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Everything posted by Cambo

  1. Hereford times PLANS for a new fire station in Hereford will be on show at a ‘drop in’ event on Wednesday May 14. Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Service is looking to replace its current St Owen Street station, and will be showcasing its ideas ahead of a formal planning application. Last month Herefordshire Council approved a land swap deal for the fire station’s current site, that would see the council’s Bath Street offices demolished and a new base built on the site. Hereford & Worcester Fire and Rescue Authority has said a new Hereford fire station is a priority as the present station is not fit for present and future operations. The fire service is now calling on residents to check out the proposals, ask any questions and give their views in order to help it form a final design. The drop in will be at the Hereford fire station between 2pm and 8pm, with visitors asked to access the building via Daws Road. For more information contact consultation@hwfire.org.uk or call 0845 122 4454.
  2. Yea the dispute was to do with the owner of the shop next door who I believe also used to own mr chips? I think It was something to do with the boundary @ the rear of the properties where there building an extension that caused the dispute?
  3. Is that so dippy interesting…so wot's in it for the council & tax payers? & who pays for these free schools?
  4. Harry bramer is the last person I'd want to look after my dear old gran that's for sure! He wouldn't look out of place in a dickens nove?l as I dare say he wouldn't even bat a eyelid @ kicking out the poor old folks?!…as I can just imagine him counting the money with the light from a single candle & muttering "have they've gone yet"?
  5. Gdj have you guys had a look @ my community rights & the localism law? they sound like a community who could take advantage of this situation if the council are going to make it surplus to requirement? Poss worth looking into?
  6. Rupert Anton is the founder of sapiens communications based in puddlestone Leominster…so if you want to know anything about carpets he's your man??… Confused? So was I!! thought he was something to do with phones when I first saw the companies name?! Not that I'm going to hold that against him thou!! But i would like to know more about his organisation as this is the first time I've heard of them??
  7. I don't mind neon lights myself they look lovely in Amsterdam's red light area & Las Vegas lighting up the Nevada desert …beautiful?! …Oh & the *** twister bar in dawn till dusk! All bizarre & wonderful places??!!
  8. Cambo

    Harry Bramer

    Herefords very own Godfather Don dirty Harry sure to make us an offer we can't refuse or more likely not have a say in?
  9. So we get a reduced fire service but they get a bigger site to put a lovely new fire station on so as they can house one engine in it!! I think the words to the children's nursery rhyme London's burning should be changed to Herefords burning fire,fire?! Becos if they go head with this crazy plan then that's wots going to happy!!! Not that it will both Dirty Harry none to much, as he'll be lay on a sun lounger sipping on a piña colarda & ogling sum scanterly clad bikin babies lay around a pool on a distant island in the sun no doubt?! spending sum of that money he got from the sale of his manor house??!!
  10. I see the first film being shown is bad neighbours!…is this irony @ work?
  11. Cambo

    Harry Bramer

    Oh bobby you may want to reconsider having Harry's bastard child, as I was informed today that he's just sold his place for £3million?!
  12. Tomorrow might be a good idea to get on the phone & ask for more info about sale?
  13. Then everything is cool & the gang!… good old megilleland will check it out later!
  14. This was on hereford times website…best keep a eye on it? ESTATE agents are inviting buyers to bid for a Hereford church. Chandos Methodist Church has been closed since September 2012 after it was deemed surplus to requirements. Estate agent Sunderlands and Thompsons now has the task of finding a buyer for the Whitecross site. It is asking for offers in the region of £120,000, which need to be delivered by noon on May 1. Any prospective purchasers are asked to make enquiries to Herefordshire Council prior to making a bid. The church was built in 1903 on the corner of Chandos Street and Whitehorse Street.
  15. Cambo

    Harry Bramer

    Ha ha thank you dippy I feel very honoured! :O)
  16. Cambo

    Harry Bramer

    That is very good dippy very well done indeed! Lol
  17. Ha ha ha wot Harry al Capone bramer never??!!
  18. Why is there no technology in place that all traffic lights @ a given junction cannot communicate with the other traffic lights @ that junction so as when there's no traffic passing through the other traffic light would know it was safe to change to green!! Is this not the 21st century??
  19. We the people no nothing obviously? even thou we drive these routes everyday!! I do think all traffic lights should work on sensor especially if they are not even going to give this great idea a go? I do remember watching a program a couple of years ago where the topic was turning traffic lights off. Filming on a number of junction (I believe we're in London?) to see how drivers reacted when the lights failed. the view was very positive with drivers being respectful towards one another & the traffic flowing freely? Unfortunately I can't remember wot the program was called???
  20. Cambo

    Harry Bramer

    Or getting a rather large fearsome dog?…one that's froths @ the mouth when it sees its dinner!!
  21. Cambo

    Harry Bramer

    Brilliant bobby a right dazzler! Anyway I'd say he probably likes old gangster movies does our old Harry? you know the sort the one's James Cagney would have starred in? So more mafioso than nazis pinstriped suits & pork pie hats kind of thing & it wouldn't surprise me if he owns an old violin case too? I can just picture him standing in front of a mirror saying "you dirty rat" or "I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse or even "leave the gun. & take the cannolie" capiche!!… So bobby beware if he comes walking up your pathway carrying that old violin case?……Cos it won't just be the sugar & milk he's after?! He'll be coming to make you an offer you can't refuse for your sugar, milk & anything else you may possess to sell to the lowest bidder?!
  22. “The transfer deal with HWFRS is the best option for the Bath Street site, as it will not only provide the city with a modern fire and rescue facility, but will also provide land for the delivery of other council priorities on the site of the current fire station on St Owen Street. Do they think another car park is a council priority??…Bloody car park madness strikes again…there trying to destroy us all with it???!!!!
  23. Unbelievable dippy & to think the marches transport body are giving away money for such schemes why isn't HC applying for a slice of it to fund a new transport hub??
  24. I know where coming from megilleland but the thing is this HC say there's no money to move bus station?…but surely they can get funding for moving it through marches transport body? It seems that's why they were set up to fund schemes like creating a transport hub?
  25. RESOLVED – that:- (a) the setting up of the supporting Marches Local Transport Body Technical Officer group (TOG) be approved; (b) the appointment of an Independent Technical Evaluator (ITE) consultant be approved; © the timetable for the completion of the Local Transport Body Major Scheme Programme for the 4 year period 2015/16-2018/19 as set out in Part B of the report; and (d) the Chair Designate of the Marches Local Transport Body, as resolved at minute number 7 below, following consultation with the Secretary of the Technical Officers Group, be authorised to complete all necessary discussions with the Department for Transport to facilitate final ratification of the devolved major scheme programme at the July meeting of the Marches Local Transport Body. 7. Elect Chair Designate Discussion took place on an annual appointment to the position of Chair, with the Chair rotating between Members of the LTAs. It was further considered that a Vice Chair should be appointed, but that the Vice-Chair should not be a Deputy Member. RESOLVED – that:- (a) Councillor W A M McClements be elected as Chair for a 12 month period; (b) Councillor C Wild be elected as Vice-Chair for the same 12 month period as in (a) above; and © the Chair for future years to be rotated between the Local Transport Authorities. 8. Any Other Business None. 9. Date of Next Meeting Members were reminded that at least one representative from each Authority would be required to attend and it was hoped to give Members a week to consider the paperwork. RESOLVED – that the next meeting of The Marches Local Transport Body take place at 12 noon on Monday, 15 July 2013 in Telford. The meeting ended at 3.54pm Chairman: ......................................................................
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