothing,†he said. Just picked this out from an earlier post from megilleland about cllr Paul Rone clearing rubbish I've got to say if it takes two people all morning to clean 200kg of rubbish then it's not being done very efficiently as that is not a great amount of rubbish to clean up. I often have rolls of lead that weight more than that & it doesn't take me all morning to move it!
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